Mad Queen

Chapter 266 You are finished

Chapter 266 You are finished
As the instigator, the welcome ceremony received by General Chen was naturally different.

The moment he stepped into Gu's mansion, he was inexplicably separated from the people around him.

The complicated and lively world seemed to be cut off from him at this moment.

"What about people?!"

His first reaction was to step back, wanting to exit this ghost place.

But after he walked a few steps in a row, he couldn't see the gate of Gu Mansion.

Horrified, he walked around indiscriminately.

"Is anyone there?! Is anyone here?"

Just this way, he suddenly realized that he couldn't even find the southeast, north, south, and north.

This seemed to be a world without a sense of direction, no matter how much he recalled, he still couldn't find the direction he came from.

Around him, there was only misty white mist.

There was no wind, no sound, and it was as quiet as death.

"anyone there??"

Loneliness and fear came to General Chen's heart, and his voice visibly trembled.


A slight voice came from the mist ahead, and General Chen's heart trembled.



"Who is there?"



General Chen hesitated for a moment.

In this white mist, the ghost knows whether that "Kaka" is a good thing or a bad thing.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and groped carefully.

A wagging tail fell into the eyes, and upon closer inspection, it was a beast, and it seemed familiar.

While in doubt, the beast turned around slowly, holding a fruit plate in its hand, widening its dark eyes, looking at him innocently and harmlessly.

"Kaka" is the sound of it eating fruit.

"It's you?!"

General Chen finally remembered!
This beast is Gu Niancheng's beast, and he brought him a cup of tea at that time.

"Why are you here?" General Chen looked around: "So, I'm still in the Gu family's mansion! It seems that they used some kind of demon method to set up a blindfold!"

"Haha, you are much smarter than them, and you know that this is a cover-up!!" Dragon God laughed dumbly and cutely.

General Chen turned around slowly as if he had seen a ghost: " can talk?!"

It was the first time he had seen a talking beast.

What an eye-opener!


Dragon God looked down at the fruit plate, and was a little reluctant to hand it over.

"Do you want a piece?!"

General Chen hesitated for a moment, but still tentatively took an apple and carefully put it in his mouth.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know!! My master asked me to come!"

"Your master?" General Chen's eyes rolled sharply: "Is it Gu Niancheng?"

"No!!" Dragon God shook his head like a rattle: "He is the master's you want more?!"

It sent the fruit plate in a daze.

General Chen casually grabbed another piece and threw it into his mouth: "Then who is your master?? Could it be Gu Yan?!"

"No!!" Dragon God was a little annoyed, and pouted his mouth: "My master is Gu Ziwan, the one who killed your daughter!! Come, eat again..."

Unexpectedly, this sentence seemed to have pierced into General Chen's heart.

He slammed the fruit plate away with one hand: "That demon girl is your master?! It really is not a good thing! She has such a murderous intention at such a young age, and when she grows up, she will become a monster!! I will definitely If we kill her..."

Dragon God looked at the scattered fruits, and his big black eyes were full of sympathy: "You are finished..."


"My brother wants to talk to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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