Mad Queen

Chapter 338 1 Step into the Underworld

Chapter 338
The wind of the underworld is icy cold to the bone.

Gu Ziwan wrapped her clothes tightly and looked behind her.

Behind her, there was endless darkness, and the Soul Crossing Gate when she came here had disappeared.


A person appeared in the void, and staggered two steps in front of her, as if being pushed out of the void.

The man gasped, turned his head suddenly, and looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I... why am I here?!"

He looked at Gu Ziwan in horror, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"You... who are you?!"

Gu Ziwan looked him up and down, and her eyes fell on his lower body playfully.

There was blood on his lower body.

Following her gaze, the man suddenly realized something, and suddenly touched her.

"My Ding Ding..."

Where it started, it was empty, and the unique markers of men disappeared.

"What's going on?! Where's my dick?! What the hell is this..."

Gu Ziwan rolled his eyes at him, and walked past him: "You have already set foot on hell, what place do you think this is?!"

"Yellow Spring?!"

The man looked dazed with blood on his hands.

"So... I... I'm dead?!"

"What do you say..."

When the soul of the dead enters the underworld, it will maintain the appearance when it died.

Looking at the miserable appearance of this man, he must have been cut off from his descendants.

Such a remnant soul will not be able to enter the reincarnation channel of the human wheel, and will inevitably fall into the animal realm.

"Porphyrin" someone broke into Huangquan Road again.


The man who lost his descendants screamed exaggeratedly: "You didn't drown, did you?!"

The person who came was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl with delicate features, covered in water, dripping to the ground.

She looked around in horror: "This... what is this place?!"

"Yellow Spring!! Yellow Spring Road!!"

People who have lost their descendants are probably dogs who can't change their eating-shit, so it's shameless to join them.

"Girl, my name is Li Dashan, you can call me Brother Li..."

" name is Xiuxiu..."

Li Dashan's wanton eyes fell on Xiuxiu's chest.

The wet clothes perfectly outlined the girl's unique curves.

Such beauty, do not look white do not look.

Li Dashan didn't realize that he was already a dead ghost in Huangquan, and he screamed straight.

Xiuxiu also sensed Li Dashan's unscrupulousness, subconsciously crossed her arms, and caught up with Gu Ziwan in front of her.

"Little sister, what's your name?!"

"Gu Ziwan!"

"You... you are so young, how did you die..."

"I... I'm a one-day trip to Huangquan, I'll be back in a while..."

"Can you go back?!" Xiuxiu couldn't help laughing.

At such a young age, being so calm after death made her relax a lot.

She turned her head to look around, her eyes showing suspicion.

"This...this is Huangquan? Why is it so dark? Didn't you's scary here? But there's nothing here except endless darkness!"

Gu Ziwan glanced at her innocently, with sympathy in her eyes: "You're talking about the [-]th level of hasn't arrived yet..."

When she reaches the eighteenth floor of hell, she will understand how comfortable and free and easy Huangquan Road is.

Huangquan is just a channel for ghosts to enter the underworld.

And entering the underworld is really entering hell, entering the underworld.

A sound of water came from the darkness ahead, Gu Ziwan's eyes trembled, and she stopped her steps abruptly.

Forget Chuanhe! !

Once you reach the Wangchuan River, you will be at the end of Huangquan Road.

After crossing the Naihe Bridge on the Wangchuan River, you will see the real world of Hades!

(End of this chapter)

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