Mad Queen

Chapter 339 Naihe Bridge

Chapter 339 Naihe Bridge

Hearing the sound of water, Xiuxiu ran forward excitedly: "It's the sound of must be a river..."

Gu Ziwan -_-!
He you uncle! !
Look at you, you are also a water ghost, why do you still love water so much?

Are you not afraid of falling into the Wangchuan River, becoming a lonely ghost and never being reincarnated? !
As the sound of the water intensified, a stench of stench also rushed over.


Gu Ziwan's feet were empty, as if she had stepped on a void, her body sank instantly, and she fell down.

In an instant, her feet hit the ground again.

But at this moment in front of her was a brightly lit scene.

In the jumping firelight, she saw a bridge of void.

"Naihe Bridge!"

Both ends of the Naihe Bridge are suspended in the void, not on the shore.

From the looks of it, it looks like the void is floating on the Wangchuan River.


Xiuxiu screamed and stood beside her, suddenly attracted by the surrounding scenery, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"This... where is this again?!"

Around them, countless people fell from the void.

There are tens of millions of roads to the underworld, but there is only one road to enter the underworld.

At the head of the Naihe Bridge, there is a woman with gray hair.

Gu Ziwan's eyes paused, "It's Po Meng!"

A man covered in blood staggered towards Po Meng.

She scooped out a bowl of soup from the boiling hot soup pot expressionlessly and handed it to the man.

"Drinking Mengpo soup, the past and the past are all forgotten. From now on, ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, all grievances and hatreds are wiped out..."

The man took it with trembling hands, hesitated for a moment, and finally drank it.

The moment he drank it, the bridge head of Naihe Bridge slowly stretched, and finally stretched to his feet.

Po Meng took the spoon and scooped out another bowl of Po Meng soup.

"Drinking Mengpo soup, the past and the past are all forgotten. From now on, ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, all grievances and hatreds are wiped out..."

The ragged girl wept and shook her head, stepping back: "No... I don't want to die... I don't want to die!"

Granny Meng's eyes turned ferocious for a moment, she grabbed the girl's arm with one hand, and pulled it forcefully in front of her.

"If you don't drink Mengpo soup, you can't cross the Naihe bridge!! If you can't cross the Naihe bridge, you can't be reincarnated..."

"I don't want to be reincarnated, my vengeance has not been avenged...I want to kill those who spoiled me..."

The girl suddenly turned into a puff of smoke, escaped from Po Meng's grasp, and disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, I'm going, can I still run?!" Li Dashan suddenly regained his energy.

He also has his own obsessions.

Tintin's hatred for being cut made him unwilling to die.

Gu Ziwan squinted and looked at his penis: "You can run away from Po Meng, but you can't escape the impermanence of ghosts!! When they catch you back, it will not be a matter of drinking Po Meng's soup and going to Naihe Bridge! At that time, they will immerse you in the Wangchuan River, and after a hundred years of refinement, they will consider whether to let you go to the Naihe Bridge again, reincarnated, or never reincarnated!!"

Li Dashan's heart trembled when he was told, and he subconsciously looked at the Wangchuan River at his feet.

In the Wangchuan River, the water is blood-yellow, transparent and clear, and people trapped in the mud at the bottom of the river can be clearly seen.

They were full of pain, struggling to get out of the mud, but in the end they were all swallowed back by an invisible force.

Not long after, their figures slowly struggled to appear.

But, after a while, they were dragged into the mud again.

Over and over again, the cycle continues! !
(End of this chapter)

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