Mad Queen

Chapter 354 Suicide in fear of sin

Chapter 354 Suicide in fear of sin
Gu Ziwan suddenly thought of the conversation she heard in the women's college!
For some reason, she always felt that these two things were related.

"Let me ask you, is the client you know male or female?"


"His voice... isn't it a little hoarse?"

The black-robed man was startled, and nodded: "You... how do you know?!"

Gu Ziwan stared intently: "Does he have anything to do with the Women's College?"

"...He is a guard of the Women's Academy..."

Everyone: "..."

Why does Gu Ziwan seem to know everything? !
Even Xuanyuan Yutian looked at her suspiciously.

"How did you know?"

"I've heard this man talk..."

She recounted the conversation she heard at the women's college that day, which caused everyone to sigh.

It seems that everything has been premeditated.

Zuo Chan suddenly stepped out and punched the black-robed man's good eye.


Blood splattered!
The ring on his left hand hit the black-robed man's eyes, and under the heavy pressure, his eyeballs exploded in an instant.


A howling sound ensued.

"Say, why did you choose to do it with the moon?"

Gu Niancheng took a step across, pinched his arm and pulled it to the back.

"General Zuo, calm down..."

"leave me alone!!"

Zuo Chan slammed Gu Niancheng away with a roar, and punched and kicked the man in black again.

The man in black was beaten and howled at the top of his voice: "I'm taking people's money to relieve people's disasters... Aunt Jiang said that she would lead the girl to the imperial concubine hall, and then I would kill her and burn her body to death." Turning into a walking corpse, and then framing Gu Yan...Your Highness, I have said everything that needs to be said, so please forgive me..."

Gu Ziwan looked at Xuanyuan Yutian anxiously.

At this moment, the person he begged for mercy should be the emperor, how could it be the prince? ?
This shows that in his subconscious mind, the most fearful and fearful person in the whole hall is Xuanyuan Yutian.

Moreover, how did Xuanyuan Yutian catch him? ?
From now on, it can be seen that people can touch her body, and her cultivation level is not low, but she didn't hear any movement, and he became Xuanyuan Yutian's prisoner.

A young eunuch walked in quickly, walked to Eunuch Gui's side, and said something in a low voice, his expression couldn't help changing, and walked towards the emperor a few steps, whispering in his ear.

The emperor was calm and calm, without any change in color: "Broadcast!"


Eunuch Gui bowed his head and called out loudly.

"Xuan... Concubine Li Gui sees you!"

There was an instant silence in the hall.

Zuo Chan still maintained his punching movement, and froze abruptly.

Concubine Li is here? ?

She is a figure on the cusp of the limelight!

Everyone knows in their hearts that without her instruction, how could Aunt Jiang be so bold as to pay for murder.

Li Miaoer walked in quickly, followed by an eunuch behind her.

In the eunuch's hand, he was holding a wooden plate covered with a piece of scarlet silk.

Gu Ziwan's eyes shrank slightly, and she had already guessed the result.

Li Miaoer was dressed in commoner clothes, her long hair was loose, and she knelt on the ground with red eyes.

"The sinful concubine Li Miaoer kowtowed to the emperor, the emperor is Jin'an!"

"Aifei is flat, what's wrong with you?!" The emperor remained calm.

Li Miaoer didn't intend to get up, she kowtowed as before.

"Back to the emperor, my concubine has already heard about Aunt Jiang...She was so bold that she dared to disregard human life, pay for murder, and almost wronged a good person by framing her... This concubine wanted to tie her up to give her a hand. The emperor condemned her, but who knew that she committed suicide in fear of the crime!!"

(End of this chapter)

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