Mad Queen

Chapter 355 Scapegoat

Chapter 355 Scapegoat

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Gu Ziwan's mouth.

This suicide is so good! !

In this way, it seems that all the grievances and grievances have been written off and disappeared!

"Your Majesty, this is the dagger on Aunt Jiang's body. The concubine brought it here! She belongs to the concubine. If this kind of thing happened, the concubine has an unshirkable responsibility. Please punish the concubine by the emperor, so as to set up a good trend!"

Everyone -_-#
Punish a wool! !
If Aunt Jiang bit out Concubine Li Gui, then the emperor's punishment would be justified.

But now, at most, she will bear the name of improper employment and punish her.

If a slave makes a mistake, the master will have to bear it, and there will be few masters in the harem to live.

Besides, as for Li Miaoer crying so pitifully, the emperor probably didn't have the heart to punish her anymore.

Sure enough, the emperor frowned and lowered his head in thought.

After a while, Fang Cai said in a deep voice: "Since Aunt Jiang committed suicide in fear of crime, then cut the culprit into pieces..."


Gu Yan wanted to argue, but Gu Ziwan grabbed his wrist.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Gu Yan looked at her suddenly, his eyes spewing fire: "Wan'er, she is with the moon..."

"elder brother!!"

Gu Ziwan's hand suddenly increased strength, her eyes were aggressive.

"Aunt Jiang is the culprit of the whole incident. Since she has committed suicide in fear of crime, she can be regarded as an explanation to Sister Banyue..."


Gu Yan's lips trembled, but in the end he didn't say anything, he clenched his fists resentfully, and stood back to one side.

The man in black was still shouting for the prince to spare his life, but was dragged down by the guards.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, looking at the Gu family and Zuo Chan with slightly different eyes.

On the face of it, this is the end of the matter.

But everyone knows that there must be something inside.

But the emperor doesn't pursue it anymore, what else can they say and do? !
Eunuch Gui withdrew from the court, and all the ministers knelt down and bid farewell.

When they left the city gate, everyone came up to comfort Zuo Chan, begged him to mourn, and at the same time congratulated Gu Yan for returning to his innocence.

But Gu Yan's face was cold, he ignored anyone, and got into the carriage with his hands.

Such an ending was obviously not what he wanted.

The moonlight is cool and thin, and the night is cold.

In the carriage going home, Gu Yan kept looking out the window, and never looked at Gu Ziwan from the beginning to the end.

Gu Niancheng sighed silently: "Yan'er, Wan'er is for your own good!"

Gu Yan's pupils trembled: "I know...but what about Banyue? What kind of result is the best for her?!"

Why not let him argue with reason and seek justice for Banyue.

Could it be that she died so inexplicably?
"That Aunt Jiang will definitely not be the last villain! There is no one behind her, how dare she touch Banyue?? What she wants to deal with is our Gu family, but if Banyue is dead, General Zuo will not spare her either... ..."

The more Gu Yan spoke, the more excited he became, his eyes were ruthless.

"Now it's just that a scapegoat died, and the real mastermind behind the scenes is still going crazy..."

"elder brother……"

Gu Ziwan stared at it suddenly, the calmness in her eyes was in stark contrast to Gu Yan's excitement.

"The emperor will not kill Li Miaoer!!"

Gu Yan's expression suddenly became astonished: " you know who is behind the scenes?"

"The real culprit behind the scenes is the sister and brother of the Li family!! But you should have seen that, the emperor didn't want to get into the matter of the two brothers and sisters, so he just dealt with the scapegoat, Aunt Jiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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