Mad Queen

Chapter 717

Chapter 717
Secrets must not be leaked!

If you leak the secret, you will be punished!
What Xuanyuan Yutian said just now has revealed the secret of the sky, and it is the most direct secret of the sky, otherwise he would not be punished by the lightning rod.

Lightning needle, a kind of divine punishment.

It can also be said that it is the lightest punishment among the punishments of heaven.

Those who are punished will feel as if thousands of lightning needles have been pierced through their bodies, and the electric currents will rush like needles, causing unbearable pain.

Even if it is a touch by an outsider, it will be like being pricked by an electric shock needle and suffering the same pain.

"do not move……"

Xuanyuan Yutian gritted his teeth and spat out two words, but it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength, his arms supporting the railing were trembling, as if he might fall down at any time.

He tried his best to keep the balance of his body still, keeping a distance from Gu Ziwan, so as not to touch her.

"Xuanyuan Yutian..."

Gu Ziwan wanted to help, but she didn't dare to move.

The technique of divine punishment is aimed at individuals.

The more others help, it will only make God's will angrier and incur greater punishment.

As for whether the person being punished can survive, it depends on the person's personal self-cultivation ability and God's will.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Yutian suddenly relaxed as if his muscles had been pulled out, and fell on Gu Ziwan.

"Xuanyuan Yutian, how are you doing?!"

Gu Ziwan dared to move, for fear that her movement would make him more painful.


Xuanyuan Yutian's body was trembling.

He was trying his best to suppress the pain in his body.

Gu Ziwan carefully supported him to sit up, let him lean on her body, her black eyebrows slightly frowned to catch his pulse, her eyes darkened.

"Your internal organs are all injured..."

"I'm fine..."

Xuanyuan Yutian withdrew his hand, trying his best to calm himself down.

"You go..."

Gu Ziwan is a smart person, his warning just now has reached that point, she should know the deep meaning of it.

"You are like this, can I go?!"

Gu Ziwan didn't move, and there were mixed emotions in her heart.

What exactly did Xuanyuan Yutian go through to become like this after she was reborn? !
He must have spied on some secrets, so he kept warning her, reminding her to be careful.


How did he spy on such a top secret? !
What happened to him? !

Xuanyuan Yutian closed his eyes heavily, and his breathing was a little short of breath: "I'm fine!! You just need to remember my words, think for yourself, don't be impulsive!!"

Seeing his pale face and slightly trembling body, Gu Ziwan moved her fingertips slightly, and finally took his hand.


Thousands of words, finally turned into a sigh.

Xuanyuan Yutian knew that she would be punished for revealing the heavenly secret, so she insisted on warning her.

How could she not understand this intention.

Gu Ziwan glanced at him quietly, hesitated for a moment, and finally leaned on his shoulder, clasped her fingers together, and sat on the railing.

The wind brushed the clothes of the two of them, causing a layer of ripples around the water pavilion.

Silence is silent, but it is worth a thousand words.

In the distance, a smile floated on Wu Sheng's face, he suddenly waved at the surrounding melon-eating crowd, and shouted in a low voice.

"What are you watching?! Have you never seen the prince, or the second lady?!"

"Have you never seen such a prince and second lady..."

The people who eat melons haven't watched it enough, and they don't want to leave without saying anything, but they are forcibly driven away by Wu Sheng.

"Why do you go! If you delay the master's good deeds, let's see how he will deal with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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