Mad Queen

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

I don't know what happened to Xuanyuan Yutian.

All he knew was that Gu Ziwan was able to sit there holding hands with her master in front of the public, explaining the relationship between the two of them, and taking another step forward.

In such a situation, it is wise not to disturb them.

In the water pavilion, the wind blew away a paper scroll on the stone table, rolled to the ground, opened it slowly, and rolled to Gu Ziwan's feet.

Inadvertently drooping her eyes, Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank.

"This painting... looks familiar..."

On the scroll is an incomplete landscape painting, which looks quite familiar, as if it has been seen somewhere.

Xuanyuan Yutian had gotten better at this time, and opened his eyes a little tiredly after hearing this.

"have you seen?!"

"I've seen it...but, I can't remember..."

The edge of the painting scroll was burned, and more than a dozen large and small holes were burned on it, destroying the integrity of the entire painting.

"It is said that this painting is the gold buried place of the Jin family... If you find it, you will have enough capital!!"

Xuanyuan Yutian sighed lightly.

"Unfortunately, this painting is almost destroyed..."

Gold family? !
Jin family water family! !
A talented alchemy family! !

Gu Ziwan gasped: "It's Brother Shui..."

She remembered!
I saw this landscape ink painting in Ge Shui's pair of rings.

"Brother Shui?" Xuanyuan Yutian's eyes were slightly different: "Who is it?!"

"It's Mrs. Zhuo's son..."

"Madam Zhuo?!"

Xuanyuan Yutian sat up straight suddenly, his eyes flickered, as if he remembered something.

"You just said... Mrs. Zhuo's son has this painting in his hand?!"

Gu Ziwan's eyes were gloomy, and she slowly looked sideways at him: "What? You don't know about this!?"

"I don't know!! There is an agreement between Mrs. Zhuo...I just ask about her past and keep her safe in the capital, and she will protect the safety of my royal family!! Mrs. Zhuo..."

Xuanyuan Yutian closed his eyes quietly, peeling away the past events bit by bit.

"No wonder... when I saw her, I was dying... It turned out that it was because of the dormant hidden gold map!!"

"Hidden gold map??" Gu Ziwan thought of what Shui Geer said, and probably figured it out——

Back then, Mrs. Zhuo escaped from the Jin clan with Brother Shui, but was hunted down.

In desperation, Mrs. Zhuo hid Brother Shui, and led the pursuers away by herself, and was seriously injured in the end, and was rescued by Xuanyuan Yutian and the Queen Mother.

But when she returned to Brother Shui's hiding place, she couldn't find any trace of her son.

"The alchemy of the Shui family of the Jin family is said to be able to touch stones into gold, and the gold refined by their family in the past has piled up into mountains and is hidden somewhere in this landscape painting... Later, the Jin family split, and the legend Someone fled the Jin family with the hidden gold map, and in order to prevent the scroll from falling into the hands of outsiders, the Jin family sent top experts to rob back the hidden gold map!!"

"Take it back?!"

Gu Ziwan frowned slightly as she looked at the hidden gold map in her hand.

"Then this painting..."

"This painting was brought back by members of the Jin family, but when it was about to be destroyed, it was snatched away... You know, there is a golden mountain hidden in it. Those who get the golden mountain will surely win the world..."

"So you just said that with the gold, there is enough capital?!"

"Yes! Military salary!! Without military salary, everything is floating clouds! Therefore, among the princes, someone is looking for this picture at a high price!!"

(End of this chapter)

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