My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1093 No matter how busy you are, you can't forget your wife

Chapter 1093 No matter how busy you are, you can't forget your wife
Once again, Xia Yinian touched the man's handsome and angry face.

"It feels real, a bit different from the dream." The girl blinked her eyes with a serious face.

Looking at this cute little face and feeling the warmth of her fingertips, the man suddenly grabbed the girl with his arms and hugged the girl in his arms.

"You always think about me in your dreams? Huh?"

The familiar smell, the strong and powerful heartbeat, and the smell of my uncle all illustrate the same fact.

It's really him, my uncle is really here.

But how come?Didn't he just say he was busy?

Xia Yinian closed her eyes, and bit her lip hard.

" hurts!" She opened her eyes and took another serious look, she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"Uncle, you are really here."

Xia Yinian turned around and hugged the man's waist, her head constantly rubbing against his arms.

"I'm not dreaming, you're really here, it's really you."

The little girl was so excited that she spoke incoherently, sweeping away all the tiredness of the man.

To know that she would be so excited when she saw him, shouldn't he come here earlier?

Bowing his head and gently kissing her on the head, Gu Beicheng's magnetic voice sounded.

"You really miss me that much?" He curled his lips slightly, his face was very different from when he just got off the plane.

Knowing that he lost his composure, Xia Yinian let him go with a little embarrassment, and lowered his head.

"No, it's just too boring to be alone every day."

"You mean, no matter who comes, you will hug him and scream like you did just now?" Gu Beicheng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, yes?" Was she that excited just now?

Come to think of it, it seems like there really is.

"That's not true." Xia Yinian smacked her lips and responded in a low voice, "Didn't you say you were very busy? Why do you still have time to come and see me?"

"No matter how busy you are, you can't forget your wife." Gu Beicheng held her palm and slowly moved up to the most comfortable place.

A certain woman was sweet in her heart, and just wanted to complain, "Who is your wife?" Unexpectedly, her softness would be bullied just like that.

"Don't!" She grabbed his arms with both hands and shook them away forcefully, "I hate it!"

If she wasn't the only girl here, Xia Yinian would have suspected that the person who spoke just now was not herself.

What happened to her?Not only are the words hypocritical, but even the tone of voice has changed.

Just because of my uncle's phrase "No matter how busy you are, you can't forget your wife"?Since that night, has he really regarded her as his wife?

"I miss you." Gu Beicheng's palm was thrown away, and he returned to the place just now.

"Gu Beicheng, no!" Xia Yinian snorted coldly, and fled from his arms nimbly.

"This is what Zhishuo taught you." Without a little girl in his arms, Gu Beicheng stood up.

"You asked him to teach me self-defense?" Xia Yinian moved to the other side, looking up at Gu Beicheng.

"Well, you need to exercise more." Gu Beicheng nodded, "Prepare a bathrobe for me, I'll take a shower first."

While speaking, Gu Beicheng was unbuttoning his suit jacket.

Xia Yinian looked at him and blinked.

It turned out to be what my uncle meant. No wonder Leng Zhishuo has been pulling himself to jog in the morning almost every day in the past few days, and he still goes to the gym at night.

At first she couldn't stand it, but after three or four days, she didn't feel anything anymore.

What's more, this guy is obviously a genius in refining medicine, but he can suddenly become a fitness trainer.

Her body quickly accepted the study plan he set for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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