My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1094 You Are Not Poisoned

Chapter 1094 You Are Not Poisoned
It's normal for my uncle to hope that her health will be better and that she will become stronger, but it's still a bit special to do these things in other people's homes.

She planned to go back after coming here for a few days, and started exercising after a few days, it seemed that there would be no delay.

Before, Xia Yinian always thought that Leng Zhishuo was bored by herself, so she forced her to be with him.

Now that she knew it was her uncle's order, she felt more and more inappropriate.

Does my uncle want her to stay in Yaocheng?How can it be?

She still has to go to school, and the studio she is about to start is in Yecheng, how can she stay here all the time?
When Xia Yinian realized it, Gu Beicheng had disappeared in front of her, the sound of the bathroom was opened, and the sound of water was already heard, but the door was not closed.

Glancing at the open bathroom door, Xia Yinian bit her lips, got out of bed, and went out to find a bathrobe.

Uncle, will you be too open?After all, they had only been together for one night, and he didn't even close the door to take a shower. What do you mean?
I didn't plan to argue with him, after all, I couldn't even argue with him.

Xia Yinian went out for a trip and came back with some brand new men's accessories.

Apart from seeing Feng Rushuang twice in the past two days, Xia Yinian has never met anyone else in the Feng family.

Such a large Feng family mansion is really deserted.

Feng Yan intentionally did not let other people know that Xia Yinian had come to the Feng family, Feng Rushuang still listened to him, that's why he let her in.

Apart from being entrusted by others, Feng Yan also intentionally wants to protect this girl.

"Your bathrobe." Xia Yinian muttered with his back to the bathroom door.

"Bring it in." The person inside said softly.

"No, you come out by yourself." Xia Yinian smacked her lips.

"Then you go and close the curtains, I'll come out by myself." Gu Beicheng's voice came out again.

Xia Yinian took a look around, and walked in with her bathrobe.

Seeing the little girl's frightened look, Gu Beicheng suddenly stretched out his long arms and held her in his arms.

"Put on your clothes quickly." Xia Yinian handed the clothes to him.

"Don't hug me anymore, or you will regret it." Breaking free from his hand, she turned her back to him.

"How come?" Gu Beicheng obediently took the bathrobe and put it on.

Before she had a chance to go out, he directly picked her up and walked out.

Although there was a whole night, he felt that it was not enough.

"Let me down, I can walk by myself." Xia Yinian looked up at him.

She knew that once this kind of thing started, she really had no chance to refuse.

However, she didn't feel safe at all when they did this kind of thing in a dishonorable manner.

Even if two people are not husband and wife, they are at least normal boyfriend and girlfriend, right?

But now both of them are engaged to each other, and the object of the engagement is not each other.

It seems to be more cheating, is it really good?

"No!" The person who was put on the bed pushed the man away.

"Why? I've missed you for a week." Gu Beicheng pursed his lips lightly.

"Is it because of this kind of thing that you came to look for me?" Xia Yinian's expression was not very good.

Every time she thinks about this, she also feels very wronged, but this is a fact that no one can deny.

"Of course not." Gu Beicheng approached again.

Xia Yinian still walked away mercilessly.

"I can't say no."

"Why not?" Gu Beicheng looked down at the girl below him.

"You haven't been drugged." Xia Yinian glanced at him.

(End of this chapter)

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