My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1366 Abandoning his own children and leaving his hometown

Chapter 1366 Abandoning his own children and leaving his hometown
"Of course I'm fine, I'm just worried about you." Wen Jiaxin's voice sounded.

"It's okay, I can handle it more than enough." Xia Yinian responded.

The car slowly left the bustle and drove into the suburbs, and the surrounding environment became more and more desolate.

"That place doesn't even have coordinates on the map. The people who live there are really not easy." Wen Jiaxin said calmly after some time passed.

"How long will it take?" Xia Yinian leaned forward.

"It will take at least 10 minutes, depending on the road ahead." Wen Jiaxin skillfully controlled the car.

"I knew I would find an off-road vehicle, but I didn't know how bad the road would be later."

"With your driving skills, it shouldn't be a problem." Xia Yinian slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Of course, I'm just afraid of bumping into our future third young mistress." Wen Jiaxin also had a smile on his face.

"I said that A Yan is my brother, why don't you believe it?" Xia Yinian frowned.

He is really her brother, but the meaning of the word brother is very wide, and these guys can think whatever they like.

"Yes, I didn't say I don't believe it." Wen Jiaxin smiled nicely.

He was indeed a little worried just now, but seeing Xia Yinian's confidence, he had nothing to worry about.

The two people in the car talked to each other, and more than 20 minutes passed quickly.

"Nian Nian, have you seen the house under that mountain?"

Xia Yinian followed the direction Wen Jiaxin pointed, and there was indeed a building hidden in the forest.

"Is this the place?" She pursed her lips and asked in a deep voice.

"According to what we found, the woman lives here." Wen Jiaxin responded.

Looking at this almost invisible house, Xia Yinian's mood suddenly became heavy.

Just now, I thought that Wen Jiaxin would walk such a long muddy road by taking a small path, but I didn't expect that she lived in such a remote place.

What is the reason for a woman to abandon her child, go far away, and come to such a remote place for more than 20 years.

Is she cruel?Xia Yinian thought it was impossible.

Although I haven't become a mother yet, I also know that a good person will not abandon his son, and he will disappear for more than [-] years.

Now, what Xia Yinian is most concerned about is, why did she kill herself?

If she just wanted to meet her son, Xia Yinian knew very well that as long as she let the news out, Beicheng would come to him immediately.

Beicheng has been looking for his mother all the time, and he knows it without telling him.

Therefore, killing her was to meet his son, this kind of explanation doesn't make sense.

The only possibility Xia Yinian can think of now is her identity, her true identity.

Does Beicheng's biological mother really have any problems with the Feng family?

Also because he knew there was such a possibility, why did Beicheng not hesitate to let her go home after doing so many things?

After meditating for a while, Xia Yinian's car drove into a doorway covered with vines.

The place doesn't even have a door, save for an inconspicuous doorway.

And after approaching this side, the house I saw just now is no longer visible.

"Nian Nian, do you know that woman?"

Seeing the deserted place, Wen Jiaxin regretted not reporting to Feng Yan in advance about their coming out.

It's just that the boss said that it's good to listen to Nian Nian from now on, and if Nian Nian ordered him not to say anything, he wouldn't say much!
(End of this chapter)

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