My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 1367 Miss Feng, please!

Chapter 1367 Miss Feng, please!
"I don't know if I recognize him or not." Xia Yinian's gaze was still outside.

Knowing that she said something ambiguous, she added two more words.


Wen Jiaxin glanced at the person behind him from the rearview mirror, and didn't ask any more questions.

car, keep going.

After going around for a while, the house they saw just now finally appeared in their sight again.

Wen Jiaxin didn't receive the order, so Wen Jiaxin kept approaching the house as planned.

He was forced to stop until the car couldn't get in.

"Nian Nian, the remaining road can only be walked." Wen Jiaxin turned off the engine, opened the door and got out of the car.

In the next second, Xia Yinian also got out of the car.

The two looked at each other and walked straight along the path.

A middle-aged man who appeared in the yard was not surprised to see them passing by, as if he knew they would come.

"Miss Feng, please!" Han Hanxin waved his hand, but stood in front of Wen Jiaxin.

Xia Yinian frowned as she looked at the man who directly called her Miss Feng.

Maybe, things are really as she imagined.

If she and Beicheng really have a feud, what will happen to their future?Will there be a future?

Wen Jiaxin also ignored Han Hanxin's "Miss Feng", maybe because Niannian used to live in Feng's family and was deeply loved by the old man of Feng's family, someone misunderstood.

He looked at Han Hanxin and continued to move forward.

"Sorry! My master only wants to see Miss Feng alone." Han Hanxin reminded.

"I won't let Niannian go in alone!" Wen Jiaxin's voice sounded.

This is his bottom line, at least he can't let Nian Nian out of his sight.

"Miss Feng, what do you think?" Han Hanxin's gaze returned to Xia Yinian.

"Jiaxin, you stay here, I'll just go in for a while." Xia Yinian looked at Wen Jiaxin.

If it is a secret about the two families, it is indeed inappropriate to let others know.

"But..." Wen Jiaxin still had no intention of compromising.

"You can rest assured that today, my master will not do anything to Miss Feng, and besides, it was Miss Feng who took the initiative to come to see my master, right?"

Han Hanxin is neither humble nor overbearing.

"Jiaxin, I'll be out soon." Xia Yinian gave Wen Jiaxin a look.

Wen Jiaxin finally compromised and nodded.

"You guys better not mess around!" He met Han Hanxin's gaze, with thick eyebrows furrowed.

"Promise, not today." Han Hanxin still said the same thing.

In fact, he didn't need to repeat it. The other two people present also knew that "I won't mess around today". Maybe after today, no one can guarantee it.

After passing Han Hanxin, Xia Yinian walked into the villa alone.

This is a house with a bit of history, Xia Yinian is not sure if it was built after she came here, or if this place already has this house.

The only thing she was sure of was that it was really deserted here.

Even if you are tired of the busy life and want to find a quiet place, it is difficult for someone to choose this place.

When Xia Yinian thought that she would not be able to see her so soon, a slender figure appeared in front of her as soon as she entered the gate.

The woman on the sofa was wearing a light yellow short coat with a cheongsam inside.

The bumpy figure does not look like a woman who has given birth to a child at all, and is at least 50 or [-] years old.

Looking at the person in his early thirties, Xia Yinian really found it hard to believe that this was Beicheng's biological mother.

(End of this chapter)

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