My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 869 Grandpa's Wish

Chapter 869 Grandpa's Wish

Xia Yinian froze for a moment before continuing to walk.

"Third Young Master, doesn't the Feng family have any good medicine that can work for grandpa?" After agreeing to be optimistic, Xia Yinian no longer cried like he did two days ago.

"There is no suitable one for now." Feng Yan shook his head and sighed.

There are so many good medicines in the house, but only grandpa can't work. Xia Yinian can understand the mood of the third young master.

"You can come over to observe Grandpa's situation at any time, and give him more things to make him happy." Feng Yan said softly.

"My people won't stop you. I just want you to move out of the main house because I don't want other people to trouble you. During this time, you should live in the medicine building."

"The people in Beicheng are still there, as well as my people. There shouldn't be any problems."

"Okay." Xia Yinian nodded, "I'll just move back to the medicine building. There is another Yu Wanqing at my uncle's side, so we can avoid embarrassment when we meet."

"Yu Wanqing left Feng's house the day before grandpa's accident. That yard is temporarily reserved for you and Beicheng."

"Since Beicheng hasn't come back, don't go there either." Feng Yan came to the bedside and began to rub the old man's feet.

Xia Yinian also immediately went to the other side of the old man and rubbed the other side of his foot.

Now grandpa cherishes her legs very much. If possible, she doesn't want it to shrink.

"Yu Wanqing left?" she asked while rubbing the old man's feet.

"En." Feng Yan responded softly.

Xia Yinian frowned, as if thinking of something.

The day before grandpa's accident, they went to the back mountain and learned the truth about Yu Wanqing's kidnapping.

But, she didn't say anything about it, and her grandfather didn't say anything about it, so why did Yu Wanqing leave?

Looking up at the man in front of her, Xia Yinian swallowed what she wanted to ask.

With so many things about San Shao, how could he possibly know about Yu Wanqing?
This woman, who has done so many things, why did she suddenly leave again?
Could it be that my uncle knew that she planned the kidnapping?

Maybe, anyway, you can't lie to my uncle, I don't have that ability.

Xia Yinian sighed lightly, refusing to think about things that had little to do with him.

"By the way, Third Young Master, have you planned how to treat Grandpa?"

"I have invited experts in this field from abroad. They will arrive in a few days, and then our people will come up with a reasonable plan for Grandpa." Feng Yan responded.

"When the time comes, can I be there?" Xia Yinian looked at Feng Yan seriously.

She hoped to contribute to Grandpa's treatment, but no matter what, she was careless this time.

"There is only one week left for the medicine refining competition in Yecheng, are you sure you still have extra time?" Feng Yan raised his eyes and glanced at her.

"I believe that grandpa would rather see you working hard to meet the game."

Xia Yinian nodded, looked away, looking thoughtful.

The two didn't speak, and the room fell silent.

After about two or three minutes, Xia Yinian's voice sounded again.

"Third Young Master, are you...will you really marry Xia Chuxue?"

The movements of Feng Yan's hands suddenly stopped for a while, and after two seconds, he continued to rub his arm for the old man.

"Well, that's Grandpa's long-cherished wish. He even gave away Grandma's bracelet. How can I not listen?"

"It's not that I didn't want to doubt Xia Chuxue's words, but even I don't know where Grandpa keeps Grandma's bracelet, so..."

Feng Yan looked at Xia Yinian and waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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