Chapter 870

"So, even if you don't like her, you will marry her?" Xia Yinian looked at the man in front of him and frowned.

"Yes, unless grandpa can change his mind." Feng Yan nodded, lowered his head and continued with the movement.

Xia Yinian knew that Mr. Feng's three sons were all adopted, but he didn't know the story behind them.

Looking at San Shao's attitude towards grandpa, it can also be seen how much he loves grandpa.

Since he could even give up his life for his grandfather, what's so difficult about marrying his granddaughter?

Xia Yinian didn't say anything else, but from the standpoint of a friend, she really didn't want Third Young Master to marry Xia Chuxue.


Early the next morning, the Feng family's mansion began to be decorated with lanterns and festoons everywhere.

No one expected that after the old man's accident, the Feng family would usher in a big happy event so soon.

But the young lady has been back for so long, it will be a matter of time before her name is rectified.

I heard that this is something the old man has decided, and the third young master is responsible for carrying it out.

Maybe the third young master wants to hold some happy events, so that the old man can wake up early, who knows?

The Feng family in Yaocheng is like the Gu family in Yecheng. This time the banquet is to justify the name of the only biological daughter of Mr. Feng Jiada, so the excitement can be imagined.

It's one thing to like Xia Chuxue or not, but Feng Yan will definitely not let her be wronged.

"Mom, how about this dress?" Xia Chuxue woke up immediately after a beauty sleep and tried on the dress.

Tonight was the most glorious moment in her life, so of course she couldn't be careless.

After tonight, she will really be the wealthy lady with the highest gold content in Yaocheng.

No!Feng Yifan was right, name rectification was the first step, and the next second step was to get the shares he deserved from the Feng Group.

Although the old man couldn't speak, with brother Yan around, it shouldn't be difficult.

"Very good." He Shuya put away the things in her hands and hurried over.

Xia Chuxue glanced at her from the side, and complained: "Everything is fine, and I don't have any opinions!"

"My daughter really looks good in anything, she really looks good!" He Shuya looked at Xia Chuxue with a smile on her face.

"It's a pity that the Feng family doesn't even have a decent woman. It's such a disappointment for me to wear the dress I bought on such an important day!"

Xia Chuxue won't blame Feng Yan, he is a man, of course men don't know how to prepare for this.

However, she is the protagonist tonight, and these clothes feel shabby no matter how you look at them.

For the little lady of the big family, the clothes are all tailor-made, or come from some famous teacher, or they may be taken from the auction.

Only those clothes can bring out your nobility.

But now they are all clothes that can be bought outside, without any special features.

"Chuxue, don't you like these sets of clothes?" He Shuya asked in a low voice.

Adding up several sets of clothes can be said to be expensive, costing me a lot of money.

But, it really can't be compared with the evening dress of a wealthy lady, there is no way, the difference between Xia's family and Feng's family is too much.

"Xia Chuxue, what do you mean? Why doesn't the Feng family have a decent woman?"

Suddenly, Feng Rushuang's voice came in from outside, tinged with anger.

At this time, Xia Chuxue and He Shuya realized that there were many people outside the door.

He Shuya looked back at the people outside the door, froze for a moment, and immediately went up to meet them.

"So it's the second lady, Miss Ruyun and Miss Rushuang, why are you all here, welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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