My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 877 Uncle lied to her, didn't he?

Chapter 877 Uncle lied to her, didn't he?

Seeing the lonely girl beside him, Gu Beicheng unconsciously tightened his grip on her little hand?
"As long as you like, there will be." He raised his eyebrows, and his hearty voice sounded.

"I didn't say I like it." Xia Yinian glared at him, but still wanted to take his hand back.

In the past, I may have liked, and often envied Xia Chuxue.

However, it seems that they have passed the age of liking now, and there is nothing to look forward to.

"Huh?" Gu Beicheng turned his head to meet her gaze, and grabbed her hand again.

"It's true, there's no need to be so exaggerated at all." Xia Yinian looked away, and stirred the juice with the straw in his right hand.

As long as you can be with your family or the people you like, simplicity is also a kind of happiness.

"What are you thinking?" The man leaned closer and asked in a low voice.

"I'm thinking family." Xia Yinian responded lightly.

Uncle also knows about her, but he doesn't want to help him.

"No matter what the reason, they still abandoned you, shouldn't you cherish what you have now?" The man's hand tightened again.

"I believe they must have difficulties. If possible, no one is willing to abandon their children."

Xia Yinian licked her lips, lowered her head and took a sip of the fruit juice.

Gu Beicheng frowned, and pulled her close to him.

Xia Yinian looked sideways at the man beside him, frowned slightly, as if asking him what he wanted to do.

"If they're all gone..." Gu Beicheng looked at Shang Xia Yinian, his eyes became a little deep.

Xia Yinian froze for a moment, unable to react.

Are they... all gone?Uncle is implying something?

It's not that he doesn't want to help himself, but does he know that his biological parents are gone?

More than ten years have passed, and Xia Yinian is not very sure.

Ever since she knew that she was not a member of the Xia family, she had thought about more than a dozen possibilities of her parents abandoning her back then, and also imagined many of their current situations.

However, she never thought that her parents were no longer alive, and perhaps she was unwilling to accept this possibility from the bottom of her heart.

Regardless of whether they still recognize her or not, she just wants to find them and visit them occasionally.

Or when they are old, I can do my best to take care of them, it's as simple as that.

However, if they are no longer there...

"You..." After a while, Xia Yinian blinked and whispered.

Gu Beicheng waved his hand, and the bartender who just passed by stopped in front of them.

"Two glasses of red wine." The man said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir." The bartender put two glasses of red wine on the table.

Xia Yinian still looked at Gu Beicheng without blinking, as if waiting for his answer.

Gu Beicheng let go of her hand, held a glass of wine in one palm, and handed Xia Yinian a glass.

"Drink some wine, maybe you will feel better."

He didn't want to lie to her, and he didn't want her to get entangled in this matter any longer.

If he wasn't the young lady of the Feng family, he could still give her the life she wanted.

Gu Beicheng's words made Xia Yinian basically affirm his thoughts.

Her biological parents are really gone.

The girl didn't take the wine glass and lowered her head abruptly.

She didn't want to cry, but the tears couldn't help rolling in her eyes.

They're gone, are they really gone?Did they pass away before I had time to meet them?

why?Uncle lied to her, didn't he?
(End of this chapter)

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