My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 878 You Really Shame Me!

Chapter 878 You Really Shame Me!
Xia Yinian didn't know what was going on in her heart, she just felt very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that she could hardly breathe.

Gu Beicheng put down the red wine, and once again squeezed her small hand with his big palm.

He leaned closer, resting his head against her ear.

"Don't you still have a grandfather? Have you thought of any good methods in the past two days?"

In fact, he wanted to say "Don't you still have me?", but he didn't know if this girl would like to hear it.

Speaking of grandpa, Xia Yinian's face seemed to look better.

She immediately turned her head to look at the man beside her.

Unexpectedly, the two got too close, their thin lips were almost touching.

"Nian Nian, why are you sitting here?" Xia Chuxue's voice came from far to near.

The location Xia Yinian chose was not well lit.

Their behavior just now, in the eyes of those who came over, was like kissing.

"Nian Nian, how can you do this? You always love to play, and you hooked up with someone so quickly, you really make me feel ashamed!"

"Aunt Xia, you have always taught us to be clean and self-respecting, but you..."

Xia Chuxue brought a large group of female relatives to Xia Yinian's side.

She pulled Xia Yinian's shoulders hard and pulled her up on the sofa.

Today, she will step on this dead girl with her strength.

Because, she is already a young lady of the Feng family, she is just a poor child adopted by the Xia family.

What friend?How come it's so close?
Xia Chuxue knew that they were not kissing just now, and she also understood Xia Yinian's character, she couldn't be like a man for no reason.

However, that handsome guy took the initiative and just gave her a good chance.

It's not a kiss, she can say yes, isn't the light insufficient?Who can see clearly?

She just couldn't understand that at such an important moment for her, shouldn't Xia Yinian keep looking at the stage with envy, jealousy and hatred?

But she actually hooked up with a man here, and he was such a handsome man.

Xia Yinian was frightened by Gu Beicheng, but she hadn't reacted yet, so she was pulled by Xia Chuxue, and she stood up directly.

"Miss Chuxue, is this your younger sister from the Xia family? She looks average, and her clothes are even more average."

A woman in a bright red evening dress glanced at Xia Yinian.

The people present, even if they didn't speak, were full of displeasure.

Xia Yinian waved her hand backwards, signaling to the man behind her to be calm and calm, she wouldn't pay attention to ten or eight women.

Vigorously shaking off Xia Chuxue's touch, Xia Yinian met her gaze and half-curled her lips.

"Sister, congratulations! You finally put on such a gorgeous dress."

"However, Miss Qianjin is not easy to be. You have to be extremely cautious when you take a step and say a word, and..."

Xia Yinian frowned, deliberately getting closer to Xia Chuxue.

"In the future, if you want to play with men, you can only play secretly. It's really disappointing! But your social status is different now. It is not a problem to buy more houses and raise more tough men."

"Remember, don't forget your sister when something good happens."

Xia Yinian's voice was not low, and more than a dozen women present could hear it clearly, and everyone's expressions changed instantly.

Everyone came here to curry favor, not excluding those who wanted to help their elder brother, younger brother, cousin, or cousin.

Who wouldn't want to be able to get the official little lady of the Feng family?

It's just that I didn't expect that the little lady who just came back is actually this kind of woman.

Isn't it talented?Private life has been so corrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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