My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 884 You Are A Married Woman, How Can You...

Chapter 884 You Are A Married Woman, How Can You...

Today, even if brother Yan was angry with her, she would destroy Xia Yinian first.

Without Qiye's protection, Xia Yinian is nothing in Yaocheng!

"Brother Yan, someone saw Xia Yinian and the makeup artist go to the third room on the third floor with their own eyes. We'd better go up and have a look."

"This kind of thing should not be known to others."

Xia Chuxue's voice was not loud, but in fact, many people heard it.

This is what Xia Yinian taught her, saying that she was promiscuous, and deliberately let other people know?She is just repaying her body in her own way.

Xia Chuxue had just finished speaking, and before Feng Yan could say anything, Gu Beicheng had disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the direction in which the man disappeared, Xia Chuxue was in a good mood as one could imagine.

"Brother Yan, let's go and see, Qiye, is Niannian okay?"

She directly pulled Feng Yan's big palm, Feng Yan frowned slightly, and shook off her hand.

Things developed as she thought, and Xia Chuxue couldn't care less. She glanced at the group of women not far away, and immediately walked towards the elevator.

Looking at the people rushing towards the elevator together, Feng Yan frowned even tighter.

When Xia Chuxue brought a group of people to the designated room, the door was still closed.

Could it be that Qi Ye was worried that Xia Yinian's story would spread, so he closed the door on purpose?

He was worried that Xia Yinian would suffer, but she was not worried at all.

"Nian Nian is in danger, don't hit the door yet." Xia Chuxue turned her head to look at the bodyguard who followed.

The bodyguards didn't know what happened. Seeing so many people coming up, they must come up to find out the situation.

Hearing that something happened to Miss Nian Nian, who would dare to neglect her?

"Yes, Miss Chuxue." The two bodyguards moved forward together and directly knocked open the door.

Xia Chuxue rushed in at an extremely fast speed, and of course there were many people who wanted to watch the fun.

She wants to ruin Xia Yinian, so this matter cannot only be known to Master Qi.

Looking at the two bodies covered with quilts on the bed, Xia Chuxue smiled from the bottom of her heart, never thinking that Gu Beicheng was not in the room at all.

"How can you two do this? You... are a married woman, how can you?"

Xia Chuxue, with an angry look of hating iron but not steel, came over and pulled the quilt with all her strength.

The quilt was torn off by her as she wished, and Xia Chuxue stared at the two people on the bed.


Before she could speak, she froze.

Why is it not Xia Yinian, but Mrs. Song?Also, the person next to her is not Mr. Song, but a fit little fresh meat.

Looking at the clothes of the two of them, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of drama it was just now.

Mrs. Song, Xia Chuxue, is not unrecognizable. She is the wife of Song Chengnan, Mr. Song Jiada, a military family in Yaocheng.

The Song family is ranked within the top five in Yaocheng, and their influence is extraordinary.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that Mr. Song Jiada loves his wife very much, how can everyone believe this scene?
Song Chengnan, who did not know when he appeared, walked in with a cold breath.

"Get out!" He glanced at the people around him and snorted coldly.

Many people began to regret why they came here to see the excitement, Song Chengnan was not someone they could mess with.

There is no doubt that if the scandal of this family is publicized, everyone present is waiting to suffer together.

There was no need for Song Chengnan's warning. It was impossible for everyone to dare to bring up what happened today, so they decided not to!

(End of this chapter)

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