My husband is the best in the world

Chapter 885 She is trying to kill me!

Chapter 885 She is trying to kill me!
Xia Chuxue was intimidated by Song Chengnan's gaze. Her feet seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and she couldn't walk at all.

A bodyguard who came in picked up Xia Chuxue and quickly disappeared into the room.

Xia Chuxue really never imagined that on the first day of rectifying her name, she would offend the Song family.

This is the family she least wants to offend. The Song family is a military family that is more terrifying than a large business family like the Feng family.

It was obviously Xia Yinian and the makeup artist who went in, why did it become Mrs. Song and her lover?

Xia Chuxue didn't know what went wrong, but how could she have the mood to think about these things now?
Although she was already the young lady of the Feng family, the Song family still couldn't afford to mess with her.

Yes, brother Yan, brother Yan will definitely help her, and now only brother Yan can protect her.

Xia Chuxue just realized that she was carried into another room by the bodyguards.

The sound of the door opening woke her up.

The bodyguard put Xia Chuxue down, turned and left the room, and closed the door.

Looking at the man sitting on the sofa, Xia Chuxue bit her lip, trying to stabilize her breath.

"Brother Yan."

Looking around, but found no one else, Xia Chuxue walked over.

"Brother Yan, just now..."

"Did you do the drug for Nian Nian?" Feng Yan interrupted Xia Chuxue coldly.

"Prescribe medicine? Prescribe what? Brother Yan, what are you talking about?" Xia Chuxue would not admit such things so easily.

However, when did Xia Yinian become so powerful that not only could he not punish her, but he was actually punished by her?

Just concentrating, Xia Chuxue's brows frowned even deeper.

"Niannian hurt me, Brother Yan. She deliberately made me think that she was in danger, and then deliberately led me to Mrs. Song's room."

"Brother Yan, I'm afraid. Mr. Song is here too. Will he take his anger out on me?"

"There are so many people in Mr. Song's hands. This time, I was killed by Nian Nian."

Xia Chuxue wanted to go over and take Feng Yan's arm, but was frightened by the cold on his body and stopped in her tracks.

As she spoke, her eyes were already moist.

"How can Niannian do this? She can't understand that I'm the young lady of the Feng family, and she hurt me so much!"

"Anyway, we've lived together for 18 years. How could she be like this? Huh..."

"I was still worried about her accident. I didn't expect that it was all arranged by her. She wanted to destroy me and didn't want me to go back to Feng's house."

"Are you worried that something will happen to Nian Nian?" Feng Yan's voice was colder than before.

"I..." Xia Chuxue raised her eyes to meet Feng Yan's, and nodded slightly.

"Of course, regardless of blood relationship, we are all sisters. It is impossible for me to ignore her accident."

"Brother Yan, you also know..."

"In order to be able to marry Ling Qian, you found a few men to destroy Nian Nian, are these also called sisters?" Feng Yan glared at her.

His gaze was so cold that Xia Chuxue almost fell to the ground in fright.

She finally stabilized her steps and took a deep breath.

"That's not the case. It's Niannian who slandered me. Brother Yan, don't listen to Niannian's nonsense. I really didn't."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask my adoptive parents, and they can testify that I really didn't do such a thing."

"It was Niannian who came back from fooling around with a man and was just seen by Master Ling, so she made up such an excuse to slander me. Brother Yan, don't believe her!"

(End of this chapter)

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