After the movie

Chapter 2015 Amazing

Chapter 2015 Amazing (Fifth Watch)
"It's amazing." Jian Wuxin exclaimed: "I didn't expect to be able to use elements like this. I said Gu Shaozong, you must teach us."

Gu Chenfeng was about to cry when he heard this: "Sect Master Jian, I didn't teach these at all, it was taught by Elder Wu and Elder Xie. They are the people you are looking for."

After hearing this, Jian Wuxin looked back at Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu: "Two elders, please teach me." He didn't forget that when he wanted them to teach the day before, Wu Yuyu wanted to be paid.

After hearing this, Wu Yuyu chuckled: "Actually, it's really simple, but everyone usually ignores it. What everyone usually does is practice, but what this practice increases is only some proficiency, and these proficiency are all Superficially, I have forgotten what is the most fundamental existence of people in this world. Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just say that ordinary people are fine. Their pursuit of life is nothing more than food and housing. Only after solving these can they have fun. The same is true for the elements we cultivate. Elements are part of our body’s ability to reflect. Since they have the ability, they will have a role. Metal is stronger than attack, so I can make some supports and structures. In addition to defense, it can also protect people from the wind and rain, and so on, the elements can be used, that's how I trained them at the time, but they did better than I thought."

After Wu Yuyu said this, Jian Wuxin understood: "That is to say, it actually depends on people's control over the elements."

"That's right, when we imitate battle pets, it is a kind of control over the elements. Since this is the case, it is also possible to imitate other things." When Wu Yuyu said this, the leaders of other sects began to ponder.

Simulation has always been considered as the highest state of controlling elements, and the more complex the simulation is, the better the element control is, but no one has ever applied this simulation to life. No one believed that elements could still be used like this at all.

Xie Jifan asked in a low voice: "Didn't you let them do the deal, why did you just talk about it today?"

Wu Yuyu glanced at Xie Jifan: "It's okay to say it, besides, without good guidance, it is impossible to become like Gu Luo and the others immediately."

Ouyang Mingyue was also pondering at the side. He has controlled the fairy world for so many years, but he has never discovered that this element can be used in this way. It seems that he is short-sighted.

Gu Luo asked people to build five rest houses, and each house seemed to be messy, but in fact they echoed each other. It can be seen how deep their tacit understanding is.

Each element has a room, and this rest is just a rest for cultivation, so men and women are not separated, mainly for nearby care.

In the evening, a group of five people will be on duty at night. They will be divided into three groups and each group will be on duty for two hours, so relatively speaking, there is no need to worry about fatigue at all.

"Captain, I found a high-grade plant in the east, do you want to pick it?" Tian Yue'er came over and asked.

Gu Luo thought for a while and said: "Go and have a look, if you can pick it, if it's dangerous, give it up temporarily, no matter what, everyone remember the instructor's words and ensure your own safety."

"Yes." Everyone shouted.

Gu Luo brought ten people there, and five stayed to look at the camp and prepare dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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