After the movie

Chapter 2016 Why I Worship You

Chapter 2016 Why I Worship You (six more)

Ten people came to that high-level plant. It was a piece of grass with two beads growing on it. One was white and the other was black.

"Tai Chi Grass." Pei Jia'er said: "If we take this grass and don't hand it in, we can give it to the instructor, who can use it for alchemy."

"Yeah." Everyone agreed at once.

These words made the group of people watching outside speechless, they all looked at Aimee Wu with all kinds of envy and jealousy in their eyes.

"Elder Wu, what have you done? Why do they worship you so much?" Mu Yihang asked.

"Probably because of her good character." Aimee Wu replied with a smile.

Everyone glared at Aimee Wu with dissatisfaction, but they didn't know what to say.

Gu Luo looked at the situation around here, and then looked at some traces around: "Everyone, be careful, if I guessed correctly, the guardian monster of this Tai Chi exercise is at least an intermediate level, and it should be a flying monster."

"Flying monsters." Everyone looked at each other, Gu Luo smiled lightly, and made a gesture: "Gal, you come to gather medicine, be careful, don't hurt the roots, put it in a jade box after picking, and give it to me when the time comes." Instructor, maybe the instructor can still cultivate."

"Okay." Pei Jia'er nodded.

Gu Luo said again: "Others prepare, water and fire cooperate, soil assist, gold protect, and the rest of wood cover."

"Yes." Several other people agreed, and then began to prepare.

When the direct water system water appeared, the fire also appeared suddenly, burning the water into smoke, and then carried Pei Jiaer to gather medicine. When Pei Jiaer approached the Taiji grass, he heard an eagle cry, and an eagle appeared, and then rushed directly to Pei Jiaer over here.

With a wave of Gu Luo's hand, Gu Luo shot out the water element, and the other fire element burned the water element into smoke, and then carried the gold monk up, and then another wood monk quickly threw dandelion seeds, using ordinary ying The power flew into the air, and then the fire-type ones were burned with fire, and instantly became fire attack bombs, and the earth-type ones were simulated into bows and arrows by the way, and then kept shooting.

What used to be protection turned into attack, and what was originally attacked turned into protection in an instant. The conversion speed was quite fast, and there was no trace of unnaturalness, which surprised everyone watching.

"That's amazing. I thought the wood system could only grow plants." Li Yunhang looked surprised.

"I thought the earth element could only protect." Jian Wuxin also said, "And I always thought that gold elementalists are good at attacking, but now I find that they can also become good guardians. This element transformation , I am convinced."

Not only was Guangjian Wuxin convinced, but the people from the other sects were silent, but they were also convinced a lot in their hearts.

This is really the first time I have seen this kind of elemental transformation. Now these people are not high in cultivation, but they have such power because of the combination of elements. If their cultivation is high in the future, even Da Luo Jinxian may not be their opponent.

After sighing, some of them began to reflect secretly, always feeling that they were narrow-minded.

The head of the Yinyang Sect said: "It's interesting. I didn't expect Xuanzong to have such a skill. It seems that Xuanzong has made a lot of preparations." Obviously these words are to provoke the relationship between Xuanzong and the other sects. It will be considered that this is intentionally hidden and unwilling to announce it. People are so selfish. They can hide their own things, but they don’t allow others to hide their things. This is the method used by the Suzerain of Yin Yang Sect. Although it is despicable, it has to be said that it is a good one Conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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