After the movie

Chapter 2552 New Year's Eve Epiphany

Chapter 2552 New Year's Eve Epiphany ([-] more)

But everyone who lined up held tributes in their hands, and Xie Lao only shook his head: "Who are these people, they are too blind."

"You stinky old man, why don't you understand at all, if there is no Water God Palace, these people are likely to wander around, that's why everyone has to believe that if there is a god, they will not be afraid of anything.

Human beings live in groups, so naturally, the human heart is the same. Only when we are with everyone, can we understand what is happiness and what is stability. Therefore, at this moment, although everyone is waiting outside the Water God Palace, everyone’s expressions are very peaceful. It can be seen that at least at this moment everyone's mood is very peaceful.

Xie Jifan said: "It seems that you, the water god, are very attractive to them, otherwise they wouldn't treat you like this."

Wu Yuyu glanced at Xie Jifan: "Could it be that your Thunder God Temple is not good."

Xie Jifan pondered for a moment, thinking about it, he seemed to be able to take a look, and casually passed on the situation of the Temple of Thunder.

In fact, whether it is the Water God Palace or the Thunder God Palace, everyone likes it very much. Why, because the gods in these two places are the real gods, in the hearts of everyone, this is the real god, so believe in them and go to them Talking about the mood, praying is very good, even if it is like this on weekdays, this incense is even more indispensable.

"Nowadays people live a better life and have many ideas." Old Xie said dissatisfied.

Wu Yuwei tilted her head and glanced at Mr. Xie: "Grandpa, what do you mean by thinking too much? It's called being able to enjoy. Now that the material life has improved, naturally the spiritual life should also improve. Faith is a kind of spiritual life."

Mr. Xie hesitated, and Mr. Qiao laughed: "Old man Xie, don't think that you are still the same as you were when you were in war. We are not afraid of ghosts and gods. Now we know that there are still gods in this world. Although you and I can't practice, But because of taking advantage of Jifan and Aimee, they can live longer, but those ordinary people have no place to be blessed, they can only hope for the help of gods, this is normal, people, it is because of this that they can have vitality and make progress .”

After listening to Mr. Qiao's words, Wu Yuyu's heart was moved. In life, he was born ignorant and innocent. It was everything in this world that gave him hope for survival. Therefore, life is actually more important than the motivation and the way of life. To give life, but also to give life motivation, so it turns out that my life has been stuck in the immortal king, and it turned out that it was not because of insufficient cultivation, but because of lack of comprehension. , Xie Jifan first found out, made a gesture to everyone, and everyone stopped talking, watching Wu Yuyu's own epiphany, after a while, only feeling fluctuations, Wu Yuyu's natural force entered the peak of Xianjun from the late Xianjun, Just one more chance to enter the Immortal Venerable.

Wu Yugu came back to her senses, looked at everyone looking at herself, and laughed: "It's very good, the force of nature has entered the peak of the fairy king."

"Bull." Ouyang Mingyue gave a thumbs up: "I have no sign of breaking through the power of light so far. One of you has become a god, and the other is about to enter the immortal. You husband and wife were born to hit me." Xie Jifan was also involved.

Xie Jifan glanced at Ouyang Mingyue, and then said: "This shows that you are really stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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