After the movie

Chapter 2553 Blessing

Chapter 2553 Blessing (three more)
Seeing this, Wu Yuyu laughed, and as she was talking, she had already entered Zishi. According to Huaxia's algorithm, her posture was twelve o'clock, which was actually zero and one o'clock. Now it happened to be zero o'clock, and through the signs of teleportation in midair, Everyone saw that the nationals were holding joss sticks with smiles on their faces and began to enter the incense sticks in an orderly manner.

Seeing how they worshiped piously, Wu Yuyu smiled slightly, and then snapped her fingers, and saw that every person who offered incense in the Water God Palace would have a cherry-like fruit in their hands out of thin air after offering incense and prostrating.

"The fairy fruit is the fairy fruit given to us by the water god." As long as you are sincere, you will get it out of thin air after offering incense and offering sacrifices. This made some paparazzi who originally recorded the scene secretly amazed. One paparazzi was curious, so he also bought it Incense, he went forward to pray for the incense very devoutly, and it was a fruit when it was over, but at this moment he found out that it was real, it actually appeared out of thin air.

Also in the Temple of Thunder, Xie Jifan simply gave each of them a talisman, and it was also sent out of thin air. In this way, whether it is the Temple of Water God or the Temple of Thunder, the enthusiasm of the top incense is even higher, but each person only has one chance, even if someone I went to worship again and again, but I didn't get a second fruit or a second talisman. At this moment, everyone was convinced, and they trusted the water god and the thunder god even more.

Xie Jifan smiled and said to Wu Yuyu: "As the citizens of Huaxia, we should also send Huaxia a blessing."

Wu Yuyu nodded: "The past few years have been good. Although there have been occasional disasters, everyone has worked together and there has been no bullying. This is worth rewarding. If this is the case, let's go and give blessings."

Xie Jifan said to Xie Laoqiao and Hua: "Grandpa, grandpa, godfather, you guys talk slowly, I will go out with Aimee." After speaking, he took Aimi Wu's hand and disappeared into the room.

They appeared in mid-air, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu smiled at each other, then Wu Yuyu began to make fingerprints in their hands continuously, and then Xie Jifan also did it. Anyone who understands knows that they are making blessing fingerprints, but now they should It became a blessing handprint, this one was given to the Huaxia Kingdom, and after finishing playing, Wu Yuyu sat cross-legged in the air, with an extra piano in his hand, and Xie Jifan had an extra flute in his hand, and began to play.

Miaomiao Xianyin fell to every corner of Huaxia, and everyone in Huaxia heard it. Without realizing it, they saw figures in mid-air. They were obviously far away, but everyone saw them. They sat one by one, stood one by one Playing the piano and playing the flute, as the strings came out, a faint light of the scenery appeared from their bodies, and then sprinkled in the corners of Huaxia, no matter whether they were rich or powerful, at this moment they all felt the light coming from midair. The light, the fairy sound appeared, and the mind was uplifted. This music lasted for about 10 minutes, and then a colorful light that looked like a dead rainbow appeared out of thin air in their skills.

"My husband and I have received your incense and felt your sincerity. Therefore, on this New Year's Eve, we will also release this source of blessing. As long as you have a kind heart, this source of blessing will protect you all. However, if someone has evil thoughts, the source of blessing will turn into evil year by year. Yuan, the result is that evil will be rewarded with evil. I hope you will keep this in mind. Our husband and wife have blessed China with peace for 500 years. What will happen after 500 years depends on your hearts. Since forever, as a Chinese person, remember that the wise are unparalleled, the benevolent are invincible, and the brave have no fear." After saying that, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu disappeared into the air

(End of this chapter)

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