After the movie

Chapter 2720 Hei Yao Shocked

Chapter 2720 Hei Yao Shocked (Second Update)
Hei Yao looked at Xie Jifan and then at Lei Ao: "You people are so devious, I don't understand, but it doesn't matter, if you don't understand, it doesn't prevent me from understanding, one of you is kind enough to explain to me."

Xie Jifan glanced at Hei Yao: "Actually, I think you have more twists and turns, otherwise this kind of thing would never have happened, and you don't have to come here to drink tea and eat fruit with us."

Hei Yao was at a loss for words, what came here, it was obviously mentioned, no, it was captured, although it was very embarrassing to be captured, but mentioning seemed to be even more embarrassing.

"I've said it all, I know I was wrong, and it will never be like this in the future, don't worry." Hei Yao had no choice but to say this.

Xie Jifan glanced at Hei Yao: "I don't expect you anymore, anyway, if you can be honest and nothing happens, that's enough for me, and I don't expect anything else."

Regarding Hei Yao, Xie Jifan has never been at ease, but now that people say this, it can be regarded as an attitude, he can't just hold on to this point.

Hei Yao smiled wryly, but said nothing, he knew that some things he did were not upright, but this was his nature, and no one could change it.Hei Yao turned his head, he could only think of changing the topic, so he turned his attention to Lei Ao, originally thought that Lei Ao was at most Xie Jifan's envoy, but he glanced at Lei Ao and was stunned, because Lei Ao There was an aura he was familiar with when he flew up.

"What do you practice, why do I feel so familiar?" Hei Yao asked Lei Ao.

Leo glanced at Hei Yao: "Fire." He didn't say much.

fire?Hei Yao was stunned for a moment, such a familiar aura was not possessed by an ordinary fire element cultivator, it was clearly the rhythm that had already condensed into a godhead and was about to become a god.

"Vulcan?" Hei Yao asked tentatively.

Xie Jifan glanced at Hei Yao: "It's not, it's just condensed into a godhead." When Xie Jifan said this, Hei Yao was hit so hard that he almost fainted. What is not yet, what is just condensed into a godhead , This is a very important thing. Each element can only have one main god. Once there is the same element, it is either an angel or a god. It is not so easy to become the main god, and those gods and gods Even if it is not condensed into a godhead, once it is condensed into a godhead, the main god will definitely be in place in the future, but the previous generation of fire god Zhu Rong is still there. Although he tortured a circle at the beginning, he did not kill anyone. Now the new Vulcan is about to appear, thinking about it, he was a little uncertain.

"Has it really condensed into a godhead?" Hei Yao asked cautiously.

Leo glanced at Hei Yao, closed his eyes, a flame mark appeared on his forehead, then dissipated the mark, and then opened his eyes, well, without any words, the problem has been explained, Hei Yao looked at Leo with a wry smile: "Sure enough, it is the god of fire, so Zhu Rong's day is coming."

"Zhu Rong's day is coming, shouldn't you be happy?" Xie Jifan looked at Lei Ao and said, "Look, you are happy, you can talk about everything, it is possible that you still like Zhu Rong." Xie Jifan said this Sometimes, this expression seems to be particularly gossip, and Hei Yao is a little speechless.

Hei Yao sighed: "How could it be possible to like it, it's just that things like that happened in the past, there must be a love affair."

(End of this chapter)

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