After the movie

Chapter 2721 Unexpected

Chapter 2721 Unexpected (three more)
Xie Jifan said: "I remember you tortured him like this yourself, since you have tortured him, don't you think it is hypocritical to mention any kindness?" The avatar of the god looked higher, and just said these lightly.

Hei Yao sighed, and then said: "You are right, I myself feel that I am hypocritical sometimes." Obviously I don't like Zhu Rong anymore, but I can't help but care about it, Wang Yi said Caring, rather than gloating, if it wasn't for this time that I was in a hurry to go back to find my own body, I wouldn't have handed Zhu Rong over to Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu so soon.

Xie Jifan picked up a cup of tea casually, took a sip, he didn't care about Hei Yao's idea, making Leo become the God of Vulcan was planned by him a long time ago, since he and Aimee Wu can become gods in the cup, then Lei Ao should also be able to do the same, because Lei Ao's physique itself is a rare fire spirit body, and Lei Ao's protective heart for Aunt Wu made Xie Jifan make this decision.

Lei Ao's love for Aimee Wu made Xie Jifan jealous, but also Lei Ao's protective heart made Xie Jifan admire, love is a thing that is well used, everyone is happy, Xie Jifan never thinks that he is that kind Such a kind-hearted person, if he is a kind-hearted person, it is impossible to become a devil emperor at all. In the matter of making Leo a god, he did have his calculations, because if Zhu Rong is a god, who would know that this woman What will happen, because when Gonggong was young, she had a hostile feeling towards Aimee Wu. Xie Jifan guessed that probably because the appearance of Aimu Wu would crowd out Gonggong, so Zhu Rong would definitely not have any feelings for Aimi Wu. He has a good face, and the most important thing is that Zhu Rong himself is not a good god. He is full of calculations, and everyone watching shakes his head. Xie Jifan thinks that he became a god to make himself and his family live more freely. There is Zhu Rong who is plotting against them, so when he knew that there can only be one elemental god in each generation, Xie Jifan wanted to make Leo become the god of fire, and only if Lei Ao became the god, then Zhu Rong would disappear.

Counting it, Leo is quite competitive. At least he has become a god now. Of course, this has something to do with him lying in the sky space and working as a living dead for more than ten years. One year in the sky space is one day outside, so ten years outside For thousands of years in the sky, he has absorbed the aura of thousands of years in the sky, so once he is resurrected, his cultivation will be rapid, so it is expected that he will become a god so quickly, but these Heiyao don't know, so naturally there is a An indescribable shock.

"The people of your planet are really surprised that you have such ability. How long have you all cultivated? You have all become gods. How should we, the gods of the original book, live?" Hei Yao asked speechlessly. The expression of heaven.

Xie Jifan lightly took out a berry, put it into his mouth, his mouth was full of fruity fragrance, this is Wu Yuyu's latest cultivation, Xie Jifan still liked this taste, swallowed the berry in his mouth and said slowly: If you are not an aborigine, you must have priority, and you have lived on our earth for a while, why still don’t understand this truth.”

Aboriginal people do not necessarily have priority. In this case, no one has ever thought about it, and no one would think about it, especially in the God Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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