League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1026 It's not easy to use, it's not easy

Chapter 1026 It's not easy to use, it's not smooth (third)
After killing Syndra, Luo Xia mourned for a while in front of Syndra's body.

"The line can't be controlled, and it can't let you develop. I'm sorry, I can only kill you."

Afterwards, he continued to push the line of soldiers with peace of mind.
Seeing that Ruiwen killed Syndra again, the audience was so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

This... kills again?
If it was just a solo kill, perhaps it wouldn't have shocked the audience so much. What shocked the audience the most was that Rui Wen's combo was too fast!
"Am I not mistaken, another wave of solo kills?!"

"It feels like Syndra on the other side has something to eat. He was single-killed twice in such a short period of time."

"Food? The mid laner on the opposite side is the captain of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team, but he is a real king!"

"It's not Syndra's dish, it's Ruiwen's combos that are too fast!"

"Yeah, it's really too fast, how can it be so fast, it's so fast that it's not normal!"


In the auditorium, the audience chattered.

Luo Xia's Rui Wen combo was really too fast, it was unbelievably fast, and it surprised all of them.

Before, they thought that Syndra was too good, but later, they all felt that Syndra died unjustly.

It's hard to react to such a fast combo speed!

Wan Tao loosened his earphones slightly, and heard the discussion from the audience, saying: "The mid laner of the Lxsky team once again soloed the opponent."

"His Ruiwen's combo speed is extremely fast, it seems that he is already very proficient in this hero."

Apart from proficiency, Wan Tao couldn't think of any words to describe Luo Xia's Ruiwen.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled. He and Mier also explained that Luo Xia and the others had played many games, and it was the first time Luo Xia took the mid laner Rui Wen.

Since he is so proficient with this hero, why didn't he use it before?

In fact, Wan Tao thought that Luo Xia was very proficient in this hero in private, but he didn't know that Luo Xia hadn't used Ruiwen for a long time!

Today he just took it out and used it casually, and the lineup is really more suitable.

If Wan Tao knew this, his jaw would drop in shock.

Hearing Wan Tao's words, Su Chunyu added: "It may be a bit proficient, but I think the more important thing is the skill."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the audience showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

The speed of light QA is indeed skillful, but apart from the speed of light QA, what skills are there in the connection of other skills, isn't it just playing one after another.

Like just now, Ruiwen started with E, followed by W and then Q, and she didn't see any difference at all.

Seemingly aware of the doubts of the audience, Su Chunyu smiled slightly, and said: "Not only the release of the speed of light QA, Rui Wen's other skills are also skillful."

"Ruiwen's E skill has a special mechanism, that is, there will be no forward or backward swing when casting the spell during the E skill sprint."

"That is to say, when using the E skill, you can use Q, W or R to save the casting time of a skill."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, the audience's faces were filled with astonishment.

During the sprinting process of the E skill, there is no forward swing or backward swing, which can save the casting time of a skill.
Can you still play like this?
However, they didn't know that Su Chunyu hadn't finished speaking.

After a pause, Su Chunyu continued: "Ruiwen's Q skill also has a special mechanism."

"Ruiwen's Q skill can interrupt the reading time and release the skills, such as the reading time of the big move."

"Although the W skill is very short, there is still a reading time. With the Q skill, this reading time can be completely eliminated."

After she finished speaking, the audience felt confused, and it took a long time to straighten things out.

In other words, Ruiwen just released W in the process of E skill, which saved the casting time of W.

And when the W skill was released, he quickly used the Q skill to eliminate the reading time of W, and saved these two pieces of time in a row, so it seems that the combo speed is so fast?

If so, it seems to be explainable.

But is there really such a mechanism?

Just when the audience was wondering, the big screen happened to start replaying Rui Wen's solo kill just now.

I saw Ruiwen's E skill rushing towards Syndra, and she had already raised her broken sword.

And in the process of raising the Broken Sword, Rui Wen quickly used a Q skill.

The audience clearly saw that the short reading bar of the W skill was gone!

Ruiwen interrupted the reading bar of W skill with Q skill, and released W skill.

Everything is exactly as what Su Chunyu said!
Now, the audience no longer had any doubts in their hearts, only admiration remained.

Even Wan Tao was filled with admiration.

As for the reason for Luo Xia Ruiwen's combo just now, if Su Chunyu hadn't said it, he would not know at all.

Now, he is more and more convinced by the beautiful new commentator next to him.

After being killed again, Song Hongbo, the captain of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team, completely fell into a sluggish state.

This time, he was already very careful, and he was not exhausted like Shangbo, and his blood volume was basically full.

However, even so, he was single-killed again.

This caused a great blow to his heart.

However, after Luoxia killed Syndra, he shook his head slightly.

"Hmm... The damage of the Q skill has also been reduced, so it's not as easy as before."

"The E skill has also been cut, whether it is CD or duration, it is not easy to use."

"W skills are not easy to use, let alone passive."

After killing Syndra, Luo Xia kept muttering.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Qiu Yunyun and the others showed a little helplessness on their faces.

To be honest, they really didn't see where it didn't work or where it didn't go smoothly.

It's not easy to use, if it doesn't go well, it will make the opponent look like this, if Luo Xia really wants to use the old version of Ruiwen, it will be terrible!
If Song Hongbo heard Luo Xia's words, he would probably faint from anger.

This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work, and you still use it so fiercely.

If it's really not easy to use, can you stop killing me so easily, kill me so easily, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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