League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1027 Is it really necessary to be so super god?

Chapter 1027 Is it really necessary to be so super god? (first update)
In fact, Luo Xia did not lie, he really felt that Rui Wen was not as smooth as before.

Among other things, Ruiwen's speed of light QA damage has been cut by at least one-third now.

Passive needless to say, the damage it brings has also been reduced.

And the key E skill, which made Ruiwen a line bully before, has also been slashed.

Now Ruiwen's E skill only lasts for 1.5 seconds, even if it is full, it only has a CD time of 6 seconds.

In the past, if Luo Xia remembered correctly, Rui Wen's E skill lasted for 2.5 seconds, and after it was full, the CD was only 4 seconds.

In the later stage, there is an E in 4 seconds, and the CD is only 2.4 seconds after the CD is full.

One E in 2.4 seconds, and one E lasts for 2.5 seconds. At that time, Ruiwen, as long as she used it well, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was immortal!

Compared to Ruiwen at that time, the current Ruiwen is not only not smooth, it is simply too difficult!
It's no wonder that in the current professional competition, Ruiwen can't play at all.

Even many players who used to focus on Ruiwen seldom use Ruiwen in high-end games now, which makes people feel emotional.

"Forget it, although it doesn't feel that good, but it's okay to bully and bully the king."

Luo Xia muttered to himself, but he didn't stop the operation at all. After pushing the pawn line, he went to collect the economy. By the way, he also took away the F6 on the opposite side in a very 'friendly' way.

In his mouth, the captain of the king rank of the opposing team was called a kid for the second time.

I don't know if the captain of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team on the other side will be pissed off if he hears it.

After going online again, Song Hongbo, the captain of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team, burst into tears. He originally wanted to clear the jungle to grow and develop, but now there are no wild monsters left.

In the end, let no one play!
"An enemy has been slain!"

Two minutes later, Luoxia controlled Ruiwen, and directly crossed the tower to kill Syndra on the opposite side.

"Killing Spree!"

After killing Syndra on the opposite side, Luo Xia's Raven already had three heads.

The reminder sounded, Ruiwen, it's been a big kill!
"The team on the opposite side is good. How did they tie for the top four with Sister Yan and the others last year?"

After Luoxia killed Syndra again, Qiu Yunyun also found an opportunity to kill Shen, the opponent's top laner, by crossing the tower.

Her strength is already stronger than the opponent's top laner, and coupled with the hero's restraint, the opponent's Shen Zao has been exhausted to the point of death.

In addition, vampires have blood pools, as long as they find an opportunity, they can completely jump over the tower.

After being in line with the opposite top laner Shen for so long, Qiu Yunyun finally jumped the tower and solo killed the opposite top laner.

After taking off Shen's head easily, Qiu Yunyun couldn't help complaining a little, but she could still hear a bit of complacency in her tone.

Hearing Qiu Yunyun's words, Lu Shiyan didn't speak, and kept focusing on the bottom lane.

She has dealt with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang University team on the opposite side many times, and she knows that the team on the opposite side is definitely not weak.

Especially the captain of their mid laner is very troublesome. When their team played against the Jiangsu and Zhejiang University team last year, the mid laner could be said to be suppressed to death.

The middle lane has always been the carry lane of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team, and it is easy to bring the other lanes together.

However this year.
Looking at Syndra's 0-3-0 record, this year their previous Carry road has become the worst road for their collapse.

Under such a contrast, the pressure brought by the opposing team as a whole has dropped sharply.

Qiu Yunyun felt so relaxed because Luo Xia took care of the middle lane all by herself and withstood all the pressure brought by the middle lane.

Otherwise, she definitely wouldn't be able to fight so easily, and it would be enough for Syndra to come on the road a few times.


At this time, another notification sound came. After killing Syndra, Luo Xia caught the single pig girl and killed pig girl.

After killing the pig girl, Luoxia's Ruiwen already had four heads.

The reminder sounded, Ruiwen has gone berserk!

"Well, the Q skill is really not as smooth as before."

After killing the pig girl, Luo Xia muttered.

"An enemy has been slain!"

Soon, Luoxia controlled Ruiwen to kill from the wild area, stopped Syndra who was walking towards the line halfway, and killed Syndra again.

"Well, the E skill is not as easy as before."

After killing Syndra, Luo Xia muttered subconsciously again.

"An enemy has been slain!"

After killing Syndra, Luo Xia rushed down the road again. After Lu Shiyan's policewoman exhausted the big mouth on the opposite side, Luo Xia directly swept the big mouth to death with a long-range big move.

"Hey, the big move is not as easy to use as before."

Luo Xia seemed a little dissatisfied with killing Dazui from a distance with his big move.

"An enemy has been slain!"

After killing Da Zui and returning to the city, Luo Xia went online again, and went on the road again, cooperating with Qiu Yunyun, and killed Shen Ye who was on the opposite side.

"Well, even the W skill is not as easy to use as before."

After killing Rushen, Luo Xia muttered dissatisfiedly again.

Hearing Luo Xia's series of complaints, even Qiu Yunyun didn't know what to say.

Luo Xia said that this skill is not easy to use, that skill is not good to use, but when it comes to killing people, it is not ambiguous at all!
And judging by his appearance, he was obviously very casual, as if taking the heads of the people opposite was just something he could do casually.

I don't know how much psychological area the other side will have if they see Luo Xia complaining and taking off their heads.
"God like!"

After killing Shen, Luo Xia already had seven heads on him.

The reminder sounded, Ruiwen, already close to God!
Ruiwen's kill streak has reached seven, and if she kills one more, she can be ultrasonicated.

Even in competitions, achieving the honor of a super god is a very high honor.

However, Luo Xia was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Is it really necessary to be so super god?
To be honest, although he is killing all directions like this now, he hasn't achieved the effect he wants.

Today he brought out Ruiwen, still in front of Su Chunyu, just to show off.

Just a super god, obviously can't satisfy him.

When Luo Xia cleared a group of wilds and went online again, his Ruiwen was already level eleven.

And the five people on the opposite side are basically around the seventh and eighth level now, and he has suppressed them by three or four levels!

The Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team had almost given up, but they still wanted to try to grab a Canyon Pioneer to save them.

When the five of them were gathering in the upper half of the field, they met Ruiwen from Luoxia.

The captain of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang University team was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy, "Ruiwen is only alone, don't let him run away!"

However, they didn't know that Luo Xia had no intention of running away, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"Five kills, with five kills, it will be complete!"

(End of this chapter)

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