League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1431 The routine is extremely deep!

Chapter 1431 The routine is extremely deep! (first update)
With the prince's last attack, Kieran's blood volume was directly emptied.

"An enemy has been slain!"

A reminder sounded, reminding everyone, prince, take Kieran's head!


Jinx also canceled the teleportation at this time, and Zac's fragments were resurrected directly when the time came.

Both Han Bing and Kieran were killed, and Zac and the prince also walked out of the range of the defense tower.

Luo Xia directly chose to return to the city, while Feiying controlled the prince and walked towards the wild area.

In this wave of jumping over the tower, not a single person was killed on their side!

On the commentary stage, Su Chunyu's excited voice came.

"Nice! The Lxsky team made a perfect tower jump, directly killed Han Bing and Kieran, and beat the WSF team in a wave of zero-for-two!"

Although Ye Bing'er didn't say anything, the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise slightly.

In the auditorium, the atmosphere was even more heated to the extreme, almost exploding!
"Damn, I really even killed Kieran!"

"In the early stage, the tower jump directly killed two, why don't you be so fierce!"

"It's not just two kills, it's a wave of zero for two. This is going to be hard for the WSF team."

"That's right, especially the duo of the WSF team who died in battle, this has a great impact on the rhythm of the waves!"


In the auditorium, the discussion was extremely heated.

No one thought that Luo Xia and the others would successfully kill two people in this wave of tower jumping.

Moreover, it is still a wave of zero for two!

In the WSF team, Chao Hai Chen Chen has always been the absolute core.

Now because of the experience sharing between the two, Han Bing is still close to reaching the third level.

He died once at the second level, don't think about it, this has a great impact on the rhythm.

In the WSF team, the atmosphere also stagnated slightly.

They didn't expect that they would suffer such a big loss in such a short period of time!

In the voice of the team, Chen He said guiltily: "Captain, it's all my fault. I should have just hit Zach directly."

From Chen He's point of view, he really took up a big problem in this wave. If he had beaten Zac at the first moment of Zack's split, the result might have been different.

Hearing Chen He's words, Cang Hailangchen sighed softly.

"Chen He, I don't blame you. Even if you output Zac immediately, Jinx's teleportation is enough to save Zac."

"It's just to blame. We were too careless."

Cang Hailangchen knew that from the beginning to the end of this wave, there was no problem with Chen He's handling.

Even if Chen He controls Kieran to output Zac at the beginning of Zac's split, can he really kill Zac?

At that time, Kieran's E skill was used, his W skill was used to reduce CD, and the double bomb was also used. It can be said that all skills were CD.

Especially the CD of the Q skill, without Kieran as the output of the Q skill, how can it be possible to kill Zac so quickly just by leveling A?
Moreover, the transmission time of the current version has already been revised.

If it was a version a long time ago, the teleportation time was only 3.5 seconds, or the time difference between Kazak's resurrection could still kill Zac.

But the current transmission time has already been revised to 4.5 seconds.

This is a weakened teleportation for other heroes, but for Baozak, it is a disguised enhancement, which can delay a second.

At this moment, the sea waves and dust felt Luo Xia's fear even more.

This kind of thing that is weakened in terms of version can be used by Luo Xia as an advantage, it is too perverted!

What Cang Hailangchen said is correct, this wave is only to blame for their carelessness.

In fact, everyone in this wave was right.

When Zac disappeared, the mid laner Galio gave them a signal.

Jungle Nunu, it's completely understandable not to come to the road gang at this time. After all, the sea waves and the dust have completely retreated to the tower. Can the opponent still jump the tower in the early stage?
Canghai Langchen and Chen He also thought so in their hearts.

But Luo Xia and the others really did a tower jump in the early stage, and it was a wave of tower jumps that were perfect to the extreme, which completely caught them off guard.

Luo Xia's way of jumping over the tower is really too deep.

Just as Cang Hailangchen said, this wave is their own carelessness, or not enough care.

Taking a look at Jinx who was going down the road, no one knew, and the waves of the sea sighed again in his heart.

"Did you bring this teleportation just to protect him?"

After leaving Xincheng University that day, Lu Shiyan's celestial image still exists in Cang Hailangchen's mind, lingering.

It wasn't until the moment Jinx teleported that he knew what Lu Shiyan's real intention was with this teleportation.

The mood was complicated for a moment, and Cang Hailangchen quickly suppressed the trace of emotion that shouldn't be there. After being resurrected, he walked to the line and focused all his attention on the game.

On the commentary stage, Jokkr has been silent since Jinx teleported just now.

He was also a little dazed. He was too deeply disturbed by his own stereotyped thinking before, thinking that the teleportation of Jinke Ribbon was just for quick access.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be to send Bao Zak!

Just now he said that Zach would die, and even said at the beginning that Luo Xia and his team would lose all three of them in the early stage of tower jumping. Thinking about it, he felt his face hurt.

Especially when he said that all three of Luo Xia and the others would pay for it, but none of Luo Xia and the others died. This is a big wave of poisonous milk!
Fortunately, the audience was immersed in the amazement of Luo Xia's operation, and not many people noticed this.

Otherwise, he would really be unable to lift his head up.

He also remembered that when he said before that Zack of Lorshaw would die in battle, what Su Chunyu said was, "It doesn't matter whether Zac will be resurrected or not."

Jokkr didn't feel anything at the time, but now that he thinks about it, he has a vague feeling that Su Chunyu had already guessed something at that time.

Su Chunyu didn't say it directly at the time, in addition to leaving a little suspense for the audience, it also saved him enough face.

Jokkr couldn't help feeling a little grateful in his heart.

At this time, Ye Bing'er said: "The tower jump of the Lxsky team killed the duo of the WSF team. At the same time, the prince's condition is still very good."

"With the state of the prince, you can continue to play in the wild at this time. Nunu's plan to turn against the wild is probably going to fail."

Ye Binger's words reminded the audience even more.

That's right, not only was Luo Xia's tower jump very successful, but Wan Mei Dao couldn't be more perfect!

Apart from the amount of mana, the prince's blood volume has hardly decreased.

With the current state of the prince, it is fine to continue to go to the jungle to clear the jungle.

It seems that the Lxsky team has even considered the situation of Nunu going against the wild!

The game continued, and sure enough, on the big screen, Nunu was walking towards the prince's upper field, as if he wanted to steal a toad or something.

However, he ran into the prince in the river, and considering that Pan Sen, who had bought the equipment, might be not far behind the prince, he had no choice but to retreat.

Seeing this scene, the audience felt more and more
Luo Xia and the others' routines are not so deep!

(End of this chapter)

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