Chapter 1432 Rhythm Control (Second Change)

By now, almost all the audience can see that the WSF team is not only losing money, but also losing blood!
A wave of zero-for-two was played under the tower, and a wave of soldiers was also brought into the tower and was eaten by the tower.

Even if Nunu wanted to go against the wild, he couldn't succeed.

No matter which aspect you look at, it's a loss to the extreme.

Looking at the situation on the field, Jokkr said: "After experiencing this wave of jumping towers, the WSF team is really difficult to fight. Jinx sent Baozak, which caught them by surprise."

"Especially Jinx canceled the transfer just now, and will return part of the CD, and the time for the next transfer is only 3 minutes."

"Teleportation every 3 minutes. If Prince Zac and Pan Sen forcibly cross the tower, Han Bing and Kieran can't stand it at all. They probably won't dare to stay under the tower!"

Jokkr vaguely felt that Luo Xia's routine was too strong.

After only 3 minutes, how can the WSF team endure this wave of tower jumping in the same way?
After Jokkr finished speaking, Ye Binger said: "This method won't work."

Hearing what Ye Binger said, Jokkr couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

The audience was also a little strange. This time, they thought there was nothing wrong with what Jokkr said.

Su Chunyu smiled slightly and said, "That's right, the game pays attention to a balance, and this method won't work."

"Just look at every time the teleportation is cancelled, if the CD is transmitted next time, it seems that you can pass the tower of the WSF team once in 3 minutes, but Zach's passive CD is a full 5 minutes."

"Even if the teleportation CD is good, Zac's passive CD is far from good, so naturally we can no longer use this method to climb the tower."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the audience suddenly realized.

That's right, they only considered the teleport CD, not Zac's passive CD.

Zac's passive CD lasted a full 5 minutes, which was not short at all.

Just as Su Chunyu said, the game is about balance, and the official will naturally not allow one tower to be passed in 3 minutes, and the routine of Baozak's anti-tower will be transmitted all the time.

After a pause, Su Chunyu said: "But even if the Lxsky team can't send Pozak frequently, Han Bing and Kieran don't dare to stay under the tower any longer."

"You know, the original function of teleportation is not simply to protect Zac, but to teleport people there~"

Su Chunyu's words reminded everyone of this.

That's right, they saw Jinx teleporting Bozak just now, and their thinking has been following this.

In fact, when the opportunity is right, Jinx can pass it by herself!

Even if Zac hadn't been passive, the WSF team couldn't stand the tower jump with four people.

What they originally thought was really stereotyped thinking!
Jokkr also understood completely, and said: "So that's the case, I understand why Team Lxsky chose Jinx."

"To a certain extent, Jinx can be said to be the AD with the strongest tower jumping ability."

"Jinx teleports over, not to mention four people jumping over the tower, even if only three people jump over the opponent's tower, it's not a problem to leave completely after killing one person!"

When Luo Xia and the others chose Jinx at the beginning and also brought teleportation, Jokkr felt very incomprehensible
They even felt that Luo Xia and the others had chosen randomly.

But at this moment, he felt that he understood a little bit.

As we all know, Jinx's passivity is simply a magical skill for jumping towers.

With a full 175% acceleration, after jumping the tower, it is almost easy to jump over the tower and leave.

In the usual Rank rounds, you can often see the scene where Jinx accelerates away after jumping the tower in the bottom lane.

In this round, if Jinx teleported to the road when Luoxia and the others jumped the tower, Han Bing and Kieran really wouldn't be able to get along.

Not to mention that Jinx's hands are terribly long, and she doubts her life when she overwhelms Shen Du of the WSF team in the bottom lane.

This Jinx, the choice is really great.

Pantheon, Zac, Jinx, and even the prince are all tower-jumping heroes. The Lxsky team is planning to take down the WSF team from the very beginning!
Hearing Jokkr's words, Su Chunyu smiled, and said, "That's right, Team Lxsky's tower jumping routine in this round will cause a lot of trouble for Team WSF."

"However, there are ways to deal with it, as long as Nunu is always on the road to protect Ice and Zilan."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, many audience members nodded.

That's right, if Nunu was always on the road, Luo Xia and the others wouldn't be able to cross the tower so easily.

Although Han Bing and Kieran died once, they are still two people after all.

If Nunu is added, there are three people. If Nunu supports in time, it will be easier said than done if it wants to overcome the tower of three people.

Not to mention that in the last wave of Luoxia and the others, almost all skills such as flash have been handed in, and there is no way to CD in a short time.

Sure enough, on the big screen, it can be seen that after Nunu gave up the idea of ​​​​anti-Prince Wilderness, and after Han Bing went online, he has been turning around in the upper half of the wild.

Together with Kieran, the eye position has been made to the extreme, even the grass eye position on the wall on the road is done, and the ice is well protected.

Seeing the scene on the big screen, Su Chunyu's smile grew stronger.

"However, this method of response will cause a new problem."

At this point in Su Chunyu's words, Ye Binger only heard Ye Binger say: "Prince."

The audience didn't understand what it meant at first, but it didn't take long for them to fully understand.

After the prince finished beating the toad and returned to the city for supplies, he didn't go anywhere else at all, and went straight to Nunu's lower half wild area.

In order to prevent the prince from squatting back and protect the ice, Nunu has kept his position near the upper half of the field.

The prince, on the other hand, did exactly the opposite.

Don't you think I'm going to squat on the road, I won't go!
Since you dare not leave near the first half of the wild, then I will directly steal your wild!

Seeing this scene, many viewers felt dumbfounded.

"The jungler of the Lxsky team is too strong. It is completely playing with the opponent's ideas. It is worthy of being the previous Hanbok wild king!"

In the auditorium, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

The prince is playing like this, so he doesn't intend to give Nunu a living!
Jokkr understood all of this instantly, and realized how terrible Luo Xia and the others were.

"Nunu in this round was selected by the WSF team to fight against the prince in the jungle, but now, Nunu's jungle is controlled by the prince, this..."

Su Chunyu nodded even more, and said: "In my opinion, Nunu of the WSF team has been abolished!"

"If the prince frequently invades the wild area, Shen who goes down the road will be in great danger."

She knew that the rhythm of the WSF team had been gradually controlled by Luo Xia and the others.

All of this was a foregone conclusion at the moment Bo Luoxia and the others jumped the tower last time.

In other words, at the moment when Luoxia and the others finish selecting heroes, the outcome of this round has already been decided!
(End of this chapter)

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