Chapter 1436 Calculations! (Second more)
Looking at his gray screen, Cang Hai Langchen couldn't help but fell into a daze.

On the commentary stage, Jokkr was also a little dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that Lu Shiyan's Jinx didn't directly magnify the move up the road, but aimed at the moment when the ice returned to the spring water, and released the ult move towards the spring water.

Good... What a terrifying computing power!

In the auditorium, there was a moment of silence.

Watching this scene on the big screen, many viewers didn't come back to their senses.

In the end, it was Su Chunyu's voice that sounded first.

"Nice! The AD player of the Lxsky team directly predicted the moment when Han Bing returned to the spring, and a big move killed Han Bing!"

"In this wave, Jinx directly staged a wave of extreme operations!"

Su Chunyu's voice brought many viewers back to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, the voices of discussion in the auditorium completely exploded!
"Damn, I'm not mistaken, I'm using spring water to kill the ice!"

"There is such an operation, it is simply amazing!"

"If it's not a coincidence, such computing power is really abnormal!"

"That's right, it's almost impossible to be earlier or later, otherwise, I won't be able to kill Han Bing."

"My God, how do I feel that the beautiful AD of the Lxsky team is stronger than Langshen, but it's a pity that I didn't see them fighting in the bottom lane this time!"


There were fiery discussions in the auditorium, and the scene was extremely hot.

Such an operation completely shocked the audience.

As Su Chunyu said, this wave of Jinx operations is really a wave of extreme operations.

If the big move is released early, it will definitely not be able to hit the ice, and it will be empty directly.

If the ult is released late, Han Bing's blood will return quickly with the blood recovery speed of the spring water, and Jinx's ult will not be able to kill Han Bing.

It really doesn't work either earlier or later, it's a wave of extreme operations!

Some viewers even thought that Lu Shiyan's strength was stronger than that of Cang Hai Lang Chen!
However, in this game between the two, after all, they still didn't fight directly in the bottom lane, so it was not so easy to judge.

At this time, almost everyone in the WSF team was dumbfounded.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen.

After the death of Bing Hailangchen, it was time for Chen He to return to the city, and his Zilan returned to the spring.

But after returning to the spring, he didn't move for a long time, as if he was stupid.

The rest of the WSF team were also in a daze.

When something like this happened, they had no time to react, or even rescue them.

At the moment when Han Bing returned to the spring, Jinx's predictive move arrived directly, without any gap in the middle, so how could he react?
What's more, Shen has been suppressed in the bottom lane, and died once, and now he has not reached level six at all, so he can't save Han Bing with his ultimate move.

Although Galio has now reached level six, it is impossible for anyone to react in such a short time.

Who would have thought that the moment Han Bing returned to the city, he would be blown to death by Jinx?

Not to mention, Han Bing's position is already a bit out of the range of Galio's ultimate move, even if You Ranzi wanted to save him, he was powerless.

And with Bing Bing's blood just now, plus the beheading damage of Jinx's ult, I'm afraid even with Galio's damage reduction, he would still die.

The wave just now was really a dead end!

At this time, Jinx and female gun also returned to the line.

Sure enough, Jinx has already reached level six, while female gun is only level four now!

The further you go, the more experience you need to upgrade.

Besides, Canghai Langchen and Chen He died once, and now they are both at level [-], but the female gun is only at level [-]. It is enough to imagine how much experience she gave Jinx!

Seeing the levels of Jinx and Female Spear, the top laner Nan Tian Xiaoyun of the WSF team said with guilt: "Captain, this wave is all my problem."

"I didn't notice the level of the AD on the other side, and I didn't alert you earlier."

He felt that this wave was all caused by him.

However, Cang Hailangchen knew that Nan Tian Xiaoyun was not to blame for all this.

Sighing lightly, Cang Hailangchen said: "Xiaoyun, it's not your fault, it's just my fault that I didn't notice, the routine on the other side is too deep."

He knew that the level gap between Jinx and Female Spear must not have been created in an instant.

Just now, when Jinx and Female Gun were online, they must have been at level [-] and level [-].

As a support, sometimes he has to leave the line to do warding and so on. It's normal for his level to be one level behind AD, and Nan Tian Xiaoyun doesn't have much wariness.

But the real experience of the two, I am afraid that one is in the early fourth grade just now, and the other is about to be in sixth grade.

This point is extremely confusing.

The jungler Feng Yi Qinghen was a little puzzled, and said, "Captain, but Jinx, how did she reach level six so quickly?"

To this, Cang Hailangchen only said two words: "Wild monster."

Hearing Cang Hai Langchen's words, Feng Yi Qinghen couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Cang Hailangchen continued: "The prince must have given up the two waves of stone beetle wild monsters in the next lane to Jinx and Nvqiang, and Nvqiang gave up all the experience to Jinx."

"It's also because the prince didn't go to fight the stone beetle, so he has more time to frequently invade the wild area and counter-squat, just like the last wave of counter-squatting to help Pan Sen."

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, Feng Yi Qinghen also had to admit that maybe the truth is true.

The timing of the prince's capture several times, and the timing of invading the wild area are really good. Maybe the prince really gave up on the stone beetle.

After all, the stone beetle will always split, and it is still very time-consuming to fight.

But the prince didn't hit the stone beetle, and directly gave the stone beetle to Jinx and the female gun, so that Jinx could reach six faster, such a calculation
"And that's not all."

Canghai Langchen looked at the female gun who only had level [-] in the bottom lane, and said: "The female gun left the lane for the sake of warding off, and at the same time, it can give Jinx a good experience."

"And the female gun's eye and eye row made it easier for Zac's Gank, and Shen who was in the wave of Xiaoyun was caught and killed."

"At the same time, the female gun went to platoon, which prevented Zach and the prince from going to platoon to expose their positions, and made us more uncertain about the positions of Zac and the prince."

"The other side has set us up with a series of tricks from the very beginning!"

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, the voices of the WSF team fell silent.

They didn't doubt Cang Hailangchen's words. Regarding the situation in this round, Canghai Langchen's explanation made perfect sense, but
After a while, Feng Yi Qinghen said weakly: "Captain, could it be just a coincidence, the other side is really able to do such a calculation?"

Hearing this, Cang Hai Langchen sighed softly, and said, "Even if you underestimate any team, don't underestimate this team."

"Besides, in their team, there is a soul figure whose operation and brain are extremely terrifying."

At the end, Cang Hailangchen couldn't help flashing Luo Xia's figure in his mind.

This feeling of being calculated by a series of routines is too familiar to him.

Apart from Luo Xia, there is no other person at all!
(End of this chapter)

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