Chapter 1437 Countermeasures everywhere! (first update)
After expressing all the thoughts in his heart, Cang Hailangchen only felt that his heart was extremely complicated.

He didn't expect that until today, he was still not as good as Luo Xia.

All of this seems to confirm what Lu Shiyan said to him back then——

"Even if you hit the first place in the national server, you are not as good as him."

This sentence, of course, meant that Lu Shiyan wanted him to give up at the time, and deliberately said something harsh to make him give up.

But everything that happened after that is confirming all of this.

Besides, to this day, Cang Hailangchen has not been able to reach the first place in the national server.

From this point of view, he is no match for Luo Xia.
As for the scene where Jinx blew him to death with a big move just now, Cang Hai Langchen would not think it was a coincidence.

He knew that Lu Shiyan's strength was not weaker than him to some extent.

Even now, he might not be Lu Shiyan's opponent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have switched lines so unsurely in this round.

In Cang Hailangchen's heart, he couldn't help sighing softly.

Originally, at the end of the selection process, he felt that Luo Xia's lineup was very mediocre, and there was nothing outstanding about it.

But looking at it now, every position, every hero is not easy!

On the commentary stage, Jokkr has been silent since Jinx predicted the big move to kill Han Bing just now, as if he was too shocked to speak.

After a long time, he said: "My God, Jinx predicted that the big move will kill Han Bing. Could it be that all of this was also calculated by the Lxsky team!"

At the beginning, when Luo Xia and their lineup were confirmed, Jokkr felt very incomprehensible, and even said that the WSF team BP had already won.

For Jinx with teleportation, the combination of the two bottom laners without displacement AD feels very unreasonable.

But as the game progressed, Jokkr's idea has gradually changed.

Luo Xia's hero selection for this round was by no means as ordinary as he thought at first.

Very likely, it is an extremely deep routine!

Hearing Jokkr's words, Su Chunyu smiled slightly and said, "I think all of this must have been calculated by the Lxsky team long ago."

"Even Jinx's last wave of teleportation to cover Pan Sen and the prince was to relax the vigilance of the WSF team."

"After the first wave of tower jumping, the WSF team has been extremely careful, and it is difficult to Gank, and Jinx's teleportation makes the WSF team rest assured."

"When the ice returns to the spring, it will be the moment when Jinx will kill!"

Hearing what Su Chunyu said, although Jokkr felt a little unbelievable, he agreed more.

Indeed, for Luo Xia and his team, nothing seemed impossible!
Su Chunyu said: "In this round, the Lxsky team must have expected the WSF team to change lanes. The lineup and hero selection are extremely good."

"Pan Sen is facing the enemy duo, and at the right time, directly use the passive shield to cooperate with Zac and the prince to jump the tower."

"Zac's passive combined with Jinx's teleportation is a magic tower jumping skill, and the prince is extremely powerful in both force opening and backhand control!"

Jokkr naturally knows what Su Chunyu said.

At the beginning when the selection was over, he still felt that the WSF team had completely won the BP.

But until now, he couldn't tell which team had the advantage.

The WSF team chose several targeted heroes, but none of the advantages were played out.

The duo on the road, because of Luoxia's invasion at the beginning, was also restrained later, with no suppression power at all.

Even Nunu, who was chosen to restrain the prince, was almost completely abolished.

When selecting players, it seemed that the WSF team restrained the Lxsky team everywhere, but in fact, it was the Lxsky team that countered the WSF team everywhere!

Su Chunyu smiled slightly, and continued: "Perhaps many people will think that the Lxsky team will be at a disadvantage with two ADs who have no displacement in the bottom lane."

"But in fact, there is no more suitable bottom lane combination than Jinx and female gun. Even if they have no displacement, the WSF team can't catch it."

"Because the WSF team's jungler is Nunu, and the mid laner is Galio, both lack the ability to instantly force."

"Although Jinx and the female gun have no displacement, they both have deceleration and restriction skills. The female gun also has its own acceleration, which can completely defend against any Gank!"

Hearing her words, not only Jokkr suddenly realized, but even the audience suddenly realized.

That's right, according to their conventional thinking at first, they all felt that Jinx and the female gun had no displacement and were easy to be caught.

But now that they think about it, they are not afraid of being caught at all!
What a hero without displacement is most afraid of is the ability to force an instant displacement, or forced displacement.

These are exactly what the WSF team lacks.

The WSF team uses Galio in the middle to resist Zac, and uses Nunu in the wild to contain the prince. Although the handling of these two points will be slightly better, these two heroes lack the ability to force.

Nunu didn't move. If he wanted to Gank off the road, he could only run with his feet.

Not to mention that Luo Xia's bottom lane ward placement is very comprehensive, even if Nunu really bypasses the ward, he can't successfully gank without displacement.

When Jinx and the female gun appear in the field of vision, it is enough for Jinx and the female gun to fight back or run away.

Although Galio's E skill is displacement, the distance is too short.

Even if the W is fully charged and a W flashes, it will be difficult to create an effective control effect.

At this time, Jinx and the female gun really won't run away?

Not to mention, both female gun and Jinx have deceleration skills. Female gun can slow down with an E skill, and Jinx can slow down with a W skill.

Moreover, Jinx can also use the clip of E skill to seal the position.

How could Nunu catch it without displacement?
The only one with strong opening ability is the bottom laner Shen Le. If the E skill is flashed, the distance is very far, and it can also cause effective control.

But Shen was almost overwhelmed by Jinx and the female gun in the bottom lane, and the suspicion died, so let Shen Lai forcefully open, I'm afraid it's not because he wants Shen to go and never return!

Even if the forced opening is successful, Nunu will go to catch it. With the development of Yishen and Nunu, two-on-two can't beat them at all, unless they go to three people.

And even if there are three people, Jinx and female gun can kill Shen quickly, and Jinx can run away directly by relying on the passivity after killing.

The female gun can also stride forward with a W skill and run away directly.

The WSF team can only watch dryly from behind.

In addition, if Nunu and Galio both go to grab the bottom lane
How could Zach and the prince not notice it!

Maybe, the WSF team will also encounter Zach and the prince's anti-squat, and directly plant all the people on their side.

In this round, even if it was the bottom lane that seemed to be the best to catch, the WSF team didn't have any restrictions!

(End of this chapter)

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