Chapter 1438 Victory! (Second more)
What Su Chunyu said, Jokkr also agrees very much.

Don't say that Nunu can't catch it, so what if he did?
Two-on-two, Jinx and Nvqiang can beat it.

Even if there are three people, two of them can escape.

If Jinx kills Shen, the passive speedup of 175% is too abnormal.

The same is true for the female gun, because of the existence of the W skill, when the line is not damaged, it has a speed bonus of 25.

After another 5 seconds, the speed bonus will increase to between 60 and 100!

Even if it is interrupted in the middle, when the W skill is activated, it can instantly increase to the full speed.

In addition to his own deceleration skills and flash, if he was really caught, how could he not be able to run?
Thinking of the acceleration brought by the female gun's W skill, Jokkr suddenly realized something.

"Looking at it this way, the Lxsky team chose the female gun for the convenience of eye-rowing?" Jokkr said.

Jokkr suddenly thought that female guns not only have strong output ability against Shen online, but also have strong countermeasures against Nunu and Galio when they come to Gank.

Even doing eye rows is extremely advantageous.

After all, heroes with 60~100 acceleration, it is not too convenient to go in and out of rivers and wild areas to do eye-rowing!

After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu nodded with a smile and said: "The mage is right. The reason why the Lxsky team chose female guns as support must have considerations of vision."

"As for the Lxsky team, it's not the early lineup that everyone usually thinks, it's very useful even in the middle and late stages."

"Female Spear doesn't need any other equipment. As long as there is a black cut, it can greatly reduce the armor of the opponent in a team battle, and can directly assist teammates to win a team battle!"

Su Chunyu has analyzed the advantages of Pan Sen, Zac, the prince, and female guns.

Now the only thing she hasn't said is Jinx.

But even if she didn't say it, the audience has already seen how well Luoxia and the others chose Jinx in this round.

I only heard Su Chunyu finally say: "The choice of Jinx in the bottom lane is the finishing touch in the BP of the Lxsky team."

"Jinx has long hands. When online, she can be unstoppable. A teleportation can protect Zac. If Jinx teleports there by herself, she can even escape safely after jumping over the tower."

"Based on these points alone, it can give the WSF team great scruples, and Jinx's ultimate move can even take the head of Han Bing remotely."

"Take the heads of Shen and Han Bing in the early stage, and then take all the economy of a tower and join the team. The WSF team can't bear the damage Jinx brings!"

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, Jokkr couldn't help but secretly gasped.

Only now did he realize how well Luo Xia and his BP had done in this round.

I guessed early that the WSF team would switch lanes, so I chose Pan Sen on the road, and cooperated with Zac and the prince to cross the tower in the third level.

Zac and the prince all have the ability to force open, and Zac's passive cooperation with Jinx is a magic tower jumping skill.

Even the two ADs with no displacement in the bottom lane have extremely strong anti-Gank capabilities.

The female gun's W skill can not only chase, but also escape, and it can also be extremely efficient when doing eye platooning.

In the middle and late team battles, as long as a black cut can play a huge supporting role for the team.

Not to mention Jinx, with a teleportation, Zac was saved in the early stage, and the WSF team was directly overtaken by Luoxia and the others.

When it is teleported on the body, it can even give the WSF team great scruples.

And a big move, through precise calculations, can even take away the heads of Han Bing remotely.

Only then did Jokkr understand that the hero choices of the five positions of the Lxsky team are all extremely good.

Moreover, it also countered the WSF team everywhere!

Just like Nunu, who was chosen to restrain the prince.

But Nunu didn't have a powerful displacement skill, which directly made Jinx and female gun have no scruples.

The Lxsky team probably guessed that the WSF team would take Nunu after taking the prince, so they directly took Jinx and the female gun.

This kind of calculation ability is simply terrifying!
Seeing the situation on the field, Ye Binger said without the slightest turbulence: "The WSF team lost its rhythm, lost its lineup, and lost its economy."

"This game is bound to be defeated!"

Her words were equivalent to directly giving a final word on the result of this match.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how experienced the commentator is, he would not dare to say which team will definitely lose.

Because it is very likely, it will become poisonous milk.

Jokkr is even more afraid, he is used to poisonous milk, so he dare not say such words that may become poisonous milk.

But after hearing Ye Binger's words, the audience did not have any doubts.

Ye Binger is different from Jokkr, she has always been known for her positive milk.

She has never made a mistake in judging things.

Besides, what she said was completely correct.

The rhythm of the WSF team has been messed up, and the audience can see this.

Even at the earliest time, when Han Bing and Zilan were taken over the tower, the rhythm of the WSF team was already out of order.

Not to mention the lineup, Su Chunyu analyzed it just now.

Almost every point in the WSF team lineup was countered by the Lxsky team.

Even when it comes to team battles, it is quite difficult to fight.

Economically, it is even more obvious at a glance. The economic gap between the two sides is almost clear on the big screen.

When Luoxia and the others had just crossed the ice and Kieran's tower, the economies of the two sides were pulling apart at a weak speed.

Even if there is no outbreak of kills, Nunu has been completely defeated in terms of the economy of the wild area.

In the economy of the top laners on both sides, Shen also lags behind Pan Sen by a lot.

After all, ever since Luoxia and the others jumped the tower for the first time, Canghai Langchen and the others had been somewhat restrained, and Pan Sen's subsequent development was not too great.

As for Shen of the WSF team, he has always been under pressure, and many times he didn't even dare to make up for it.

In this case, the economies of both sides will naturally slowly expand.

Afterwards, Zac even Ganked out to help Jinx catch Shen to death, and Jinx then recruited Bing Bing's head again.

Leading by four in kills, leading in overall replenishment, and leading in resources in the jungle, Jinx will definitely take a tower next.

Heads, replenishment, wild monsters, and defense towers are all ahead, and the economic gap between the two sides will only become wider and wider.

As Ye Binger said, the WSF team has lost its rhythm, lost its lineup, and lost its economy.

This kind of contest between strong teams, with such a big gap, is already hard to come back!

Just as the audience thought, the WSF team became more and more unsustainable, and the front line was constantly compressed.

The few team battles that were barely launched had no effect.

In the end, they were finally pushed to the front of the base by Luo Xia and the others.

Luo Xia and the others were in a hurry, but at the same time they played steadily, not giving the WSF team any chance.

At 27 minutes, with Jinx's last basic attack, the screen was completely frozen.

The chaotic airflow scattered from the crystal base of the WSF team.


A shocking reminder sounded, and the base of the WSF team completely exploded.

Luoxia and the others won this match!
(PS: I finished writing the first game against the WSF team. To be honest, the game against a strong team is very difficult to write. There are many aspects to consider logic.

The first scene is more calculated, and the second scene will have a different style. Of course, there will definitely be a reasonable transition, and the changes in the mood of the characters will also be reflected.

Shiyan MM is finally about to evolve to the ultimate level, come out, the ultimate female beast! )
(End of this chapter)

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