Chapter 1439 Backstage (first update)
The contest between the Lxsky team and the WSF team, between the newly promoted dark horse and the old strong team, finally came to a conclusion at 27 minutes.

In the first game between the two teams, the WSF team lost after all!

At the moment when the picture was frozen on the big screen, Su Chunyu's voice sounded from the commentary stage.

"Nice! Congratulations to the Lxsky team for overthrowing the WSF team's base at 27 minutes and successfully winning the game!"

There was a hint of excitement in her voice.

The first round of BO3 was won, and the meaning it brought was extremely significant!
In the auditorium, I also remembered the fiery voices of the audience.

"Damn it, the Lxsky team really won, really won the WSF team!"

"This match was simply too exciting!"

"That's right, whether it's the Gank in the early stage or the team battle operation in the middle and late stage, they are all at the textbook level!"

"Haha, who said that the newly promoted teams must not be as good as the old teams, so many people's views should change now, right?"

"Team Lxsky is so strong, I can't find any shortcomings!"


The shouts and discussions in the auditorium were full of enthusiasm, as if they were about to overturn the roof of the competition venue!

On the commentary stage, Jokkr couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat secretly.

When the two teams played, he knew that the Lxsky team really had a lot of fans, because Luo Xia and each of them had an aura of excess.

It's always like that when you're on the court, let alone winning a game.

Those fans in the auditorium are not completely crazy!

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Jokkr cleared his throat and said, "Okay, the first match between the two teams is over, and after a 30-minute break, the second match will begin."

"At that time, whether the Lxsky team can maintain its momentum and win the game, or the WSF team can recover the disadvantage, let us wait and see!"

After Luo Xia and the others returned to the backstage, Ke Bei and the others immediately surrounded them.

Even though they didn't play, they were all happy from the bottom of their hearts to see Luo Xia and the others win the game.

"Brother Xia, you played really well in the last match!" Ke Bei said sincerely.

"Haha, that's right, especially that sea wave and dust, who hasn't developed since the beginning of the game, and the rhythm of the WSF team has been completely lost." Lao Lang also laughed.

Before Luo Xia said anything, Ling Yan said proudly: "That's right, how can it be better than Shiyan?"

Lu Shiyan has always been her greatest pride, Ling Yan really can't wait to praise her to the sky.

As he said that, Ling Yan said with some pity: "It's just a pity that I didn't have a good fight with them in the bottom lane."

"It's okay, the WSF team chose to switch lanes, and this kind of strategy can just deal with them well." Zhao Hao said.

Everyone talked to each other, and soon they chatted together.

However, during this process, Luo Xia kept silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Lu Shiyan noticed this, and just about to ask something, Luo Xia suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "Shiyan, come out with me."

Saying that, she directly pulled Lu Shiyan to walk outside.

Lu Shiyan was slightly taken aback, but she didn't ask any questions, and followed Luo Xia to the outside.

Ke Bei and the others didn't think too much about this.

Although they didn't know that Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan were now boyfriend and girlfriend, the relationship between the two had always been very good, and they all knew it well.

Ling Yan even knew the real relationship between Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan, so naturally she wouldn't say anything when she saw that they were in love with each other.

She even wished that the two of them could communicate more.

Only Jin Yuena saw Luo Xia holding Lu Shiyan's hand out, feeling unwell for no reason.

When the two were about to step out the door, Jin Yuena finally couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "Where are you going, don't forget, there is still a game to come!"

"Don't worry, Yueli, we'll be back soon."

Luo Xia didn't turn around, but waved at her with his back turned.

After the two disappeared by the door, Jin Yuena's state of mind, which had always been as calm as a mirror lake, stirred up waves like a jade stone thrown into a lake.

The mood is also inexplicably a little irritable.

Others would only think that the meticulous Jin Yuena was a little displeased with Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan going out, but Ling Yan knew the truth.

Seeing Jin Yuena's appearance, Ling Yan couldn't help feeling a little headache.

How could she not see that Jin Yuena's feelings for Luo Xia had already reached a level that she couldn't extricate herself from.

In Ling Yan's heart, she also felt quite puzzled.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that kid give Nana to make her so devoted to him?"

Although Jin Yuena almost never showed that cold side when facing Ling Yan, but after spending so long with Jin Yuena, how could Ling Yan not notice it at all?

She knew that it would not be an exaggeration to say that Jin Yuena had two personalities.

And Jin Yuena's two personalities are almost completely independent and do not affect each other.

If she really wants to fall in love with someone, that person must completely conquer her two personalities.

That is to say, it is necessary to make the goblin-like her fall in love with him, and also make the iceberg-like her fall in love with him.

This point, in the eyes of Ling Yan before, is simply impossible!

After all, these two personalities, one passionate like fire and the other cold like ice, are completely opposite.

It's not easy for two people with completely opposite personalities to like the same person at the same time.

Not to mention, when Jin Yuena was flattering, she was extremely flattering, and when she was cold, she couldn't get close to her. They were two extremes.

Coupled with her identity and status, it is doomed that it is extremely difficult for her to fall in love with someone, and other men rarely have the courage to approach her.

In the past, when Jin Yuena always told Ling Yan in a soft tone that no man could conquer her, Ling Yan never had any doubts in her heart.

Because in her view, this is simply impossible.

Unexpectedly, someone actually did it!

Ling Yan really wanted to know many times what kind of ecstasy soup Luo Xia poured into Jin Yuena.

"Oh, I've already said what needs to be said, let Nana decide on matters of feelings." Ling Yan sighed in her heart.

When drinking with Jin Yuena, she had already said what she should say.

For the rest, it depends on what Jin Yuena thinks.

Thinking of this, something suddenly came to Ling Yan's mind.

When Jin Yuena went to Luo Xia's hometown before, didn't she say that she wanted to know Luo Hai's attitude and some answers?

I don't know what's going on now...


(End of this chapter)

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