Chapter 1444 Fight! (Second more)

After Lu Shiyan finished speaking, Luo Xia didn't recover for a while.

"Xia, your hand" Lu Shiyan reminded softly.

After being reminded by her, Luo Xia realized that his right hand had been placed on Lu Shiyan's chest at some point.

"Uh, Shiyan, I'm sorry, I'm used to it."

Saying that, Luo Xia withdrew his hand.

Afterwards, he reached out his hand to Lu Shiyan's incomparably delicate snowy face, and gently stroked her smooth cheeks.

"Shiyan, maybe I have given you too little all this time, and it's no wonder that you have always been insecure and unconfident."

"After today's game is over, let's disclose our relationship to the rest of the team. Maybe they will find it difficult to accept it for a while, but they can figure it out in the end."

What Luo Xia said was exactly what was in his heart.

This was also another important thing he wanted to tell her when he pulled Lu Shiyan out today.

Luo Xia knew that all along, he had given Lu Shiyan too little, not even giving her the most basic sense of security.

Everyone knew that Su Chunyu was his girlfriend, but except for the time when Jin Yuena ran into Lu Shiyan, only the three of them knew that Lu Shiyan was his girlfriend.

At home, in their small world, Lu Shiyan can be his girlfriend with peace of mind.

But outside of the house, Lu Shiyan could only distance himself from him and become ordinary friends.

The sense of security she got was really too little.

Luo Xia has decided that after today's game, he will thoroughly disclose the relationship between the two of them like the rest of the team.

Let Lu Shiyan feel at ease as a couple with him even when he is in the team.

What Luo Xia said about Lao Lang and others might be difficult to accept for a while, and it also refers to the fact that Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan are both his girlfriends.

For ordinary people, it may be a little difficult to accept it for a while.

But Luo Xia believes that Lao Lang and others will figure it out eventually, and Luo Xia also believes that they will never leak this matter.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan was deeply moved. There was nothing wrong with it, she just hummed lightly and nodded.

Seeing her cute appearance, Luo Xia couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Shiyan, I still have to wrong you, maybe I can only give you so much."

Even if Luo Xia could disclose his relationship with Lu Shiyan to others in the team, it was only in the team.

His relationship with Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan is destined not to be made public.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be in the headlines of the news that day, and then it will cause an uproar in the society.

After all, Lu Shiyan can't be like Su Chunyu, and Luo Xia can't be a gluey couple in front of everyone.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Lu Shiyan shook her head lightly, and said, "Xia, don't say any more, I know everything."

The way the two get along now is happiness that she never dared to hope for before.

And soon after, she will be able to be a couple with Luo Xia in the team, how can she be dissatisfied?
Looking at Lu Shiyan, Luo Xia said very solemnly: "Shiyan, I will protect you and Xiaoyu for the rest of my life, and let you live a good life. This is my promise to you!"

When a man makes such a lifetime vow to a woman, he is basically the most taboo to bring another woman.

In this case, it is estimated that 90.00% of women will be furious, and it will definitely have the opposite effect.

But Lu Shiyan didn't feel any displeasure, as if it should be like this.

The three of them were already destined to never be separated, and to be together for the rest of their lives.

Just like she never cared about the importance of her and Su Chunyu's position in Luo Xia's heart.

Even if her status in Luo Xia's heart is lower, or even much lower, it doesn't matter, as long as Luo Xia has her in his heart, that's enough.

Luo Xia also heaved a sigh of relief after saying what was in his heart.

Although he was enlightening Lu Shiyan today, in fact, he was also talking about the things in his heart that he wanted to say a long time ago.

Now, Luo Xia only felt a sense of lightness all over his body.

Looking at the time, Luo Xia said: "Shiyan, it's almost time, let's go back and meet our next battle together!"

Saying that, Luo Xia grabbed Lu Shiyan's jade hand and walked towards the door.

WSF team, backstage lounge.

After the first match, when he returned to the lounge, Cang Hailangchen just stood by the window and watched the scenery outside without saying a word.

In the WSF team, everyone else was silent, even the coach Lu Yan didn't know what to say.

Although he is a coach, in a regular game, the coach discusses the lineup and play style with the players during the BP before the game.

In the game, in the face of various emergencies, the captain enjoys absolute supreme command.

In the last round of the game, it was also directed by the waves of the sea.

In this case, losing the game must be a big blow to him.

What's more, Cang Hailangchen died twice in the early stage of the last game, which had a great impact on the rhythm of the whole game, and to a certain extent directly became the fuse that led to the loss of the game.

Although there is nothing wrong with Cang Hailangchen, it is not easy for Canghai Langchen to deal with Luo Xia's routine.

But Lu Yan can imagine that Cang Hailangchen must be very self-blaming, and will take all the responsibilities on himself, thinking that he caused the team to lose the game.

Others didn't know how to comfort him.

"Lang Chen, how do you want to play the next round?" Lu Yan said.

Before each game, Lu Yan would basically ask Cang Hailangchen for his opinion, and today this point is even more important.

If Cang Hailangchen can personally command the team to win the next round, maybe he can untangle his knot in this round.

After Lu Yan finished speaking, Cang Hailangchen did not respond for a long time.

After a long time, Cang Hailangchen said: "Coach, don't change lanes in the next game, I... want to fight head-to-head with Lxsky team!"

Hearing what Cang Hailangchen said, everyone in the WSF team couldn't help being shocked.

In their memory, this was the first time they heard Cang Hailangchen say something like head-to-head.

Especially when facing such a powerful opponent as the Lxsky team!
(End of this chapter)

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