Chapter 1445 Head-to-head (first update)
After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, the lounge of the WSF team was suddenly silent.

No one thought that in the end, Cang Hailangchen would make such a decision.

After a while, Feng Yi Qinghen said: "Captain, you don't need to burn the boat like this. I don't think we need to change our strategy. We should follow the tactics of the previous round."

"Team Lxsky certainly can't guess that we will continue to use the strategy of the previous game, so that we can directly catch them off guard."

"Besides, Lxsky was able to take advantage of us so much in the early stage in the last round, mainly because of the tower jumping ability of those heroes. As long as we ban them, there is nothing to be afraid of at all!"

After Feng Yi Qinghen finished speaking, most of the others nodded in agreement.

Especially the last point. In the last game, Luoxia and the others took advantage of them by jumping the tower in the early stage, which put their team at a disadvantage.

In the early stage, there are only a few heroes with strong tower jumping ability, Pan Sen counts as one, Zac who cooperates with teleportation counts as one, and Spider counts as one.

If they were more cautious in this round, and banned the prince who Feiying was very good at, if they fought like this, they might not lose.

After Feng Yi Qinghen finished speaking, Cang Hailangchen didn't speak.

Nan Tian Xiaoyun also persuaded: "Captain, what Fenghen said is correct, we don't need to change our strategy, just continue to fight according to the thinking of the previous round, we may not lose!"

"You know, this is a strategy that took you a long time to formulate, captain. How could it be so unbearable? The last round was just a coincidence."

Nan Tian Xiaoyun wanted to say something, but Lu Yan waved his hand, stopping what he wanted to say next.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yan looked at Canghai Langchen and said, "Langchen, can you give me a reason for your thoughts?"

After Lu Yan finished speaking, Cang Hai Langchen slowly turned around, looked at Lu Yan, and finally fixed his eyes on Nan Tian Xiaoyun.

"Xiaoyun, you said just now that this strategy of changing lanes was decided by me a long time ago. At that time, everyone and the coach were very satisfied with this strategy."

"But in fact, I really don't want to adopt this strategy in my heart, because I really want to have a head-to-head duel with the Lxsky team."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Nan Tian Xiaoyun couldn't help being stunned.

He really didn't know the thoughts in Cang Hailangchen's mind.

Cang Hailangchen said: "Xiaoyun, do you know why I chose that line-changing strategy in the end?"

"The reason is very simple, because I'm scared."

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, Nan Tian Xiaoyun was stunned, and the others were also stunned. They didn't expect that Canghai Langchen would say such a thing.

And when he said these words, Cang Hailangchen's expression was calm, even calm without the slightest wave.

"Captain, you." Nan Tian Xiaoyun felt a little unbelievable.

Cang Hai Langchen said calmly: "Yes, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I won't be the opponent of the bottom lane duo. I'm afraid that the team will lose the game due to my own reasons."

"I would choose to change lanes, not because changing lanes is the safest way of playing, or the most suitable strategy for us, all of this is just because I am afraid."

Lu Shiyan was worried that she would not be the opponent of Cang Hailangchen in the lane, so why is it not the same for Canghai Langchen?
Cang Hailangchen is very clear that now Lu Shiyan's strength is not much weaker than him, and may even be higher than him!

In LPL professional games, their WSF team has almost never been afraid of anyone in the bottom lane, and basically no team's bottom lane duo can fight against them.

Even the EAF team, which was about the same strength as their team before, or even the MTC team, which was slightly stronger than their team, was no match for them in the bottom lane.

Not to mention other ordinary LPL teams.

The only team that can compete with them in the bottom lane is the QWG team.

The bottom lane of the QWG team can compete with them, but also because of the existence of Fei Luo, the number one support in the national server, in the QWG team.

The auxiliary strength is strong, and to a certain extent, it can completely make up for some shortcomings of AD.

However, if you simply fight for your personal strength, although the AD Gaefeng Liuhuo of the QWG team is very aggressive, but Cang Hailangchen is confident that he can still overwhelm him.

Canghai Langchen's strength is stronger than Lie Fengliuhuo's, and Fei Luo's strength is stronger than Chen He's. Under this balance, the two teams can't tell the difference between the bottom lane.

Even if there is a comparison, Cang Hailangchen and the others will still have a small advantage.

But for Lu Shiyan, Cang Hailangchen watched all her matches, big and small, without losing a game, but the more he watched, the more frightened he was!
In so many games, Lu Shiyan hardly made any mistakes, she is simply an impeccable AD player!

Even if some operations are small mistakes in the eyes of ordinary people, Cang Hailangchen also knows that they are not mistakes at all, but the best handling under the situation.

Coupled with Ling Yan's support, Cang Hai Langchen is not sure at all that he can beat her [-]%.

Therefore, in the last round, he chose to switch lanes.

After Cang Hailangchen finished speaking, Lu Yan's eyes froze slightly.

Afterwards, Lu Yan looked directly at Lang Chen in the sea and said, "Lang Chen, have you thought about it?"

Cang Hailangchen nodded without any hesitation, and said, "Yes, coach, I have already thought about it."

Perhaps, as Nan Tian Xiaoyun said, they can also adopt the tactics of switching lanes in the previous round in this round, and ban the few heroes who need to be paid attention to, which will greatly improve their chances of winning.

But no matter how ingenious the tactics are, they are just tactics, as long as they are tactics, there is a possibility of being cracked.

What if they still lose this round?
In a BO3 match, after losing two rounds, there would be no chance for a third round. The sea waves and dust did not want to leave any regrets.

Besides, as the No. [-] AD in the national server, he has his own pride. If he doesn't even dare to face a strong opponent, how can his strength continue to improve?
"In this match, regardless of winning or losing, some feelings that shouldn't be there should be completely cut off." Cang Hailangchen said silently in his heart.

The next match is also Cang Hailangchen's finalization of his past self.

He knew in his heart that Lu Shiyan did not belong to him, and would never belong to him.

In the next match, the sea waves and dust will not mix any personal feelings and release the water.

He wants to respect his opponent, not to mention that Lu Shiyan may be the strongest opponent he has ever encountered!
Even though she looks like she is just a beautiful girl like a fairy.

Seeing Cang Hailangchen being so determined, Lu Yan finally nodded.

Seeing this, Cang Hailangchen also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Coach, everyone, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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