Chapter 1446 Fight again! (Second more)
Backstage, Lorshaw's lounge.

There was a 10-minute break in the game, and about 15 minutes later, Luo Xia pulled Lu Shiyan's hand back here.

As soon as Luo Xia came back here, he felt a chilly breath coming towards him.

"You two, where have you been!" Jin Yuena said in an extremely cold tone.

When she was speaking, she looked directly at Luo Xia, and her icy eyes, which were usually calm, were full of anger at this time.

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia scratched her head and said, "Uh haha, Yue Li, I'm sorry, I wasted a little time."

Lu Shiyan smiled and said: "Sister Yueli, don't be angry, the time left should be enough for us to prepare."

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Jin Yuena's Liu eyebrows moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Lu Shiyan with a little surprise.

Ke Bei was also a little surprised and said: "Sister Shiyan, why do I feel that you are different?"

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan smiled lightly and said, "Really, what's different?"

After Lu Shiyan finished speaking, Ke Bei thought about it, but couldn't say why.

"Uh, I don't know, I just have this feeling." Ke Bei said.

Hearing Ke Bei's words, Luo Xia couldn't help but smile.

He knew that Lu Shiyan's change really came from the inside out.

That kind of self-confidence in every gesture, as well as the temperament displayed, are not something ordinary people can have.

Jin Yuena's eyes lingered on Lu Shiyan for a few seconds, then she withdrew her gaze and said, "Okay, tell me how much you guys discussed about how to play the next game."

While speaking, her gaze was on Luo Xia.

"Uh, let's ask Shi Yan this question." Luo Xia said.

Seeing Jin Yuena's expression, Luo Xia couldn't stop muttering in his heart.

I don't know what's wrong, he only went out with Lu Shiyan for a while, and Jin Yuena felt so much resentment in her heart
After Luo Xia finished speaking, the corners of Lu Shiyan's mouth raised an extremely beautiful arc, and said: "How direct, how violent, hit me!"

After she finished speaking, the lounge couldn't help being quiet for a while.

In the end, Luo Xia was the first to break this calm.

"Haha, that's a good saying, I like it!" Luo Xia laughed.

Ling Yan came back to her senses, and said with burning eyes: "I like it too!"

She had a hunch that the next game might be a big fight!

"Okay, the 10-minute break is over, and the second match between the two teams is about to begin!"

At the end of the break, the two teams played, and Jokkr's voice came from the commentary stand.

After the two parties sat down in their seats, they looked at Lu Shiyan who was opposite through the gap of the machine, and the hearts of Cang Hailangchen were unprecedentedly serious and clear.

Next time, it's best to win,
If he can't win, he should give up the number one AD in the national server!
LPL can have a stronger AD than him, to a certain extent, this is what he has always hoped for.

In the next match, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will have no regrets!

On top of Lu Shiyan's delicate snowy face, her expression was extremely serious and focused.

Even, you can feel the chilling meaning that you rarely feel in her body!

On the commentary stage, Su Chunyu faintly felt this atmosphere, and said: "In this game, maybe there will be a big battle between the two sides!"

As her voice fell, the picture on the big screen changed, and the two parties entered the BP page.

In the last game, Luoxia and the others were on the blue side, and the WSF team was on the purple side.

In this round, the positions of the two sides were switched, and the WSF team went to the blue side, which belonged to the first Ban side.

After a round of Ban stage ended, the WSF team banned Pantheon, Zac, Spider, and Luo Xia and they banned Galio, Time, and Troll.

Seeing the Ban people on both sides, Jokkr nodded and said: "It seems that the last game taught the WSF team a deep lesson."

"The three Bans in this game all used tower-climbing heroes like Pantheon Spider. The Ban's style has changed a lot from the previous game."

There are not many heroes who can jump over the tower in the early stage. Pan Sen counts as one, and teammates who cooperate with teleportation, Zac who is passively kicked out counts as one, and Spider counts as one.

These three heroes have been banned, and there are almost no heroes who can jump the tower in the early stage.

As Jokkr said, the Ban style of the WSF team is also a little different from the previous round.

In the last game, the WSF team banned Yasuo, Enchantress and Spider, obviously aiming at Luoxia and Feiying.

In this round, the three heroes banned by the WSF team were all banned for tower jumping heroes, and they were no longer aimed at a certain player.

After Jokkr finished speaking, Ye Binger said indifferently: "The ban style of the Lxsky team has also changed a lot."

Hearing Ye Binger's words, Jokkr couldn't help being taken aback, and couldn't react for a while.

Su Chunyu smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, the Lxsky team banned three ADs in the last round of banning, and this round"

She didn't finish her words, but the meaning was already obvious.

After Su Chunyu's reminder, Jokkr realized that in the last round of the Lxsky team, the ban dropped Lu Xi'an, the policewoman, and Xiaopao, all three positions were given to AD.

In this round, Luoxia's three Bans didn't give AD to any of them!

Originally, Jokkr didn't think too much about Luo Xia's Ban position, and even felt that the ban styles of the two sides were similar.

After all, from a certain point of view, the heroes of the bans of the two teams are almost all the heroes used by the opponents in the previous game.

The Lxsky team added another troll, and the others seemed to have no changes.

But after being reminded by Su Chunyu and Ye Binger, Jokkr realized that the ban style of the Lxsky team is really very different!

The current Lxsky team is not targeting the waves of the sea at all, it's like releasing all the heroes for you to choose.

Before Jokkr could think about it, a hero's head appeared on the big screen. The WSF team chose their first hero.

"Yeti knows what to do!"

The one selected by the WSF team turned out to be Nunu who was selected in the previous round!
Seeing the ban selection of the WSF team, Jokkr couldn't help but think of something, and said: "The WSF team banned Pan Sen, Zac and Spider, and now they have selected Nunu."

"Does the WSF team still want to adopt the tactics used in the last game?"

Hearing Jokkr's words, many viewers have to admit that Jokkr's guess is indeed justified.

In the last game, the WSF team selected Nunu to contain the prince in the wild. The role in the later stage is to protect AD, and the W skill speeds up AD.

The reason why the WSF team lost in the previous game was mainly because they were forced to jump the tower in the early stage. In this round, the WSF team directly banned three tower jumping heroes.

From the looks of it, it seems that the WSF team will really use the tactics of the last game?
(End of this chapter)

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