Chapter 1447 Strong combination! (first update)
The WSF team banned Pan Sen, Zac and Spider, and chose Nunu again.

It seems that it really seems to continue to use the strategy of the previous game.

There was also a discussion in the audience.

"Damn it, the WSF team's ban is not going to continue to use the strategy of the previous game!"

"I think it's very possible, otherwise, why do you want to be so BP?"

"Use the same strategy twice, and lost the last game. The WSF team should not continue to use it."

"That's right, the tactic that has already been lost once, if you use it again this time, it will definitely not take advantage of it."

"I don't think so. The WSF team lost in the last round, mainly because of the tower jumping of the Lxsky team. Now that those heroes are banned, the chances of winning are still very high."


There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and opinions were not unified at all.

Some people think that the WSF team will continue to use the strategy of the previous game, and some people think it will not.

Viewers have different opinions on the outcome of the WSF team using the strategy of the previous game.

Some viewers felt that if the tactic that had been used once was used again, it would definitely be easily cracked by the Lxsky team.

There are also some viewers who feel that the WSF team has already banned these tower jumping heroes, and if they fight again, they will have a great chance of winning.

Of course, only the WSF team knows that they will not use the strategy of the previous round in this round.

I have to say that the BP of the WSF team is really top-notch.

Even if they are no longer prepared to continue the routine of the previous round, there is still a deep confusion in BP.

If Luoxia and the others played according to the WSF team's idea of ​​changing lanes, they would definitely suffer a big loss in this round.

Moreover, these heroes have the ability to jump towers in the early stage, and the style of the Lxsky team is biased towards offense. No matter what, it is always beneficial to ban them.

Looking at the BP on the field, Jokkr said: "Although the WSF team banned a few tower-jumping heroes in the first round of Ban, they also released the prince."

"Now it's the Lxsky team's turn to choose players. I don't know if the Lxsky team's junglers will choose the prince again."

Jokkr knows that although the prince cooperated with Pan Sen and Zac to complete a wave of extremely perfect tower jumping in the last round, if the hero Prince is taken out alone, he is not a tower jumping hero.

The WSF team banned the spider with strong tower jumping ability, but this also released the prince. In Jokkr's view, Feiying may choose the prince again.

"will not."

After Jokkr finished speaking, Ye Bing'er said without the slightest expression.

Before Jokkr had time to ask anything, the head portrait of a hero had already appeared on the big screen.

"Change is a good thing!"

Lorshaw and the others selected the first hero, the Void Predator, Kha'Zix!
That is, commonly known as the praying mantis.

Mantis was selected, and there is no doubt that he took the jungler position.

Seeing this scene, Jokkr couldn't help being stunned.

He didn't expect that, just like what Ye Binger said, Feiying really didn't choose the prince.

On the commentary stage, Ye Binger's expression showed no surprise.

She knew that Flying Eagle had its own pride, unless it was for the sake of the team, a certain hero was always very suitable for the current lineup.

Otherwise, such a thing as choosing the same hero in two games would never happen to him.

At this time, Luoxia's second hero was also selected.

It's the Eye of Twilight, Shen!

Seeing this scene, Su Chunyu smiled, and said: "Whether the WSF team will change lanes or not, the Lxsky team will handle the BP very well."

"The last round of the WSF team's line-changing style of play was mainly at the sixth level. In this round, the Lxsky team banned Time and Galio, and took Shen. It will be difficult for the WSF team to change lanes!"

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, many viewers nodded in agreement.

The essence of the WSF team's line-changing style in the last game was the suppression and development of the early stage of the ice, and the auxiliary protection ability of the teammates after the sixth level.

After the sixth level, there is a big move of time, a big move of Galio, and a big move of Shen. Han Bing is really hard to die.

If Shen develops normally, he will have a strong single belt ability in the later stage. If he is caught, even if he cannot run, it will be enough to delay a lot of time.

Even if there are not many people who come to catch Shen, Galio can still use a big move to support the past and save Shen.

The whole set of ideas can be said to be extremely perfect.

But in this round, Shi Shi and Galio were banned, and Lxsky team robbed Shen again. Now it is really difficult for WSF team to adopt the same line-changing style as in the previous round.

After Shen was selected, it was the turn of the WSF team to select.

After a brief weighing, the WSF team selected their two heroes.

Void fear, Cho'Gath!

Clockwork Genie, Orianna!
After that, it was Luo Xia's turn to choose someone again.

Almost without any hesitation, Luo Xia and their third hero locked directly.

"It's time to perform the real technique!"

Explorer, Ezreal!

This selection obviously attracted the attention of many people.

The Lxsky team actually chose EZ. Could it be that AD has already been determined?
Seeing Luoxia's selection, Jokkr said: "The Lxsky team chose an EZ, either playing AD or playing mid laner."

With the experience of Luoxia and their female guns in the last game, Jokkr did not speak too absolutely this time. After all, EZ can play AD, but he can also play mid laner.

Now, he won't poison milk, right?
After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu smiled and did not speak.

On the WSF team, coach Lu Yan frowned slightly when he saw the EZ that Luoxia and the others had chosen.

Cang Hailangchen frowned imperceptibly.

So far, the round of BP stage of the two sides has ended, and the second round of BP stage has entered.

The situation on the side of the WSF team is very clear, that is, AD and support have not been determined.

But the Lxsky team, especially this EZ, is very disturbing.

After the end of the second round of interim stage, Luoxia and the others banned Karma and Thresh.

The WSF team banned Bullhead, Bud.

The final Bans of the two teams are all targeted supports.

Until the ban phase was completely over, neither team had even one AD to ban. This was simply impossible when other teams faced off against WSF teams in the past!
After the ban stage ended, Luoxia and the others selected a fourth hero.

Paladin, Lucian!

"The Lxsky team chose Lucian. It seems that EZ and Lucian will play mid laner and AD, but I don't know how the Lxsky team will allocate them. Now they only have support to decide."

Seeing Luo Xia's selection, Jokkr said.

After Lucian was selected, it was the turn of the WSF team to select.

The avatars of the two heroes appeared on the big screen almost instantly.

Ni Yu, Xia!

Huan Ling, Luo!

The bottom lane of the WSF team directly took the combination of Xia and Luo!
(End of this chapter)

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