Chapter 1448 BP Routine! (Second more)
In BP, the WSF team still maintains a consistent style in the general direction. It does not ban AD heroes in a round, and does not take AD heroes in a round.

Save the combination of the bottom lane and choose it at the end.

It was the same in this round. In the end, the WSF team directly took the strong combination of Xia and Luo!

"The Lxsky team has never banned AD, and gave the WSF team a combination of Xia and Luo. This is a bit difficult to fight."

Seeing the bot lane hero combination of the WSF team, Jokkr said on the commentary stage.

The combination of Xia and Luo has always been very strong, especially in the lane. In his opinion, let the WSF team get the combination of Xia and Luo, Luo Xia and their bottom lane will definitely not be too easy.

After choosing the combination of Xia and Luo, Cang Hailangchen's heart is still peaceful, but his confidence is a little bit more.

Obviously, with such a combination, the conventional strong support was almost banned, and he felt a little more confident.

He still remembered that when he lost to Lu Shiyan for the first time, Lu Shiyan and Luo Xia used the combination of Xia and Luo.

Facing Lu Shiyan again today, this time they used the combination of Xia and Luo. I have to say, this is like a reincarnation.

Cang Hai Lang Chen also wanted to see how Luo Xia and the others would deal with it.

It's not just the waves of dust, the audience is also looking forward to Luo Xia's last hero choice.

They want to see what kind of support Luo Xia and the others will use to deal with the combination of Xia and Luo of the WSF team.

However, when Luo Xia and the others chose their last hero, the audience in the auditorium were a little confused.

"Welcome to the Draco Alliance!"

Luo Xia and the others chose in the end the Honorable Judge, Delevingne!
Seeing that Luo Xia and the others finally chose a Draven, Jokkr on the commentary stage was stunned, the WSF team was stunned, and the audience in the auditorium was also stunned.

EZ, Lucian, Gad Levine?
What the hell is this lineup!

After the atmosphere froze for a short period of time, fiery discussions erupted in the auditorium.

"Damn, Delevingne, I'm not mistaken!"

"Draven is playing support? I don't read much, so don't lie to me!"

"Why is Draven playing support? Obviously Draven is an AD. If you have to say it, it is also possible for the mid laner."

"Draven is playing AD, so where are EZ and Lucian going?"

"The Lxsky team's selection is too unexpected every time, until the end, I can't understand it at all!"


In the auditorium, the audience's fiery discussions kept ringing out, apparently shocked by Luo Xia's lineup again.

In the last round, Luoxia and the others used the auxiliary female gun to play tricks on the BP. Unexpectedly, they even came up with tricks in this round!

What about AD Delevingne, mid laner EZ, and mid laner Lucian? All kinds of possibilities make the audience's heads almost explode.

Who would have thought that the Lxsky team could select three AD heroes!

On the commentary stage, Jokkr even lost his voice: "My God, the Lxsky team finally chose a Delevingne."

"Could it be that the lineup of the Lxsky team is Shen support, mid laner EZ, and top laner Lucian?"

Hearing what Jokkr said, many viewers thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Although the top laner Lucian is relatively rare, it is not impossible to play, and even a few teams have played it before, and achieved good results.

But if it's really like this, it seems a bit inappropriate.

What exactly is inappropriate, the audience can't tell.

Looking at the lineups of both sides, Su Chunyu said with a smile on his lips, "I think Shen must be the top laner for Team Lxsky in this round."

"Shen is the only front row of the Lxsky team. During the BP, the Lxsky team even banned the trolls to prevent Shen's armor and magic resistance from being stolen."

"If Shen goes to play as a support, the economy of the support position is not enough for Shen to develop, and the Lxsky team will become very difficult to play in the mid-term."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, many viewers were suddenly enlightened.

They finally knew where the inappropriate feeling in their hearts came from.

That's right, the fact is just like what Su Chunyu said, Shen is the only meat on Luo Xia's side, if Shen goes to play as a support, Frankness will not be able to support it.

If the team doesn't even have a front row, even if the economy is much ahead, it is basically impossible to fight a team battle.

What's more, the Lxsky team banned the troll in the first round of BP. Isn't it because they were worried that the troll's ultimate move would affect Shen, the only front row in the team battle?

So in this round, Shen must be playing top lane, and it is absolutely impossible to play support.

Jokkr also felt that Su Chunyu's analysis was very reasonable, but he was still a little puzzled, and said, "In that case, who will be the supporter, is it the mantis who will be the supporter?"

In his opinion, if Shen didn't use support, there would be no suitable heroes for the Lxsky team to play support.

Su Chunyu glanced at the big screen and said, "If I'm not wrong, the Lxsky team should be supported by EZ."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, Jokkr couldn't help being a little stunned.

EZ assist?

This... is somewhat unlikely, right?
Looking at the big screen, Su Chunyu said: "EZ support is not impossible to play, it consumes a lot of energy, it can move to chase or save life, and the W skill can also be used to assist teammates."

"Besides, the support player of the Lxsky team was transferred from AD to the support position. She even had a very high achievement in the AD position. She must know these AD heroes very well."

"The female gun in the last game is a good example. I think this support player must be the best AD support hero. Until today, she has completely shown her true strength!"

Su Chunyu's analysis was reasonable, and he couldn't find any flaws.

Even EZ support has many advantages, as long as it is played well, it can be effective.

Ling Yan has transformed from an AD player to a support player. What she knows best and is best at is definitely an AD hero. If she can develop a support AD hero, she will definitely not give up.

As for what she said, Ling Yan showed her true strength only today, and many people understood what she meant.

Because before today, when facing other teams, Ling Yan had always used Thresh, a regular support hero like the Japanese girl, and had never used an AD hero to assist.

It is precisely because of this that when she took out the female gun today, the WSF team didn't think about the support at all, and it caught the WSF team by surprise.

In this round, if it is the auxiliary EZ, the WSF team will undoubtedly be caught off guard again.

It can be seen from the second round of BP that the two Ban members of the WSF team are all aimed at the auxiliary Ban.

In other words, they didn't even consider the situation where EZ is a support!


(End of this chapter)

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