Chapter 1450 Intense confrontation! (Second more)

After helping the jungler, the duo of the bottom lane came directly to the lane.

As soon as they arrived on the line, the two sides fought fiercely as if they had met a deadly enemy.



Just after going online, Draven and Xia slashed each other fiercely almost at the same time before replenishing troops.

The two of them didn't seem to see the minion on the field. After making up for the first minion with residual blood, they began to look for opportunities to fight fiercely.

In addition to the unavoidable flat-A exchange, the temptations of both sides are even more subtle to the extreme.

When Delevingne stepped forward, Xayah would always retreat in good time.

When Xia stepped forward, Delevingne would always retreat at the right time.

Many times, it seems that the two are about to join forces, but they often retreat at the same time, and the real touch points.

The ADs on both sides have truly achieved the ultimate in distance control.

Everyone wanted to rely on their own positioning and distance to control and take advantage of the opponent's general attack, but no one did it!

"Shiyan, pay more attention to his walking rhythm." Ling Yan said.

Lu Shiyan just hummed lightly, and didn't have time to say a word.

From the beginning, her beautiful eyes have been scanning Xia's body, observing Xia's movement cycle.

No matter how strong a person is, there will be a pattern of walking, and the waves of the sea are no exception.

But the stronger the person, the longer his position cycle will be. It is undoubtedly impossible to accurately grasp the changes within a cycle.

Before that, Lu Shiyan naturally also studied Cang Hai Langchen's position, just like Cang Hai Langchen studied her position.

But in this round, Cang Hailangchen's positioning rules are different from any previous ones.

Why this is so, the reason, is already obvious.

The sea waves have always hidden some strength, in order to gain the upper hand when facing them one day, they deliberately hide their strength!
"Master, his regular position is the middle position." Lu Shiyan said at an accelerated pace.

Ling Yan smiled and said, "I know, don't worry, I won't waste him with Q skills, but don't forget, I used to play AD too."

What Lu Shiyan said is correct, the basic position that Cang Hailangchen adopts is the median position.

What is the middle position, in simple terms, it is to move in the middle of the pawn line.

In fact, under normal circumstances, this kind of position is the most taboo, and most people don't use it at all.

Because walking in the middle of the pawn line, it is easy to be stuck by the pawns, and sometimes, even miss the knife because of these interferences.

But this way of positioning is not too difficult for Cang Hailangchen, and he will not make low-level mistakes such as missing a knife because of a small soldier's position.

And his way of moving in the middle of the pawn line can well defend against EZ's Q skill attack.

Ordinary people will never choose this way of walking, and this way of walking is also difficult for ordinary people to do.

For the vast majority of people, even some professional players, in order to avoid getting stuck in the middle of the pawn line when making up the knife, they all adopt the rear or side position.

In this way, EZ is given a good opportunity to consume.

Especially when the opponent attacks and raises his hand, EZ plays Q, and the hit rate is very high.

In this round, the sea waves are in the middle of the pawn line. If EZ's Q wants to hit, it will not be so easy.

But Ling Yan will not be so stupid as to simply use Q to consume the waves of the sea, you know, she chose EZ in this round, to a certain extent, she is playing as an AD!

She can completely use the basic attack to consume the sea waves and dust when she is stuck in the position during the basic attack.

In fact, she's been doing it all along.

However, in this process, you must always pay attention to your position, and you must not attract the hatred of the soldiers.

At the same time, we must also pay attention to guard against Luo, avoid being hit by Luo's Q skill, and then help Xia regain blood, which will not be worth the candle.

The two sides have been fighting fiercely, and some micro-operations are exquisite to the extreme.

At a certain moment, Delevingne's attack suddenly opened up and closed up, and the sea waves felt the pressure instantly.

Even, it is a kind of suffocating pressure!
But in his heart, he was getting more and more excited.

It's been a long time since anyone could give him this kind of pressure and give him such a hearty feeling!
Maybe Ling Yan can do it too, but the time when the two of them soloed was the time when Cang Hailangchen had just returned from the e-sports club of Xincheng University and was a little absent-minded.

That time, Cang Hai Langchen lost in a hasty manner because of his poor condition and underestimating the enemy, and he didn't feel too deeply.

Only this time when facing Lu Shiyan, did he really feel the pressure of being evenly matched!

The confrontation between the two sides is getting more and more intense. With Cang Hailangchen's positioning method, no matter how strong his control is, there will always be mistakes.

Finally, at a certain moment, Ling Yan found a chance and hit Xiang Xia with a Q skill.

"Secret shot!"

When EZ's Q skill was about to hit Xia, Luo instantly moved in front of Xia.

"Qing Wu in pairs!"

Luo's E skill directly added a layer of shield to Xia, which offset the Q skill of EZ.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yan couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"Level [-] Luo actually learned the E skill, so calm down!"

She always thought that what Luo learned at the first level was the Q skill, so she was always careful about her position to avoid being caught by Luo Q.

When Lu Shiyan was fighting against Cang Hailangchen, she was always paying attention to her position.

But I didn't expect that Luo learned the E skill at the first level, and he was so calm. The two sides have been fighting for so long, and they are only now using it.

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Lu Shiyan said: "Master, I don't think Luo is complacent, but that he has only learned the first skill until now."

After Lu Shiyan finished speaking, Ling Yan thought about it, and then said: "That's right, judging from the current situation, it is very likely to be so."

From the time it went online to now, Luo has been looking for opportunities to interfere, without using a single skill.

Looking at it now, perhaps it is true that Luo has never had any skills, and he is going to learn his own skills according to the situation on the court.

If Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan don't pay attention to their positions, Luo will learn the Q skill to attack them, and help Xia regain blood at the same time.

Even if they were more aggressive, Luo could still learn the W skill at the first level, and directly and decisively fight back.

But now in this situation, Luo has been unable to find a chance, and Xia's blood volume has been consumed by one, so Luo will learn the E skill to help Xia offset the damage.

"It seems that at the beginning, I really underestimated the other side." Ling Yan also became more and more motivated.

The bot lane battles are getting more and more intense, enough to be called the top bot lane matchup in LPL!
(End of this chapter)

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