Chapter 1451 First Blood! (first update)
When fighting in the bottom lane, the camera stayed on the bottom lane for a while.

The fight between the two sides in the bottom lane also fell into everyone's eyes.

Seeing the situation on the field, Su Chunyu said: "At this time, Luo has learned the E skill to help Xia offset the damage, and the details are handled very well."

Jokkr was also full of surprise, and said: "Unexpectedly, the bot duo of the Lxsky team can really be evenly matched with the WSF team. It is really surprising."

Is it evenly matched?
Hearing Jokkr's words, Su Chunyu smiled slightly, but did not speak.

It doesn't look like that to her
Luo's first-level skill has been kept until now, but he ordered an E skill in the end, which is already very telling.

The WSF team was more inclined at the beginning, and it must be waiting for Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan to make a mistake in positioning and let Luo Dian's Q skill consume to recover blood.

Even when the two were aggressive, Luo found an opportunity to directly learn the W skill to fight back.

But Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan couldn't find any mistakes online at all, and they didn't show the slightest aggressiveness. As a last resort, Luocai learned the E skill to help Xia offset the damage.

This point is already very telling, the WSF team has been slightly weaker in the duel.

In the game, after Luo Bangxia counteracted the damage, she knew that Luo had learned the E skill at the first level, and there was a problem in front of Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan.

The balance between consumption and income!

Luo's E skill does not end after only one release, but can be released again for free within 5 seconds.

In this case, Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan are faced with two choices, one is to ignore it and continue to consume directly and forcefully.

But Lu Shiyan's strength is similar to Cang Hailangchen's. When she consumes Canghai Langchen, Canghai Langchen can basically turn A against her every time.

If Luo uses the second E skill to help Xia offset some damage, then Xia will suffer a little loss.

The second option is to wait for Luo's second E skill CD to pass after 5 seconds and then attack.

In this case, the two sides will have a peace period of 5 seconds, basically no one will affect anyone, and no one will lose.

It seemed that it was better to choose the second option, but Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan chose the first option without hesitation.

They originally came with the purpose of completely crushing the waves of the sea, even if there is a 5-second peace period every once in a while for the waves of the sea to develop, it is a loss!

Besides, now knowing that Luo's first level is the E skill, Ling Yan can look for opportunities to attack the sea waves unscrupulously.

Even if Youluo's E skill helps to offset the damage from time to time, it is absolutely impossible for Cang Hailangchen to completely offset their consumption.

You know, what Cang Hailangchen is facing is not just one top AD, but two top ADs!

After Luo used the E skill for a while, instead of taking a step back, Draven and EZ became more aggressive.

Seeing this, Cang Hai Langchen couldn't help but frown. In the end, he took a few steps back and moved the battle line back to relieve the pressure on his body.

In the auditorium, the audience became more and more excited.

The fight in the bottom lane is really too tense and too stalemate!
This is definitely the highest quality bot lane matchup they have ever seen.

Especially one of them is the WSF team!

Even the bottom lane of the WSF team has a slight tendency to be suppressed.

It is estimated that the bottom road of the two sides will be divided sooner or later!
After the big screen stayed in the bottom lane for a while, it also switched to the middle lane and the top lane.

Although the confrontation in the middle lane was not as intense as that in the bottom lane, neither of the two sides backed down a step, and there was no situation where one side attacked and the other defended.

In contrast, getting on the road is much more normal.

Nantian Xiaoyun's Big Chongzi didn't fight fiercely with Specter's Shen at all, but just laned in a normal last attack.

He didn't press the line either, the pawn line was in the middle of the river, unbiased.

When laning, Nan Tian Xiaoyun kept looking at the time, silently calculating in his heart.

He knew that the road to the top was the longest, and the danger was greater than other roads. Once he pressed the line and was caught by Shen's taunt, if the mantis came to catch him, he would die for sure.

Even if he wanted to fight Shen again, he could only bear it now.

Fortunately, the time is only a little over 2 minutes now, which is a safe time, and it is time to put the thread back after a while.

If it is really bad, it will be safe to control directly in front of the tower.

But when he thought so.
"Profound Truth, Shadow Binding!"

Shen suddenly came up with a skill and taunted him directly!
This scene caught Nan Tian Xiaoyun a little off guard.

At the same time, there was something strange in his heart.

In his opinion, it is meaningless for Shen to mock him at this time, is it in vain to attract Xiaobing's hatred?

However, in the next second, the hairs all over Nan Tian Xiaoyun's body exploded instantly, and he was even a little dazed.

Because of a figure, he came out from the grass in the river.

It is none other than the praying mantis!

With an E skill, the mantis directly jumped over Nantian Xiaoyun's big bug.

Now Nantian Xiaoyun's big bug was taunted by Shen, unable to make any movements at all, he could only watch helplessly as the mantis jumped towards him.


After the E skill hit the ground and hit the damage, the mantis directly attacked with a general attack and hit his big bug.

After this damage, the blood volume of the big bug dropped a lot in an instant.

Because Mantis's general attack is not just an ordinary general attack, but also the effect of isolation and helplessness!

The big bug was knocked out by the extra damage of Isolation, and at the same time, it was directly slowed down by the dual effects of Isolation and Red Buff!
"Profound Truth, Curtain Blade!"

While the mantis was attacking normally, Shen also had a Q skill, and directly dragged the curtain blade behind him and hit the big bug.

Since the big bug came into contact with Shen's curtain blade, it was directly slowed down again.

Now, with three layers of deceleration directly on his body!
Seeing this scene, Nan Tian Xiaoyun couldn't help feeling a wave of despair.

Now he has no possibility of running away.

Just being stuck to Mantis' red buff makes it impossible to run away, not to mention being slowed down by being isolated and helpless, plus Shen's Q skill slows down.

With his blood volume at this time, it is even more impossible to resist the attacks of several people.

Mantis' Q skill can cause double damage to isolated and helpless units!

With Shen's Q skill, the next three attacks will also cause additional magic damage equal to the maximum health value, which he simply cannot resist.

Sure enough, in the next second, Mantis directly hit him with a Q skill.

"Taste the fear!"


The double damage of the Q skill hit him, and the blood volume of the big bug almost bottomed out.

In the end, with Shen's general attack, the blood volume of the big bug was completely emptied.

"First Blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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