Chapter 1452 Chopper team? (Second more)

A shocking reminder sounded, Shen, took the first blood of the big bug!

The audience didn't expect that it was not the fierce battle between the bottom lane and the middle lane that broke out first in this round, but the top lane that seemed to be in a normal lane.

Nan Tian Xiaoyun was about to scream in his heart, you know, it's only a little over 2 minutes now!
At this time, the bottom lane has not yet reached the second level, and he has only just reached the second level.

He has a W skill and an E skill, facing the siege of Mantis and Shen, only despair is left.

After being stunned for a moment, Jokkr also shouted loudly: "Nice! Team Lxsky's jungler Mantis successfully caught up and directly helped Shen, taking the first blood of the big bug!"

After recovering, the audience completely exploded!
"Damn it, the first blood exploded so fast!"

"First blood didn't break out in the middle or bottom lane, but broke out in the top lane. It's really unexpected!"

"By the way, the time is only a little over 2 minutes now, how could the praying mantis come so fast?"

"At this time, the big bug didn't even think about looking around the river."

"That's right, it can be seen that the big bug didn't have any defenses at all, and was caught immediately!"


In the auditorium, the audience started to discuss enthusiastically.

The timing of this wave of praying mantises catching people was mastered extremely well.

Many people also feel that they are a little puzzled. This wave of mantis is really coming too fast!

On the commentary stage, only Ye Binger said: "Lan Kai, grab the double buffs."

Hearing Ye Binger's words, Jokkr and many viewers were completely confused.

Su Chunyu smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, in the round of the mantis, after the blue buff was activated, the red buff was used to catch it directly, and the big bug didn't have the slightest defense at all."

"At the beginning, Draven and EZ helped to fight the blue buff, and the mantis didn't spend much time, and then used punishment to fight the red buff and grabbed it directly, so it went so fast."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, many people were stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at the big screen.

They only noticed now that when the mantis grabbed it, it was not level three, but level two!

And the mantis has double buffs on it, the situation must be the same as what Ye Binger and Su Chunyu said, the mantis grabbed the double buffs directly after opening the double buffs.

The blue buff does not take much time for the mantis under the strong output of Draven and EZ, and the red buff also does not take much time because the mantis has punishment.

After hitting the double buffs, grab it directly. In a little over two minutes, the big bug really has no defense at all!

After trying to understand this point, many viewers couldn't help but gasp in their hearts.

At first glance, this kind of treatment seems very unreasonable, just grab two levels, one level is missing, and one skill is missing.

But in fact, Mantis doesn't lack that W skill at all now.

Does Mantis lack the slowdown of W skills?

When catching people, the mantis has the deceleration of the isolated and helpless, and the deceleration of the red buff, and even the deceleration of Shen's Q skill, and there is no shortage of the deceleration of the W skill.

Does Mantis lack the damage of W skill?
The big bug is already in a state of isolation and helplessness, the passive of the mantis can cause him extra damage, and the Q skill can cause double damage.

Coupled with Shen's output, Mantis does not lack the output of the W skill to make up for the damage.

Since there is neither the slowdown of the W skill nor the output of the W skill, why wait until the third level to catch it, wouldn't it be better to catch it at the second level?

What the mantis needs most is to catch the timing!

After brushing the double buffs at two levels, grab them directly, catching the big bug off guard. This is the best time!

Many viewers couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, Feiying's understanding of the jungle is really terrible.

He gave up temporarily upgrading to level three, and directly used the most effective skills on his body to help Shen win the first blood!

After Ye Binger and Su Chunyu finished speaking, Jokkr also understood.

However, he still said a little strangely: "This wave of mantis catches, there is no need to give Shen a head, after all, the mantis has a very high cost performance to take a head."

Mantis is a violent output-type jungler, and it can even be said to be an assassin-type jungler. There is no need to give heads to online heroes when Gank.

Sometimes, the online hero will give the mantis a head.

Because Mantis develops faster, the effect it can play will be stronger, and it is likely to bring the rhythm of the audience.

Jokkr felt a little strange seeing Mantis give up the head to Shen.

After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu couldn't help smiling.

"For the Lxsky team, it is obviously more appropriate to take the first blood of Shen. The Lxsky team does not lack output, but there is only Shen in the front row, and Shen's development must be guaranteed."

"Besides, the first-blood assist is 200 yuan, which is not much worse than a regular head. The economy of this assist can already give Mantis a good development."

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, Jokkr couldn't help but suddenly realized.

That's right, the Lxsky team is Mantis, Lucian, Draven, and EZ, so there is no shortage of output at all.

Shen is the only one who has meat, and Shen must be developed, otherwise it will be troublesome if the front row can't carry it when fighting in a group.

Besides, first-blood assists cost more money than ordinary assists. Even if Mantis gets a first-blood assist, his growth is guaranteed.

Thinking of this, looking at Luo Xia's lineup, Jokkr suddenly realized something.

"Shen, Mantis, Lucian, Delevingne, EZ, I just noticed that the Lxsky team is the chopper team. It will be very difficult to fight when the opponent is clocked up, right?"

From Jokkr's point of view, although Luoxia's lineup is extremely domineering, it is a chopper team. If the WSF team piles up armor and the spring is developed, it will be very difficult to fight.

Jokkr's words also reminded the audience, and there were discussions among the audience.

"Hey, if the mage didn't say that I didn't notice, the Lxsky team is the chopper team!"

"The mage is right. When the WSF team winds up in the later stage, the Lxsky team will be very difficult to fight, right?"

"That's right, the opponent just needs to pile up armor, and the Lxsky team needs to pile up armor and magic resistance."

"Although Shen's current development is ahead of Big Chongzi, but Big Chongzi's rampant armor and blood volume in the later stage, plus the blood volume brought by the layers of the ultimate move, I am afraid Bi Shen can resist it?"

"The lineup of the Lxsky team is fierce, but they are all chopper teams. It really hurts!"


In the auditorium, many viewers started talking.

Apparently they felt that what Jokkr said was right. The chopper lineup of Luo Xia and the others might not be very easy to play in the later stage.

After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu smiled slightly and did not speak.

Will it be difficult to play when the spring is developed?
Glancing at Lucian of Luoxia in the middle road, the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened.

For such a thing, wouldn’t it be good to just break the clockwork?
(End of this chapter)

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