League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1455 The CD has been reduced by 12 seconds!

Chapter 1455 The CD has been reduced by 12 seconds! (first update)
Su Chunyu's words surprised many viewers, and at the same time they were a little confused.

How is it possible, minus 12 seconds of CD?

Just listen to Su Chunyu said: "Everyone knows that after Lucian's E skill, the next basic attack can hit two consecutive attacks, and these two attacks can reduce the CD of Lucian's E skill."

"Hitting the target will reduce the CD of E skill by 2 seconds in total, and double the effect on heroes. If it is a hero, it can reduce the CD time of E skill by 4 seconds!"

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, many viewers also nodded.

Of course they know this.

But even so, two basic attacks after an E skill, plus two general attacks after a W skill, wouldn't it just reduce the CD by 8 seconds? Where did the 12 seconds come from?
Su Chunyu smiled slightly, and said: "On the surface, it seems that only the general attack after the E skill and the W skill reduces the CD of the E skill."

"But in fact, the basic attack after the Q skill also reduces the CD time of the E skill, because the E skill is instant, and the bullet takes time to hit the clockwork."

"After this wave of Lucian's Q skills, he used his E skills immediately after the basic attack. At that time, the basic attacks had not yet hit the clockwork. These two basic attacks also helped reduce the CD of the E skills!"

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the audience was stunned.

Yes, why didn't they think of it?
The E skill is instant, but the bullets of the general attack take time. Although this time is very short, it does exist.

As long as the E skill is directly used at the moment of the general attack after using the Q skill, then the two basic attacks can reduce the CD of the E skill!

At this time, on the big screen, the replay of the wave from the very beginning just now started.

As Su Chunyu said, after the Q skill, Lu Xian directly used his E skill the moment he used his basic attack.

This E skill perfectly avoided the clockwork light speed QW combo.

In the case of playback, the audience can clearly see that the CD after the E skill is used up is 19 seconds.

The initial CD of the first-level E skill is 20 seconds, and now it has been reduced by 1 second. Obviously, Lucian has exactly 5% CD reduction.

This also shows that Lucian did not bring any CD reduction runes, this CD reduction can be perfectly achieved by directly clicking a small talent.

And after using the E skill, not long after, the 19-second CD instantly changed to 15 seconds!
At that time, it was also the time when Lucian's Q skill passed and he hit Clockwork with two basic attacks!
Coupled with the two basic attacks after the E skill and the two general attacks after the W skill, the CD of the E skill was instantly reduced by 12 seconds.

The CD of 19 seconds, minus 12 seconds, only 7 seconds left.

Excluding the time for Lucian to attack and raise his hand, the time for chasing the clockwork, and the time for walking out from the defensive tower, it is no problem to make up the 7 seconds.

No wonder Luo Xia has been useless to flash, because this flash is not necessary at all.

You only need to use the E skill that has been improved after cooling down, and you can easily leave the defense tower!

After understanding all this, the audience exploded in an instant!

"My God, I can really play like this!"

"666, today's game was not in vain, I learned a very practical skill!"

"I learned it, I really learned it, no wonder those great gods Lucian can always do infinite E, the original principle is here!"

"That's right, the CD of the E skill in the later stage is only 14 seconds. If the CD reduction point is full, it will only be a little more than 8 seconds. With such a CD reduction, the E skill can't be used casually!"

"God Lxsky is really too strong, his operations and calculations are so powerful!"


In the auditorium, there were fiery discussions from the audience.

Many people are lamenting that today's game is really worth it.

Some people were even more amazed by Luo Xia's strength.

Luo Xia's ability to operate and calculate, as well as the ability to seize the opportunity, is really too strong!

One thing, the audience is also right, Lucian's Infinite E technique, in the later stage, plays a feeling similar to Wayne, the basic principle is to use this method to reduce CD.

Relying on the instant characteristics of the E skill, there is a time difference with the fact that the flight of the bullet takes time.

In the auditorium, the audience had just finished expressing their exclamation and admiration, and when they remembered what Jokkr said before, they couldn't help bursting into bursts of laughter.

"I'm dying of laughter. The mage just said that the E skill must not be able to cool down well, so I was slapped in the face so soon!"

"666, just now the mage said that Lucian's flash cannot be saved, but Lucian is saved."

"It's also poisonous milk when I get out of the tower. The mage said that Lucian was going to use the flash to get out of the tower, but Lucian moved out with an E skill."

"Haha, the mage's poisonous milk is simply invincible!"

In the auditorium, the audience remembered what Jokkr said just now, and immediately remembered bursts of laughter.

On Jokkr's face, he was also a little helpless at this time.

Even if he couldn't hear what the audience said, he could guess almost as long as he guessed.

Just now, almost every word he said became poisonous milk.

What the hell is going on here!

At this time in the game, after killing the clockwork, Lucian pushed a wave of soldiers into the defense tower, and then disappeared in the line.

Cang Hai Langchen looked at the situation in the middle lane, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Chen He, I don't know the positions of Mantis and Lucian, so be careful and step back," Cang Hailangchen said.

Chen He nodded, without saying anything, and the positions of the two moved back a little.

Mantis disappeared on the line after catching the big bug on the road, and he didn't know where he went at this time.

After Lucian killed Clockwork, although he didn't have much HP, he should have returned to the city, but he had to guard against it.

If they are caught once by Mantis and Lucian, they will really collapse if they go off the road.

After being killed, Youran Zixin gritted her teeth and did not speak.

He knows that now is not the time to complain or take responsibility.

Cang Hailangchen and their bot duo on the opposite side of the lane are also facing tremendous pressure, he can't let them be distracted.

What surprised him even more was that until now, Cang Hailangchen and Chen He hadn't gained any advantage, instead they were pushed back again and again.

You must know that until now, the junglers of both sides have not gone to the bottom lane to grab, and the two sides in the bottom lane are completely fighting against each other based on their own hard power.

Without any interference, Canghai Langchen and Chen He didn't have any advantage, which made Youran Zixin not surprised!

After returning to the spring, he gritted his teeth and began to update his equipment.

After being killed by Lucian once, he has lost the qualification to continue to fight against Lucian, and the next line of thinking has to be changed.

Lorshaw's Lucian disappeared on the line. Although he knew that Lorshaw was probably returning to the city, he was still in the middle and sent a signal that the enemy had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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