Chapter 1456 Grasp the wild area! (Second more)
At this time, Feng Yi Qinghen was controlling Nunu to brush the three wolves, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

As a jungler, he couldn't bring the rhythm up in the early stage, and the team fell into a passive state again, so he couldn't bear it.

Although Nunu is a brush-type hero, he still has some gank abilities in the early stage. In this round, he originally wanted to upgrade to level [-] to find a chance to help him on the road.

But I didn't expect that Feiying's movements were too fast, and he couldn't find a chance, so he could only come back to brush these wild monsters.

On the top, he had also placed his eye position early, not afraid of the mantis coming back.

What's more, even if the mantis comes back, he can't beat it, and he can always get away.

However, although Nunu has a strong ability to clear wilds and steal wilds, it is more for single wild monsters.

In the early stage, for wild monsters like the three wolves, Nunu's early game is still relatively slow.


Just when Nunu was about to finish the three wolves, the free ward that Nunu inserted at the beginning disappeared when the time came.

The field of vision became dark for a short time.

Feng Yi Qinghen didn't care, and continued to brush the remaining little wolves.

Then almost when he had just finished brushing the little wolf, and almost a few seconds after the eye position disappeared, a figure suddenly rushed over from above.

It is none other than the praying mantis!

"Taste the fear!"


Mantis jumped directly towards Nunu with an E skill, and directly played the Q skill one second before landing.

After landing, it quickly connected to level A again.

The acceleration of isolation, the deceleration of red buff, and the double damage of Q skills.
In this wave, the mantis immediately dealt all the damage of the attack!

Feng Yi Qinghen only felt the hairs all over his body explode, he never expected that the timing of the mantis would be so good.

Almost as soon as the eye position disappeared, the praying mantis rushed over.

Especially when he had just cleared out the two Three Wolf mobs!
Feng Yi Qinghen knew that this was definitely not a coincidence, it must have been calculated by Feiying.

Why is Nunu difficult to catch in the wild? One is because of E skills and W skills, the other is that he is relatively fleshy, and the third is Nunu's blood recovery.

Give a Q skill to wild monsters, and Nunu can instantly heal himself a mouthful of blood, and give a smite to wild monsters, and he can instantly heal another mouthful of blood.

It can be said that as long as there are wild monsters in front of him, Nunu can not only use his skills to grab the wild in an instant, but also restore a lot of blood to himself in an instant.

The output means of the heroes in the early stage are relatively simple, and the damage is not high. It is difficult to kill Nunu just because of his instant blood recovery ability.

Not to mention that Nunu also has acceleration skills and acceleration skills, which makes it more difficult to kill him.

But in this wave, Feng Yi Qinghen has no Q skills and punishment on her body, but there are no wild monsters in front of her.

In this way, he lost two life-saving barriers!

But even so, Feng Yi Qinghen didn't panic much.

Although he can no longer use wild monsters to recover blood, his blood volume has been kept relatively good when he was in the wild before. Although he was output by the mantis, his blood volume is still safe.

Especially since he still has W skills and E skills on him, and Flash is also on him. In his opinion, there is no problem in escaping.


"The boiling of blood!"

Nunu directly attacked the mantis with an E skill, and the mantis was directly slowed down.

Then directly a W skill was added to himself, giving himself a speedup.

Under the ebb and flow, although the deceleration effect of the mantis cannot be completely offset, the dangerous situation has improved a lot.

Not to mention, Nunu's E skill brings not only the deceleration effect, but also the attack speed reduction effect!

With such a single output method in the early stage, and the attack speed among the heroes is not high, even if Mantis catches up, it will not be able to cause much damage to him at all.

Just run under the tower and everything will be safe.

"Void Spike!"

After the mantis was slowed down, a W skill hit Nunu's body, slowing down Nunu again.

Seeing this, Feng Yi Qinghen didn't care.

With his blood volume at this time, he is confident that he will return to the tower safely.

However, in the next second, an attack with a silver light came directly from the darkness.

"Boom with enthusiasm!"

Lucian hit Nunu with a W skill, directly adding a mark to Nunu.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yi Qinghen was completely dumbfounded.

When he saw the figure coming out of the darkness, he only felt hairy all over his body.

He naturally saw the signal from Youran Zixin, but just now Lucian killed the clockwork and pushed the line of soldiers into the tower.

Then Lucian disappeared on the line, he instinctively thought that Lucian must have returned to the city.

He didn't expect that Lucian's blood volume was so low that Luo Xia didn't even choose to return to the city!


Almost at the same time, the mantis directly launched a general attack and hit him.


Now after Lucian's W skill marks the enemy, the damage of teammates can also help Lucian hit the marked acceleration.

After Mantis' general attack, Lucian gained speed in an instant, and rushed towards Nunu quickly.


After Lucian's W skill expired, he passively hit him with two general attacks.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yi Qinghen couldn't help showing a touch of despair.

If there were only praying mantises, he would still be confident that he would be able to escape under the tower, but with the addition of Lucian's damage, he would have nowhere to escape.

Blink over the wall?
Even if he flashes over the wall, Mantis can also flash over the wall to chase immediately, and even Lucian's E skill is still on him.

If he flashes over the wall, what may be replaced is only one of Lucian's E skills!
Forcibly replace Lucian?

Lucian was hit by the defense tower a few times because he jumped the tower and killed the clockwork. His blood volume was really low, but Feng Yiqinghen used Nunu.

If it was still possible at the beginning, he threw an E skill to Lucian, and then added a W skill to flash up for a strong attack, maybe he could replace Lucian.

But now, he doesn't have the skills to output Lucian at all, and there is no possibility at all to replace Lucian.

Thinking of all this, he couldn't help feeling a sense of despair, and he was no longer ready to run away.

If he escaped, he might use a precious flash, but exchanged Lucian's E skill, the loss outweighs the gain!

He didn't know what he thought of, but there was a trace of determination in his eyes, he stopped running away, turned around and rushed towards the mantis.


Not long after, with the last attack of the praying mantis, Nunu's blood volume was completely emptied, and he fell down directly.

"An enemy has been slain!"

The reminder sounded, mantis, take away Nunu's head!
(End of this chapter)

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