Chapter 1462 Only Opponents (Second)

At the moment when the victory notification sounded, Su Chunyu's exquisite snowy face on the commentary stage couldn't help but be full of excitement.

"Nice! Congratulations to the Lxsky team for overthrowing the WSF team's base and defeating the WSF team at 20 minutes!"

"This contest between the newly promoted dark horse team and the old strong team finally ended with the victory of the newly promoted dark horse team Lxsky!"

Her incomparably sweet voice echoed throughout the competition venue.

She knew in her heart that this match was really important to Luo Xia and the others!
This game is not just a game, it is also related to whether Luoxia and the others can rank among the first-line strong teams.

Not disappointing her, Luo Xia and the others won, and they won perfectly!

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the atmosphere in the auditorium immediately exploded!

"666, won, the Lxsky team really won!"

"These two games, especially the last one, were really exciting!"

"Haha, no one said that the Lxsky team is not strong enough, they only play routines, right?"

"That's right, in the last round, the two sides have been in a head-to-head shopping battle, what kind of routine is needed!"

"It's too strong, it's really too strong. To win the WSF team so perfectly, I'm afraid that the Lxsky team can really compete with the QWG team now!"


In the auditorium, I remembered the fiery discussions among the audience.

Many spectators even stood up directly from the auditorium, which was enough to see how terrifying the number of Luoxia's fans was!
At the end of the first game, a small number of fans of the WSF team were saying that the real strength of the Lxsky team was not as good as that of the WSF team, and they could only win by relying on routines.

Now that the second match is over, these people just shut up honestly.

In the second match, everyone could see that Luoxia and the others didn't use any tricks at all, they just relied on hard power to head-to-head with the WSF team.

Even so, they all won the WSF team, which is enough to prove their strength, which is already stronger than the WSF team!
At the end of the game, the players of both sides got up from their seats and prepared to go backstage.

Even after losing the game, the members of the WSF team did not show any signs of frustration. As Cang Hailangchen said, they were convinced that they lost.

Although Luo Xia and the others won the game, they were naturally happy in their hearts, but they didn't show it on their faces, nor were they complacent because of the victory in this game.

They all know that they still have a long way to go, if they are complacent because of this achievement, it will be difficult for them to continue to improve.

When Luo Xia and Cang Hailangchen were about to pass each other, Canghai Langchen stopped slightly and said, "You are very strong."

Hearing that Luo Xia's footsteps also stopped, he said, "The same goes for you."

Canghai Langchen looked forward, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I hope that in this year's World Championship, you can take our share and work hard together."

"You guys will definitely be able to step down the teams from other divisions and show off China's prestige!"

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

He can understand the others, but he will continue to work hard together for their part.
It's still early for the LPL summer split to end, and Luo Xia doesn't know why Cang Hailangchen said that.

After thinking about it, Luo Xia quickly understood all of this.

There are only three places in the LPL division of the World Championship every year. In previous years, if there were no special circumstances of upset, it would basically be the WSF team and the EAF team fighting for the third place.

Now the EAF team has completely cooled down. Originally, the WSF team had almost entered the World Championships, but Luoxia and the others broke out halfway.

Of course, Luoxia and the others will not easily give up the place in the World Championship, and the strength of the WSF team is not as good as that of the QWG team and the MTC team.

This year, it is very difficult for the WSF team to enter the World Championship, and it can even be said that it is impossible to enter the World Championship.

That's why Cang Hailangchen said to let Luo Xia and the others work hard together with their share.

Luo Xia's expression also became serious, and he said: "I understand, but I didn't promise to work hard together with you, you still have to fight yourself."

Obviously, he wanted to inspire the sea waves and dust in this way.

Cang Hai Lang Chen smiled and said, "Okay, thanks."

After speaking, the two passed by.

Immediately afterwards, only the sound of waves and dust from the sea came softly to Luo Xia's ears from behind.

"But if we call by ourselves, I also didn't promise you."

In the voice, there was a sense of relief as if a heavy burden had been unloaded.

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Luo Xia's footsteps paused again, and then quickly returned to normal, continuing to walk forward.

Luo Xia knew that Cang Hailangchen's last words meant that he was no longer so obsessed with entering the World Championship.

In the past years, Cang Hailangchen had always wanted to enter the World Championships, just hoping that he could make a splash for the country and win a World Championship.

But now, Cang Hailangchen lost to Luo Xia and the others, to a team that convinced him and had great potential.

Even Lu Shiyan can continue to take over his position as the No. [-] AD in the national server.

Now in the mind of Cang Hailangchen, there is only the comfort of letting go of everything and unloading the burden on his body.

Right now, he just wants to see how far Luoxia and the others can go with their potential.

In this regard, he also has high expectations in his heart.

The two passed by, and Luo Xia had to admit in his heart that Cang Hailangchen was really a gentleman.

He also played very comfortably against the WSF team today.

It's not like there are so many intrigues like the MMP team and EAF team before. It's pure and incomparable, which is very good.

A few people returned to the backstage, and Ke Bei and others immediately surrounded him, everyone's face was full of excitement.

Even though they didn't play, every one of them felt the joy of Luoxia and the others after their victory.

"Brother Xia, you played really well in the last match!" Ke Bei said excitedly.

Zhao Hao also sighed: "Yeah, I can't believe it. The current strength of our team can already surpass the WSF team."

The old wolf laughed loudly, and said: "Haha, with Xia Ge's current strength, it is not easy to win a WSF team."

Hearing what the three of them said, Luo Xia smiled and said, "Today's victory against the WSF team is still secondary. The most important thing is that it made me more determined."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, the others turned their eyes to him one after another, and the old wolf stopped laughing.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned around, the smile on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth grew stronger, and he said softly:
"In real e-sports, there are no enemies, only rivals."

(End of this chapter)

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