Chapter 1463 Public (first update)
After Luo Xia finished speaking, the entire backstage fell silent.

True e-sports, no enemies, only opponents
Yes, this is the core of e-sports, but I don't know how many people don't understand it.

Just like the proxy team that Luoxia and the others met when they first played in the college league, and then the SB team they met in the city competition.

After that, there is the MMP team encountered in the LSPL game, and the EAF team encountered in the promotion match.

These teams have all lost their minds due to profit or fame and fortune, and have long forgotten what real e-sports is like.

"Brother Xia, what you said is great. There are no enemies in real e-sports, only rivals!" Ke Bei said.

Ling Yan also said: "Good boy, I can't see it, but you can still say such a big truth, it's not in vain."

"It's almost time, let's go back."

Jin Yuena's faint words interrupted Ling Yan's words.

After being interrupted by Jin Yuena, Ling Yan also came back to her senses, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

She just wanted to tell Luo Xia that Lu Shiyan had a crush on him, but fortunately she was interrupted by Jin Yuena, otherwise she would have slipped her mouth.

Jin Yuena took a look at Ling Yan. They had been together for so long, how could she not understand Ling Yan.

She knew that if she didn't interrupt just now, Ling Yan would definitely slip up.

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, the others didn't think much about it, they simply cleaned up and left here, rushing to the base.

But Jin Yuena doesn't know, after a while, whether Ling Yan leaked her words or not is not so important anymore.
The base is not too far from the competition venue, and soon, several people returned to the base.

Compared with the base at this time, it is a world of difference.

Last time Jin Yuena's 1000 million check was naturally used by Luo Xia in the team.

The base of the entire team has been refurbished, and the area has expanded several times as a whole.

Especially the training room, which is more than three times bigger than before.

In addition to the training room, there are no other rooms in the base as before, especially the entire second floor is being rebuilt, and many rest rooms are being opened up.

It can be used not only for temporary rest, but also for living. The furnishings and decorations inside are excellent.

Now, he can finally afford high wages to Ke Bei and the others, without letting them suffer with him.

The conditions of the team have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Of course, Luo Xia didn't understand these things, and he left Jin Yuena to take full responsibility for them.

Jin Yuena has always been in charge of the team's funds, and Jin Yuena will also indicate to Luo Xia the use of every sum of money.

Luo Xia only glanced at the details of the funds that Jin Yuena gave him every time.

For Jin Yuena, he has always been very reassuring.

For these internal affairs, he has always been the hands-off shopkeeper.

After walking to the lobby, Jin Yuena also subconsciously looked towards the second floor.

According to this progress, tomorrow morning, the rest room will be almost completely repaired.

LPL games are all scheduled in the afternoon, and no games are scheduled in the morning.

After the two games in the afternoon, plus the time to return to the base, it is not too early now.

At this time, it is naturally impossible to practice anymore.

Lao Lang and others are all ready to take a good rest.

However, at this time, Luo Xia said, "Everyone, stop, I have something to announce."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, everyone couldn't help but stop.

Jin Yuena's gaze froze slightly.

Because she found that Luo Xia had been holding Lu Shiyan's hand tightly since entering the base until now.

Lu Shiyan also knew what Luo Xia was going to say, and stood beside him quietly, as peacefully as a little wife.

"Uh, that."

Seeing that other people looked over, Luo Xia didn't know how to speak.

He really didn't know how to talk about this kind of thing.

After a while, Luo Xia said: "Forget it, let you see for yourself."

As he spoke, he directly embraced Lu Shiyan's slender waist, gently clasped her slender head, and his lips directly touched her vermilion lips.

In front of so many people, although Lu Shiyan felt a little shy, she still mustered up the courage to hook Luo Xia's neck, and responded lingeringly.

Seeing this scene, the entire base fell silent instantly.

Ke Bei opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to make some sound, but in the end he released all the sounds.

Zhao Hao's mouth is also Zhang's biggest, enough to hold three eggs.

The old wolf's eyes were about to protrude, and he stared wide open, with the expression of seeing a ghost.

Jin Yuena and Ling Yan knew about their relationship a long time ago, but they didn't show it so exaggeratedly.

However, Ling Yan couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

Obviously she did not expect that Luo Xia would directly disclose his relationship with Lu Shiyan.

There was no wave on Jin Yuena's expression, but there was a hint of anger in her eyes, and she felt inexplicably irritable.

As for Flying Eagle and Phantom, they can be regarded as the most peaceful.

The personalities of the two of them determined that they would never show that surprised expression like Ke Bei and the others.

Moying is a little bit better, Feiying really doesn't change his face before the collapse of Mount Tai, it seems that he never finds the slightest fluctuation on his face.

After a while, Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan separated.

At this time, Lu Shiyan's snowy face had a few blushes, which spread directly to the roots of her ears, looking extremely attractive.

If it was two people kissing alone, she would definitely not behave like this.

But now, in front of so many people, even if her mood has changed, it will take some time to get used to it.

At this moment, Ke Bei's big mouth finally made a sound.

"Brother Xia, this is you."

"Shiyan is my girlfriend, there's nothing to hide about it." Luo Xia said.

The old wolf said: "Brother Xia, then, Su."

"Xiao Yu is the same, she and Shi Yan are both my girlfriends." Luo Xia said.

Luo Xia's answer shocked Ke Bei, Lao Lang and others!

Before they could ask any more questions, Luo Xia said quickly, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't hide any of them."

"Also, they know each other's existence and don't mind each other's existence. We get along very well."

"Well, as long as you know about it, don't tell it."

After saying all this in one breath, Luo Xia only felt a lot more relaxed.

After thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing more to say, so he took Lu Shiyan's hand and ran away.

"You accept it slowly, digest it slowly, Shiyan and I will leave first!"

Soon, the two disappeared at the gate of the base.

Leaving Ke Bei, Lao Lang and others still standing in place, with messy faces
(End of this chapter)

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