Chapter 1464 The time of three people (second more)

Pulling Lu Shiyan away from the base and walking on the road, Luo Xia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the words were finally spoken.

Now, just wait for the old wolf to accept all this.

From now on in the base, the relationship between him and Lu Shiyan can be made public.

"Xia, can they... accept all of this?" Lu Shiyan asked softly.

Luo Xia said: "Don't worry, Shi Yan, as long as you give them a little time, they will definitely accept it."

Having been in the same team for so long, he knows Ke Bei and others very well, and they can definitely figure it out.

Luo Xia also believed that they would never speak out.

Needless to say, Ke Bei and Zhao Hao, although the old wolf looks carefree, but when encountering big things, he has always kept his mouth shut.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan nodded, but didn't say anything else.

When the two returned home, Su Chunyu hadn't returned yet.

Although it is not too early now, it is not too late at all.

After all, in BO3 games, there are often three rounds played.

Luo Xia and the others won the first two rounds and ended the game. Naturally, they came back earlier than when they had played three rounds.

After the two returned home, Luo Xia had just closed the door when he felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Shiyan's vermilion lips were directly printed on Luo Xia's lips.

Luo Xia was stunned for a few seconds, and after recovering, she gently pushed Lu Shiyan away.

"Shiyan, what are you doing?" Luo Xia asked.

"Xia, I love you" Lu Shiyan panted lightly.

Luo Xia froze for a moment, then his eyes softened, and he said, "Shi Yan, I love you too."

After speaking, he took the initiative to step forward, and the two kissed together again.
I don't know how long it took, when Luo Xia hugged Lu Shiyan by the waist and was about to walk towards the room, Lu Shiyan stopped him.

"Xia, right here." Lu Shiyan pointed to the sofa and said.

At this?

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Lu Shiyan nodded lightly, and said: "Xia, I am your woman, and so is Sister Su. There is no need to have any scruples between us, is there?"

Hearing what Lu Shiyan said, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth, and then the two fell down on the sofa
In the evening, Su Chunyu returned home, opened the door with the key, saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Seeing this scene, after Su Chunyu subconsciously closed the door, she still didn't recover.

Although Luo Xia would always play tricks on them, and the three of them even slept on the same bed at night, but it was the first time she saw Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan doing this in the living room.
After regaining consciousness, Su Chunyu's pretty face also turned crimson, and said: "Go ahead, I'll cook first."

After speaking, he ran to the kitchen as if fleeing.

Even in the kitchen, Su Chunyu felt her pretty face burning hot when she heard the voice behind her.

Soon, the three of them sat at the dinner table, as if what happened just now had never happened.

On Lu Shiyan's delicate snowy face, the aftermath of the physical and mental integration with Luo Xia is still there, and the light pink in the fair skin adds to her beauty.

Looking at Su Chunyu, Lu Shiyan smiled and said, "Sister Su, I will trouble you to cook by yourself today, and I will cook all the meals for the next few days."

Hearing what Lu Shiyan said, Su Chunyu also smiled, and said, "Sister Lu, there is no need for such a division between us."

Before she finished speaking, Su Chunyu thought of something, and a trace of surprise and surprise appeared on her pretty face.

"Sister Lu, what did you call me just now?" Su Chunyu asked.

"Sister Su, what's the matter?" Lu Shiyan smiled.

Seeing Lu Shiyan's smiling face, Su Chunyu seemed to understand something, the surprise on her pretty face disappeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It's nothing, I like this title very much, and we sisters will get closer in the future." Su Chunyu smiled.

Before today, Lu Shiyan would never call her that.

Lu Shiyan always called her Su Xuemei just like she used to call her in school.

Su Chunyu knew that Lu Shiyan didn't mean anything else, but she was used to calling him that.

Especially because of Lu Shiyan's personality, it is easy for her to be immersed in the bondage of some things in the past.

Su Chunyu also knew that Lu Shiyan hadn't fully integrated into the relationship between the three of them all this time, so she always had some worries about gains and losses.

Now all of this can't be seen on Lu Shiyan's face.

A change of name is not just a change of name.

This even more means that Lu Shiyan's state of mind has completely changed, and she is no longer bound by some trivial matters. Su Chunyu is happy for her from the bottom of her heart.

Moreover, the words of the junior girls always sounded a little distant, but now that the two of them are sisters, they are much closer.

Looking at Lu Shiyan with a faint smile on her face, Su Chunyu said: "Sister Lu, why do I feel that you are different?"

"Really, what's different?" Lu Shiyan asked back.

Su Chunyu said: "I can't tell you the specific feeling, but"

As she spoke, she showed a beautiful smile and said, "But I can feel that that confident sister Lu is back again."

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the corners of Lu Shiyan's lips curled up, and the smile grew stronger.

She could feel this change herself.

And this transformation from the inside out will naturally affect others as well.

She knew that without Luo Xia, she might not be able to regain her self-confidence now.

The two, who are as close as sisters, chatted with each other, but Luo Xia didn't interrupt much.

But right now, he was staring at Su Chunyu, in a daze.

Su Chunyu's smiling face just now was really beautiful.

Even Luo Xia, who was extremely familiar with everything about her, even every inch of her skin, couldn't help being a little stunned.

Su Chunyu noticed Luo Xia's gaze, and said softly, "Pervert, what are you looking at?"

Although she said this on her mouth, she was filled with shame and joy in her heart.

She has never doubted her own charm, but what she hopes most is to be affirmed by Luo Xia.

Looking at the two, Lu Shiyan always had an intoxicating smile on her lips.

Obviously, in her heart, she didn't mind at all.

A dinner was extremely harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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