Chapter 1467
The next morning, when Luo Xia woke up, Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan hadn't woken up yet, they were sleeping on either side of him, their sleeping faces were very sweet.

The corner of Luo Xia's mouth couldn't help revealing a smile, and kissed the foreheads of the two girls lightly.

And based on her sleeping position, Luo Xia could already feel the change in Lu Shiyan's mood.

In the earliest days, when Luo Xia woke up in the morning, Lu Shiyan would always wrap around him like an octopus.

Luo Xia knew that it was caused by Lu Shiyan's extreme insecurity.

Her parents died early, and she lived alone with no one to rely on. This cultivated a strong side of her character, but it also caused her to be extremely insecure.

Since she was a child, when she went to bed at night, she had to hug something to sleep in order to sleep peacefully.

After the two were together for a while, although the situation improved a lot, Lu Shiyan would still cling to him from time to time.

Even if this is not the case, in sleep, there is always a subconscious movement towards him.

But now, seeing Lu Shiyan's peaceful sleeping face, Luo Xia knew that she must have overcome all of this.

While Luo Xia was watching her, Lu Shiyan's eyelashes moved slightly, she opened her beautiful eyes, and woke up.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth, and said: "Shiyan, you're awake, did you sleep well last night?"


Lu Shiyan hummed softly, and then habitually stretched, stretching her whole body.

And her lazy waist made her extremely fiery figure more prominent, making Luo Xia's mouth dry for a while.

At this time, a voice came from behind.

Su Chunyu moved his eyelashes, vaguely saw Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan wake up, and said sleepily: "Luo Xia, what time is it?"

The reason why she asked Luo Xia was because she knew that Jin Yuena gave Luo Xia the watch that Luo Xia almost never left her body.

Only when sleeping and taking a bath, will you leave your body for a short time.

Moreover, even if it is far away from the body, it will be placed very close.

Hearing her words, Luo Xia took the watch that Jin Yuena gave him beside his pillow, looked at the time, and told her the time.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Su Chunyu lost all sleepiness, and Lu Shiyan woke up for a moment.

"Ah, it's all your fault. My waist and back hurt so much yesterday, and I got up late today."

As Su Chunyu spoke, he picked up the clothes on the side and put them on.

Lu Shiyan also got up, picked up the clothes beside her and put them on.

In fact, it's not too late at all, it's just that he woke up more than ten minutes later than usual.

And in the process of dressing them, Luo Xia could be said to be a feast for the eyes.

Early in the morning, although the enticing beauty in front of him was boundless, Luo Xia still restrained himself very well.

Luo Xia didn't do that kind of thing to them, at most it was just simple hands and feet.

In fact, Luo Xia didn't do that kind of thing to them after the start of the LPL Summer Split. Every night, the three of them just hugged each other and slept peacefully.

Since returning from worship and the team started training, Luo Xia has been very busy with the whole day's training and various other matters.

There is simply not much time and energy to think about these.

Besides, although Luo Xia's physical fitness is extremely strong, more than ten times that of ordinary people, if he does that too much, it may still affect his state.

Although the possibility is very small, Luo Xia still wants to completely kill this possibility.

For his state, Luo Xia has almost strict requirements.

He will always keep his state at the peak and not allow the slightest decline.

Not to mention that he had to face such a powerful opponent as the WSF team before, so he naturally couldn't be distracted.

To do things at any time, this is Luo Xia's rigid requirement for himself.

During the holidays, it's okay to toss them until they can't get out of bed every day.

But now that the game has started, the main focus should be on the game.

Only after finishing the WSF team yesterday and the end of the match between the teams in the same group, Luo Xia indulged once in this short relaxation time.

At other times, he has been very restrained.


Only he himself knows how hard he endured!

The two beautiful wives are as beautiful as angels, with such perfect and attractive bodies, and they are also obedient to him.

If you want to endure it, you really need a lot of concentration.


After breakfast, Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan came to the base together.

Standing outside the base, Luo Xia grabbed Lu Shiyan's jade hand and said with pride: "Shiyan, let's go in!"

Lu Shiyan also smiled slightly, grasped his hand tightly, nodded and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, Luo Xia walked into the base with her.

Usually, the two rarely enter the base at the same time, and even if they enter the base at the same time, they will find reasons to say that they encountered something on the road.

Now, it is finally possible to be aboveboard.

There is only one feeling in Luo Xia's heart - cool!

Holding Lu Shiyan's hand and walking into the base, the two of them came a little later than usual today, and of course, it was far from training time.

In the hall, almost everyone was present.

Luo Xia found that although the eyes of Lao Lang and others looking at him and Lu Shiyan were a bit weird, they were not unacceptable.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia knew that they had accepted the relationship between the two of them in their hearts.

More precisely, they accepted the relationship between Luo Xia, Su Chunyu, and Lu Shiyan.

All this made Luo Xia feel better.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xia discovered that Jin Yuena didn't seem to be there.

"Hey, where is Yueli, hasn't she come yet?" Luo Xia asked.

After he finished speaking, the door of the training room opened, and Jin Yuena walked out with a blank expression.

Turning her gaze to Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan, especially after staying on their hands for a while longer, Jin Yuena withdrew her gaze.

"It just so happens that the two of you are here. This is the layout and division of the rest room. You two have a look."

With that said, Jin Yuena handed Luo Xia a folder.

After Jin Yuena's reminder, Luo Xia noticed that the rest room on the second floor had been completely decorated.

"Okay, let me take a look." Luo Xia excitedly took the folder from Jin Yuena's hand.

However, seeing this, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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