Chapter 1468 Room Allocation (Second Change)

The current overall planning and layout of the second floor has completely changed. Not only has the area become larger, but the design is also extremely reasonable.

Of course, what Luo Xia paid attention to was not the design, but the layout of the room.

Luo Xia and his team have eight members, and Jin Yuena has nine members.

There are also nine rest rooms on the second floor, so there is nothing wrong with that.

As for the allocation of rooms, there are some problems.

The nine rooms on the second floor, from left to right, are Lu Shiyan, Jin Yuena, Ling Yan, Ke Bei, Zhao Hao, Laolang, Moying, Feiying, and Luoxia.

Lu Shiyan's room is on the far left, and Luo Xia's room is on the far right.

The real king lives at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the end of the Yangtze River, each side of the world.

Yesterday, Luo Xia made public his relationship with Lu Shiyan.

Even if he didn't make it public, Jin Yuena already knew about his relationship with Lu Shiyan.

Knowing the relationship between the two of them, and arranging their rooms so far away, this is clearly intentional!
Glancing at Luo Xia, Jin Yuena said lightly, "If there's no problem, it's settled like this."

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia hurriedly said: "Why is there no problem, there is a problem, there is too much problem!"

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Jin Yuena frowned and said, "What's the problem?"

Luo Xia pointed to the room layout on the folder, and said, "Why are Shi Yan and I's rooms so far apart?"

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Jin Yuena's eyes instantly turned cold.

It was as if she knew that Luo Xia would ask such a question.

Jin Yuena snorted coldly, and said: "Hmph! The layout of the room is arranged from left to right, women first, then men, can't you see it?"

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia looked and found that it was indeed arranged like this.

He also understood what Jin Yuena meant. It was obvious that Jin Yuena meant that the rooms were arranged from left to right, women first and then men, and the separation of the two rooms was just a coincidence.

Luo Xia quickly thought of a good idea, and said, "Then let Shiyan be in the third room on the left, and I be in the fourth room on the left."

"In this way, our two rooms are next to each other without violating the order from left to right, women first, then men."

Jin Yuena refused straight away: "No!"

"Why?" Luo Xia felt a little puzzled.

If Lu Shiyan's room were to come to lean against him, or if his room was to lean against Lu Shiyan in the past, it would really disrupt the overall layout of the room.

But his request just now should be very reasonable, right?

"The room allocation has been fixed and cannot be changed," Jin Yuena said.

Hearing this, Luo Xia was stunned, and said: "Didn't you just say that if there is no problem, it's settled like this, then if there is a problem, it's okay."

Jin Yuena said with a blank face: "I mean, if there is no problem, it will be settled like this, if there is any problem, it will be settled like this, just to show you the allocation of the room."

Luo Xia: "."

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia even had the urge to spank her ass hard for a moment.

What Jin Yuena meant was that no matter whether there was any problem or not, it was decided like this, just to show him a glance, even if he had an opinion, it would be invalid.

Listen to this, why is it so infuriating!
Luo Xia's thoughts turned sharply, she didn't know what came to her mind, and she said angrily: "Okay, then I will share a room with Shi Yan, just let her sleep with me!"

After Luo Xia finished speaking, the entire hall was silent.

Just about to persuade Luo Xia not to be serious in the room, Lu Shiyan was stunned, Ling Yan at the side was also stunned, and even Jin Yuena was stunned for a short time.

But Lao Lang and the others finally accepted the relationship between the two, and their jaws almost dropped when they were shocked by Luo Xia's words.


Jin Yuena directly refused, her pretty face was even colder than before.

"Why?" Luo Xia asked.

Jin Yuena's chest heaved and she was about to say something when she was stopped by Ling Yan.

Ling Yan smoothed things over and said: "Haha, I think this suggestion is very good. Anyway, a room is very big, so there is no problem sleeping two people."

"The vacated room can be kept for emergencies, or used as a storage room, can't it?"

As she spoke, Ling Yan winked desperately at Ke Bei and Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao was the first to react, and said, "That's right, that's right, I also think this is very good, there is no problem at all."

Ke Bei also came to his senses and said, "Sister Ling Yan is right. Aren't Brother Xia and Sister Shiyan a couple? It's okay to share a room."

"It's a bit wasteful to live in two rooms. We've been taught not to waste it since we were young, eh haha."

Seeing that Zhao Hao and Ke Bei were both helping to speak, Ling Yan struck while the iron was hot, and said to Lu Shiyan: "Shiyan, what do you think?"

Luo Xia has already brought it up, as long as the person involved, Lu Shiyan, agrees again, then the matter will basically be settled.

"I'm fine no matter what."

Lu Shiyan still hadn't recovered, and subconsciously replied.

Seeing that Lu Shiyan said the same thing, Ling Yan was completely relieved, and looked at Jin Yuena expectantly.

How could Jin Yuena not know that Ling Yan was doting on her good apprentice again, and thinking about her good apprentice's happiness again.

After a long silence, she finally said lightly, "Since you all have no objections, what else can I say."

As she said that, she gave Luo Xia another cold look, and wanted to say something, but she still didn't speak in the end.

Feiying looked slightly sideways, glanced at Luo Xia, and said expressionlessly: "Moying, I will move the bed from my room to your room, and sleep in your room."

Hearing that Ke Bei and the others were stunned again, what kind of trouble is this going to be?
Before a few people could ask, Feiying said: "I don't want to be disturbed by the movement between men and women when I'm sleeping."

Luo Xia: "."

Lu Shiyan: "."

Luo Xia was really going crazy, what were they thinking, he didn't think about that at all, okay?
On the other hand, Moying showed a helpless smile and did not object.

After the decision was made, everyone took the keys to their rooms and went upstairs to see the room.

Of course, Feiying has one more task, which is to move the bed in his room to the ghost's room.

When Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan walked towards the rightmost room, Ling Yan followed them directly.

Opening the door with the key, Luo Xia let Lu Shiyan go in first, when he was about to follow in, he felt someone pat on the shoulder.

Turning around, I found that it was Ling Yan.

I only heard Ling Yan say: "Let Shiyan sleep in the same room with you, you are really crazy!"

After Ling Yan finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

What Ling Yan said at the end just now was insane, he would never get it wrong.

But why does Ling Yan's mouth seem to be... well done?

(End of this chapter)

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