League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1469 Really Difficult to Understand

Chapter 1469 Really Difficult to Understand (Part [-])
Hearing Ling Yan's words and seeing the shape of her mouth, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned for a while, not understanding what she meant.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xia scratched his head and vaguely understood.

She seems to be praising herself for doing well?

Luo Xia didn't think too much, and followed Lu Shiyan into the rest room.

Ling Yan didn't leave either, and walked in directly with the two of them.

As soon as he entered the rest room, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

This. This is a rest room?

It is even more luxurious than a hotel suite!

In terms of decoration, it is grand and elegant, but it also reveals a sense of nobility and decentness, and a perfect balance has been achieved among various characteristics.

In the room, there is a separate toilet and bathroom, and all the facilities are available.

Compared with the room in front of him, the high-end suite he opened with Lu Shiyan and Su Chunyu is almost like a pig's nest!
Seeing Luo Xia's dazed expression, Ling Yan couldn't help but look proud.

"Boy, look silly, let me tell you, the layout design and decoration design of this room were all done by Nana herself, and no one was allowed to intervene."

"Since she became the president of Jincheng Group, she has never designed any room by herself. This is the only exception she made, and it's just for you brat."

Ling Yan knows that Jin Yuena's ability in this area is top-notch, and looking around the world, there is probably no one who can surpass her.

You must know that Jincheng Group was on the verge of bankruptcy at that time, and when Jin Yuena took over, the first development was related to real estate.

For Jincheng Group, which was short of funds at that time, it was absolutely impossible to directly develop real estate. The first thing Jin Yuena did was interior design.

This move directly brought Jincheng Group back to life.

And the room design she made by herself is even priceless. Even a world-class designer would feel ashamed after seeing it. There was even an old designer who insisted on asking her to learn from her.

Since becoming the president of Jincheng Group, Jin Yuena has never done this kind of design.

That day when Jin Yuena was concentrating on designing the room, even Ling Yan was taken aback and rubbed her eyes several times to make sure she was not mistaken.

She didn't have to think about it, it must be because of Luo Xia that Jin Yuena made an exception.

Sometimes, even Ling Yan is a little jealous.

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Luo Xia nodded and said, "Yes, she has worked really hard for us."

Luo Xia realized that Jin Yuena had really worked hard. He never cared about these trivial matters outside the competition, and Jin Yuena was always doing it.

Just now, in a fit of anger, he argued with Jin Yuena about the room.

I don't know if she is angry, but I'd better apologize to her later.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ling Yan really wanted to tear him to pieces.

Don't you know what she just said, for him, for him!
How to say it from Luo Xia's mouth, it became for them!

Just now, she said that Jin Yuena made this design for Luo Xia. This is no longer a hint, but an explicit statement, right?

She felt a little helpless in her heart, and she was not ready to hint or express anything.

She just wanted to see how dull Luo Xia could be in terms of emotions.

After looking at the room, the bathroom and the bathroom, they went downstairs to prepare for training.

Before the training, Luo Xia secretly found Jin Yuena.

Seeing Luo Xia walking towards her, Jin Yuena glanced at Luo Xia lightly, and walked directly to the side.

Seeing this, Luo Xia hurriedly stopped her, saying: "Yueli, I have something to tell you."

Jin Yuena's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and she said coldly: "Say something quickly."

Luo Xia scratched his head and said, "Well, I didn't mean to argue with you about the room today, I hope you are not angry."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena's cold face softened a little, but she still said calmly: "It's a pity that I let you down, I'm angry."

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

Afterwards, Luo Xia said cautiously: "Then don't be angry, okay, I apologize to you, or how can you not be angry?"

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Jin Yuena didn't respond for a while.

After a while, Jin Yuena's eyes slanted slightly, she saw the watch on Luo Xia's wrist, and said indifferently: "Do you wear this watch every day?"

"Well, I take it with me every day."

"Never leave?"

"You gave it to me. Of course, I will keep it on all the time, but I will take it off temporarily when I take a shower and sleep."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Jin Yuena's expression finally eased.

"Okay, then you promise me that you will take it with you when you take a bath and sleep, and I won't be angry with you about what happened today."

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned, it's that simple?
Luo Xia hesitated for a moment, and said: "Yes, it is possible, but won't you feel uncomfortable if you wear it when you sleep? You always wear it when you take a shower. What if it gets damaged by water?"

Hearing this, Jin Yuena snorted coldly: "Hmph! Do you think this kind of high-end watch can't do a good job of decompression design for the human body? Does it even have basic waterproof function?"

"Don't use your common sense to judge everything, that will only show your stupidity!"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia thought about it and thought it was right.

The waterproof function is even available in many ordinary watches, let alone high-end watches at this price.

As for the human body decompression design mentioned by Jin Yuena, since she said so, there must be one.

In fact, Luo Xia can feel it when he wears it normally. When he holds this watch in his hand, he can still feel a little weight, but when he wears it in his hand, he can hardly feel anything.

And it can be adjusted according to the temperature of the outside world. When it is hot, it will give him a cool feeling, and when it is cold, it will give him a warm feeling, which is extremely comfortable.

Scratching his head, Luo Xia said, "Okay, I promise you, I will wear it all the time no matter what."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Jin Yuena's expression finally calmed down completely.

Luo Xia could tell that she was no longer angry.

"Extend your arm." Jin Yuena said lightly.

Not knowing what she was going to do, Luo Xia stretched out her arms.

I saw Jin Yuena lightly tapped a certain position on the watch, and the watch shrank instantly, greatly reducing its volume, and finally it could be said to be directly attached to Luo Xia's skin.

Luo Xia was dumbfounded, and then excitedly said: "So it's still possible!"

Seeing Luo Xia's excited look, Jin Yuena snorted and didn't speak.

How could she be so casual about what she wanted to give Luo Xia, this watch has been improved by her countless times.

The value of this watch is definitely number one in the world now!
"Wearing this watch won't affect your actions, even if it's humming, even if it's you and your two little girlfriends doing that, it won't affect anything!"

At the end, especially when Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan were mentioned, Jin Yuena's face turned cold again, and she walked away.

Looking at Jin Yuena's extremely graceful back, Luo Xia still hadn't recovered.

"Didn't you stop being angry just now, why did you seem to be a little angry again in the end?" Luo Xia said to himself.

Luo Xia couldn't figure it out, scratched his head, and couldn't help muttering.

"Women, it's really difficult to understand"

(End of this chapter)

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