Chapter 1471 Prepare for a rainy day? (first update)
Luo Xia turned to Lu Shiyan and said, "Shiyan, it's nothing, only Yueli herself, you don't need to change clothes."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Lu Shiyan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Although she has a conservative personality, basically she has no scruples in front of Su Chunyu, and she can't let it go in front of other girls.

But when Jin Yuena gave her the exquisite silk that wrapped her chest, she had already taken off her dress in front of Jin Yuena.

At this time, she was wrapped in a bath towel and faced Jin Yuena, but she was not so reluctant to let go.

After Luo Xia opened the door, Jin Yuena walked in.

After Jin Yuena walked in, Luo Xia closed the door.

Seeing Jin Yuena holding a folder, Luo Xia asked curiously: "Yueli, what are you doing here?"

"Discuss the tactical thinking when playing against the MTC team." Jin Yuena said lightly.

Hearing her words, Luo Xia only felt a burst of astonishment.

Discuss the tactical thinking when playing against the MTC team?

It's too early to plan for a rainy day!
You know, they have just finished their last game in the same group, and the MTC team's games are divided into different groups.

And looking at the schedule, it will take a long time to wait to play against the MTC team.

Scratching his head, Luo Xia said: "Yueli, it's too early to discuss now, and shouldn't it be better for everyone to discuss together?"

Hearing that Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes slanted slightly, she said expressionlessly: "Why, do you still want everyone to come to your place now and hold a meeting?"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia didn't know what to say.

Jin Yuena glanced at Lu Shiyan at the side, especially staying on the chest part of her bath towel for a while, and said lightly: "You have a good figure."

Lu Shiyan subconsciously pulled the bath towel on her chest, slightly embarrassed, and said, "Sister Xie Yueli for your compliment."

Looking at Jin Yuena, Luo Xia was still a little uncertain and said: "Yueli, do you really want to discuss the tactical thinking of the MTC team now?"

Jin Yuena glanced at Luo Xia and said, "Why, do you think I'm joking with you?"

As she said that, she spread out the documents on the folder. Luo Xia looked at it, and saw that the folder was densely written, all related to the MTC team.

All the victories and losses, as well as the opponent team, the victory and defeat in that game, are clearly written.

"Okay, then the three of us will discuss first, and first decide on the general layout, and then we will discuss the details with everyone later." Luo Xia said.

Luo Xia's expression instantly became serious when it came to matters concerning the team.

Although it is indeed a bit early to discuss this at this time, there is no harm in planning ahead.

As a matter of fact, he already had a general plan in mind for how he would play against the MTC team.

In the MTC team, as the captain, An Ye Wu Feng naturally has a strong strength and a strong offensive ability.

The WSF team that Luoxia and the others have already defeated requires a more stable team style, and they prefer to carry in the bottom lane.

And the MTC team also has their own style of play, that is, the middle and wild linkage!
The strongest position of the MTC team is in the jungle, which means that their mid laner cannot be more stable like the WSF team's mid laner.

That's right, the mid laner of the MTC team has an offensive style!
Among the several well-known mid laners in the LPL, only the QWG team has two mid laners.

The two mid laners are of course Lin Xinran and Zuo Tiande. It can be said that they have two styles, one shield and one spear.

The other big teams all have only one mid laner.

Among the already completely cold EAF team, Xuelian Cangming was originally known as the number one mid laner in the national server, but because his style was more offensive, he was known as the number one offensive mid laner in the national server.

Correspondingly, Lin Xinran is known as the most stable mid laner in the national server.

The mid laner of the WSF team, You Ran Zixin, is known as the second most stable mid laner in the national server.

And the mid laner of the MTC team, the scorching sun, is the player known as the second offensive mid laner in the national server!

Dark Night and Sunny Sun sound like they are completely opposite each other, but they are an extremely terrifying mid-field combination in the LPL.

The MTC team can achieve the current results, and the strength of their mid-field combination is indispensable.

Of course, Zuo Tiande's strength is also extremely strong, otherwise he wouldn't be the substitute mid laner of the QWG team.

Even after his unstoppable mid-single Juggernaut in the World Championship, many viewers felt that his current strength had surpassed that of the scorching sun.

However, Zuo Tiande has always given people a feeling of being careless, and his performance is not very stable.

When it is strong, it is indeed very strong, and it can perform some extremely amazing operations, but when it is weak, it is indeed easy to be caught and make mistakes.

Because of this, the evaluation of his comprehensive strength has been fluctuating up and down.

The QWG team Luo Xia didn't think about it for the time being, but the strength of the MTC team's middle-field combination happened to be overwhelmed by Luo Xia and the others!

For a lane attacking mid laner, even if the opponent is a sharp spear, Luo Xia is confident that he can beat the opponent.

Because Luo Xia is an all-around type, attacking mid laner, facing players of the same style in the lane, spear to spear, no one can be sharper than him!
Dark Night Wufeng's style is also more offensive, and Flying Eagle is also a player with the same style. In the jungle position, they are also spear-to-spear.

He has absolute confidence in Feiying's strength.

Even if Anye Wufeng is the long-established No. [-] jungler in the national server, Flying Eagle will definitely not be weaker than him in the fight for the jungler position.

The MTC team is good at the mid-field linkage, and Luo Xia's mid-field linkage between Luo Xia and Flying Eagle is extremely powerful.

Since the playing styles of the two sides are exactly the same to a certain extent, the simplest and rude way is to head-to-head to decide the winner!
Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Luo Xia said all the thoughts in her heart, Jin Yuena nodded, and began to analyze the specific battle data of the MTC team.

Lu Shiyan also put forward some suggestions for the MTC team's bot lane style of play.

The three of them kept discussing all of this, and the time slowly passed away unconsciously.
(End of this chapter)

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