League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1472 Regular Interruptions Everyday

Chapter 1472 Regular Interruptions Everyday (Second Change)
After an unknown amount of time, the three of them finally had a discussion.

Jin Yuena looked at the watch in Luo Xia's hand, and then at the time on the watch, she left without saying anything.

After Jin Yuena left, Luo Xia stretched her waist and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, Yueli is really a workaholic, she works so hard at noon." Luo Xia said.

The next second, looking at the time on the watch, Luo Xia couldn't help being surprised.

"Why is it this time, the rest time is almost over, Shiyan, let's go to rest quickly." Luo Xia said.

Saying that, she pulled Lu Shiyan to the bed.

Lu Shiyan didn't notice the watch that had changed shape in Luo Xia's hand until now, and couldn't help asking: "Xia, why does your watch look different?"

Hearing her words, Luo Xia couldn't help laughing, and said: "Shiyan, it's amazing, if Yueli hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known this usage."

"It turns out that it is already very comfortable to wear, and it is more comfortable to wear it this way, just like not feeling its existence."

While talking, the two had already walked to the bedside.

"Also, Yueli was a little angry today because of the allocation of the room. She said that as long as I always wear this watch and never leave my body, she will not be angry."

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so easy to let her calm down. I used to feel a headache, but now I don't worry at all."

Luo Xia spoke to herself, but Lu Shiyan was slightly startled when she heard his words.

"Xia, you mean sister Yueli said that as long as you keep wearing the watch she gave you and don't leave your body, she won't be angry with you this time?" Lu Shiyan said.

"Yes." Luo Xia nodded.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with such a thing.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, with the girl's sensitive mind, Lu Shiyan vaguely felt something.

Reminiscent of the scene where Jin Yuena came in to discuss tactics against the MTC team just when the two were about to rest, Lu Shiyan couldn't help but think of some possibility.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Shiyan said: "Xia, have you ever wondered if Sister Yueli likes you?"

Hearing what Lu Shiyan said, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly stunned.

After that, he himself was almost amused by Lu Shiyan's words.

"Haha, Shiyan, stop joking, with her identity and status, if you think about it, you know it's impossible." Luo Xia said.

Lu Shiyan knew that Luo Xia's words did make sense.

From a common sense point of view, this is indeed impossible.

But can feelings be judged by common sense?

Just like when she met Luo Xia for the first time, she didn't expect that she would fall in love with Luo Xia so irresistibly.

Seeing what Lu Shiyan was still thinking about, Luo Xia said: "Shiyan, go to sleep, don't think about what you have."

Afterwards, he yawned a little, hugged Lu Shiyan in his arms, and said, "Go to sleep, otherwise I really won't be able to sleep."

After speaking, he hugged Lu Shiyan directly and fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Shiyan didn't think about anything else, she closed her beautiful eyes and soon fell asleep.

At this time, Jin Yuena was standing there quietly in the corridor outside their room.

The coldness on her pretty face had melted a little at some point.

"There's only so little time left for him to do anything else."

As Jin Yuena said this, the corners of her lips curled imperceptibly, and her mood improved inexplicably.

After that, she didn't stay any longer, and walked directly to her room.

After a day of training, Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan returned home.

For the next few days, what made Luo Xia feel helpless was that Jin Yuena would come to him every day at noon to discuss some matters.

Every time he and Lu Shiyan came out of the bathroom and finished discussing things with Jin Yuena, there was not much time to rest.

And every time Jin Yuena discusses things with him, it can't be said that they are not important, almost all of them are very important, even very important things.

But if I have to say, these things are not so urgent, there is no need to put it at noon to discuss.

On this day, after Jin Yuena left again, Luo Xia couldn't help mumbling.

"This Yueli, who says she doesn't want to be angry anymore, still deliberately comes here at noon every day. She clearly doesn't want to make me feel better."

In his opinion, although Jin Yuena said she was not angry anymore, she was not honest at all.

Jin Yuena came here at noon every day. From Luo Xia's point of view, it was obvious that she deliberately disturbed his rest to make him feel better.

However, Luo Xia was so nervous that he didn't realize anything, relying on the girl's sensitive mind, Lu Shiyan vaguely felt something.

Every time Jin Yuena came in, her eyes were calm, and she couldn't see any anger. It was obvious that she didn't come here on purpose because she was angry with Luo Xia.

And when she discussed team matters with the two, she couldn't finish the discussion in a short while, and the time would be delayed.

As for Jin Yuena's real purpose, Lu Shiyan also had a vague guess, but it was her guess after all, she didn't say it out.

Besides, as Luo Xia said, that possibility is too small, she feels a little unbelievable...

Because the competition in the same group has already been completed, there is a gap of several days between the competitions in different groups and the same group.

Even if the competition between different groups started, the first few rounds of the competition did not put too much pressure on Luo Xia and the others.

The training tasks for Luo Xia and the others these days are not considered heavy.

In the past few days, Luo Xia's overall training has also turned into batch training.

The focus of training is basically on Ke Bei, Lao Lang and Zhao Hao.

Although they are substitutes in the team, Luo Xia will not let them be benched, he cannot do such a thing.

What's more, with the strength of the three of them, even if they are among the best in other LPL teams, they are willing to serve as substitutes in the team. How can Luo Xia forget this friendship?
In games between different groups, Luo Xia will definitely continue to let the three of them play, and the chances of playing will not be much less than the starters.

Jin Yuena has no objection to this point.

The main substitutes are interspersed on the field, and it will be more difficult for other teams to do data analysis, which is also good for hiding the team's strength.

At the same time, she also knew that this was Luo Xia, and she respected and trusted the three of Ke Bei!

(End of this chapter)

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