Chapter 1475 Another Phone Call (First Change)
Seeing Luo Xia in a daze, Ye Xingli's lips curved slightly, and said: "Son, Mom is serious, do you really not think about what Mom said?"

Saying that, Ye Xingli's beautiful eyes showed a look of narrowness.

"Besides, little sister Jin is not just about her identity, her extremely hot figure, and her natural charming charm, on the bed, I'm afraid she won't disappoint you~"

on the bed
Hearing Ye Xingli's words, Luo Xia couldn't help turning a little red.

"Mom, stop joking."

After finishing speaking, looking at Ye Xingli who was smiling sweetly in front of him, Luo Xia said again: "Mom, why does your personality resemble that goblin sometimes?"


Although it was the first time he heard this name from Luo Xia, Ye Xingli immediately knew who Luo Xia was referring to.

Ye Xingli smiled slightly, and said, "You mean little sister Jin, right? In fact, our two personalities are greatly influenced by each other."

"In the past, my personality was not what it is now, but it was similar to Bing'er, and it could even be said to be carved out of the same mold."

"But then I was influenced by little sister Jin, and my personality began to change after marrying your father, so I'm no longer as cold as before."

Hearing Ye Xingli's words, Luo Xia couldn't help but nodded.

But soon, he realized something from Ye Xingli's words.

"Bing'er?" Luo Xia asked in surprise.

Only then did Ye Xingli remember that Luo Xia didn't know that Ye Binger was his aunt.

After thinking about it, Ye Xingli wasn't ready to tell Luo Xia about it yet, and said with a smile, "It's the female commentator Ye Binger. She was trained by me."

"We were like sisters when we were training in Yaodu, that's what I've always called her."

Hearing what Ye Xingli said, Luo Xia didn't think too much, after all what she said was really reasonable.

If she hadn't reminded her, Luo Xia would have almost forgotten that Ye Bing'er was trained by her alone.

Luo Xia almost understood the influence of Ye Xingli's personality.

If Ye Xingli's personality was really as cold as Ye Binger's, then Jin Yuena's 'Yueli' cold personality was completely influenced by Ye Xingli.

And Ye Xingli's little devil-like personality must have been influenced by that goblin-like Jin Yuena's personality.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help feeling helpless.

The two of them are really in love with each other.

Seeing Luo Xia's expression, Ye Xingli said: "What's the matter, good son, I figured it out, are you going to take little sister Jin too~"

Hearing Ye Xingli's words, Luo Xia couldn't help but turn a little red again, and said, "Mom, don't make such jokes."

"Even if you don't talk about other things, just talk about her character."

Before Luo Xia finished speaking, Ye Xingli smiled and said, "Are you trying to say that she has a slight split personality, so it's impossible for a man to conquer her?"

After Ye Xingli finished speaking, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback.

He didn't expect that Ye Xingli knew about this.

Seeing Luo Xia's expression, Ye Xingli smiled slightly, and said: "Even if she has two completely different personalities, my son is so good, he can conquer her two personalities."

"Furthermore, even if it is a split personality, there will still be a dominant personality. As long as her dominant personality is conquered, everything else will be much easier~"

Hearing Ye Xingli's words, Luo Xia felt speechless for a while.

However, after hearing Ye Xingli's words, he still couldn't help being curious.

"One of her two personalities dominates, which one is it?" Luo Xia asked curiously.

The corners of Ye Xingli's lips curved slightly, and said: "Jinghua Yueji, she is so charming to the world, which personality is dominant, do I still need to ask~"

Hearing Ye Xingli say this, Luo Xia couldn't help but suddenly realized.

It turns out that the dominant part of Jin Yuena's character is the fairy character
Ye Xingli smiled, and said, "Good son, now, can you consider accepting little sister Jin and make her your mother's daughter-in-law~"

Hearing Ye Xingli's words, Luo Xia didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Xingli kept saying that she wanted him to accept Jin Yuena, Su Chunyu said the same, even Lu Shiyan felt that Jin Yuena liked him.

But Luo Xia really didn't have such a thought in his heart.

What's more, the two of them now, apart from the competition, there is almost no intersection in other aspects.

Could Jin Yuena find him at home other than at the base?

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

At this moment, Luo Xia's cell phone rang.

Luo Xia took out her mobile phone to check, and found that it was Lu Shiyan calling.

When Luo Xia went back to his hometown to worship and came back to look for Ye Xingli, it was Su Chunyu who called. Today when he came to look for Ye Xingli, Lu Shiyan called again.

Come to think of it, it's really a coincidence.

"Mom, I'll answer the phone." Luo Xia said to Ye Xingli.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Ye Xingli nodded with a smile.

Luo Xia answered the phone and said, "Shiyan, what's the matter?"


Soon, I saw Luo Xia nodding, oh.

However, in the next second, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xia still hadn't recovered.

After a while, he said to Ye Xingli: "Mom, I might, I have to go back."

"Alright, be careful on the road." Ye Xingli said.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xia left the office and rushed home.

After Luo Xia left, the corners of Ye Xingli's lips could not help but bend slightly.

"This time, who is here again?"

She already knew that last time Luo Hai went to Luo Xia's house suddenly, that's why Luo Xia left in a hurry.

This time, who will it be?

Ye Xingli didn't know what to think of, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's little sister Jin~" Ye Xingli smiled and said to himself.

Soon, she also shook her head lightly, not continuing to think about this issue.

I don't know if I think this result is impossible, or I already have the answer in my heart.

Immediately afterwards, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the number she was so familiar with.

"Tianqiong, have you found out who attacked your son last time?" Ye Xingli asked.

Luo Xia was right, Yu Tianqiong was not at Piao Piao Yu TV during this time, it was not because he went out to play.

But it was absolutely impossible for him to think that Yu Mantang actually went to investigate the group of bloody people!
"Xingli, I'm still investigating."

On the other side of the phone, Yu Tianqiong's voice came.

Ye Xingli smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, if you find out about it, please tell me and I'll look for you."

"Dare to hurt my son, no matter who the opponent is!"

Speaking of the latter, although she was laughing, she couldn't help but have a murderous look in her words!
After the two chatted for a while, Ye Xingli hung up the phone and sat at the desk to process the documents.

With a wave of her jade hand, she turned back into the beautiful Yu Duoduo again.

(End of this chapter)

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